Avatar of Evestra
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  • Posts: 20 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Evestra 10 yrs ago


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I'm Evestra a 20 something female looking for some exciting RP. This is definitely 18+ because I want smut to be a major component of any of these RPs. If this isn't your cup of tea I completely understand.

I consider myself to be a low advanced/high casual writer but I definitely prioritize activity over grandiloquence.

All RP will be over PM's

If you are no longer interested in a plot then just let me know and we can drop it. I would rather have one, short, complete piece of work than a long one that trails off into nothing.

Pairings I am interested in:

These are by no means exhaustive but they give you an idea about what I am interested in. If there is something you want to do drop me a PM and let me know!


The spell twisted in Merci's magical vision. She saw how Baladras altered the fabric of her spell. With an effort of will she twisted her own spellwork into the shape he had made. The light flickered for a minute and then steadied into a constant illumination. Progress. She felt absurdly pleased with something so small as a better light spell and was glad that the heat of the battle left them all flushed. She coughed, the grave dust and ozone of spells flaying her throat.

Watching the men work was not an unpleasant way to catch her breath. She watched, appreciatively, their corded muscles bulged as they heaved the lids from ancient stone sarcophagi.

“At least we know that the rumors are true and the place hasn’t already been looted,” she commented quietly, excited despite the danger by the possibility of gain. She brushed the scroll with her fingertips, hungry for anything magical but she restrained herself. Old Colb had used a scroll of invisibility once and she had seen it crumble to dust, leaving him none the wiser. Better to wait, there was certain to be magical lore to be gained, but it wasn’t here. She pocketed some of the gold, figuring that, at least, would allow her to eat.

“You think the dead are smart enough to wait in ambush?” she whispered to Hector as she moved forward leaving the others to divide the remaining spoils. They hadn't fared to badly, and thus far she hadn't managed to embarrass herself in front of the more experienced spell casters.
As soon as the jetlag passes and I can read english again ill get you my character sheet
Merci was glad that the darkness hid her blush. There were several mages with the group and most of them might have managed the magelight with more skill and elegance than she did. It wasn’t her fault that her training was spotty but she could feel the judging eyes of the other on her back.

When the trap sprang she had a momentary flash of horror, afraid that it was her fault. It was followed by an equally guilty rush of vindication that it hadn’t been her that had fouled up. Focus. You can feel guilty and still be alive if you keep your mind on the job. She fell back behind the warriors. There was little she could do directly, she doubted that the undead would fall for illusions. Fire. They were dry like kindling. Her own abilities with destruction were meager at best, but there was more than one way to skin a saber cat.

“Space! I need space,” she yelled above the crash of swords. With practiced strokes she began scratching a hasty summoning circle onto the moss covered stones. She could call up someone who would bring fire. Magicka shivered through her body. The first time she had done this she had been surrounded by chanting cultists, crazed with halluonegienc laced wine. Keep you mind on the present! She reached for the Daedra as she called its name under her breath. It writhed against her will like a snake. Grimly she ground her intent against it, forcing the Daedra to take the shape she wanted, forcing it to obey her. The fire atronach began to rise from the ground, the heat of it warming her skin but not burning her. It was forbidden to burn her, though in its heart it wanted nothing more than to drag her to the primordial fire from whence it came.
Yes im definitely still up for it
Im going to be flying to Australia Tomorrow so I may be a little sluggish, I will try to keep my posting schedule though.

Look for the big maple? How in the name of oblivion was she supposed to know which one was a maple. Well Merci, she said to herself, look for the one with the leaves. Fortunately any additional botany proved unnecessary, using the sound of the voice and the sense of a spell she was able to get close enough to where both the fog and the trees seemed to thin out.

The grizzled Hector and the Dark Elf, Berig or Balen or something both stood in the small clearing. Neither one seemed the source of the voice.

"Hello gentlemen," she introduced herself, hiding her relief at being in the company of others and out of the cursed fog. The barrow stood infront of her, impressive in an ancient brooding sort of way. As a child she had once gone to Privateer's Hold on a dare. This looked centuries older than that ruin. Merci closed her fist and her magelight winked out, the dimness of the fog redoubling.
Merci swore in Breton and not for the first, or tenth time. The fog and the forest made what would have been a difficult task nearly impossible. Blindly, she stumbled between tree bohles that must have been ancient when Tiber Septim walked the earth. Forests were not her strong suite, sure, she had played in the woods as a child but this was something else. Her mind conjured all manner of enemies in the oppressive fog, spiders, wolves, worse.

Deliberately she stopped and calmed herself. Old Jaq, her tutor in the arts of stealth, always maintained that taking a moment to catch your breath never hurt. Of course Jaq had been killed taking too long in a burglary, so the advice was of dubious quality. There was no true quiet of course, the wildlife chirped and called undisturbed, but without her crashing around, she might be able to hear something.

Distantly, muffled through the fog, she heard voices. Cautiously she pressed forward through the trees. Pausing for a moment she considered the possibility that it was bandits or some other enemy. It seemed unlikely this far off the beaten path, and there was the chance of taking an arrow or blade in the stomach from a nervous ally to consider as well. Comprising she called up her magicka, enjoying the surge of it in her soul. Then she created a magelight, a weak and sputtering thing, but obvious in the fog. With an effort of will she propelled it out ten yards in front of her and started forward.

“Hello?” she called questioningly.
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