@Regendorf HAHA! Very good. Just so you guys no my GM style is simple: I will say "Yes, But" to pretty much everything and let the roll and consequences go from there.
@Regendorf Grace and Quilted... I know Quilted is an armour quality, I do not know where you are pulling Grace from (point it out to me).
[@Everyone] I have added a quick rules summary of Edge of the Empire to the Mega Drive. It covers the dice mechanic, Combat, and skills. It should help you understand the game better.
@Regendorf Grace and Quilted... I know Quilted is an armour quality, I do not know where you are pulling Grace from (point it out to me).
[@Everyone] I have added a quick rules summary of Edge of the Empire to the Mega Drive. It covers the dice mechanic, Combat, and skills. It should help you understand the game better.