• Last Seen: MIA
  • Old Guild Username: Desour
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 21 (0.01 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Louise Helm 11 yrs ago


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Hello there!
I don't even know what I am doing here Dx! I am a junior in high school, and I am doing my SATs. I just can't stay away from role playing for long! So I am going to skip the boring info about my life and get to business! Shall we, milady ;)? Or sir.. or whatever you are. (TELL ME IF YOU'RE A DOG UNICORN, I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER. )

I am more into long term partnership, so if you're here looking for something so you can drop it a week later--- Spare me the heartbreak and get out.

Just kidding, I am ready to play something short term, but don't drop something I am putting so much effort in.

I usually post from my phone, so I might take time even if I am online or OOC-ing chat with you! I prefer emails for the roleplay and google chat or KiK for OOC. Because I talk a lot and I love planning with my partners.

OH my god! I haven't even said anything for real!

I post anywhere from 1 to 8 paragraphs, sometimes more, sometimes less. (Not less than 7 lines.)

I have good grammar and punctuation, or so I would like to think. I expect you to be decent when it comes to English!

I accept criticism quite well because English isn't actually my first language, so I am bound to make mistakes!

I play either genders, but please don't come here telling me you won't play that or this. You will have to play either anyway because that's how partnership goes. You let something go for something else. Same with me, of course!

I am into romance/drama/slice of life sort of thing. Yes I am a total cliché. I am also up to play something with a fantasy/sci-fi twist, I would actually love it even!

I have a few plots/vague ideas, so I will just rest what I want to do here, and you can PM me and discuss it.

Oh and also I have no limits with language, a little violence is good, a lot of violence makes me sick. I usually play out the.. 'scenes', but I will probably fade to black, especially if it had already happened once in the story. Like okay people! We get it, you guys are banging.

OH MY GOD, DID YOU GUYS SEE RYAN GOSLING SHIRTLESS?! HELL YEAH I DID. (Just watched Crazy, stupid, love. Just to see him shirtless, I mean! COME. ON.)

Okay sorry.

Pairings/Cravings/Rough explanation. . Tres rough;

-College life (lots of doubling! Big roleplay!) (Or something small, like guy and girl end up together in same dorm. Have a sorta not as cliché as it sounds idea.)

-Work-setting (I have a rough idea.)

-Something old-lover-ish. (I have a fixed idea for that.)

- Something like young player x maid (Maybe an idea or two?)

-Something arranged marriage. (I am yet to find a GOOD one to satisfy that.)

-Woman with a kid x Guy (whatever he may be.)

* * * * *

I am more interested in playing M x F, but I am ready to try and play M x M. F x F makes me feel a little uncomfortable.

If you don't like any of my ideas, but you think you are up to role playing with me.

Hit me up with a PM ^-^! xx
Hello there!
I don't even know what I am doing here Dx! I am a junior in high school, and I am doing my SATs. I just can't stay away from role playing for long! So I am going to skip the boring info about my life and get to business! Shall we, milady ;)? Or sir.. or whatever you are. (TELL ME IF YOU'RE A DOG UNICORN, I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER. )

I am more into long term partnership, so if you're here looking for something so you can drop it a week later--- Spare me the heartbreak and get out.

Just kidding, I am ready to play something short term, but don't drop something I am putting so much effort in.

I usually post from my phone, so I might take time even if I am online or OOC-ing chat with you! I prefer emails for the roleplay and google chat or KiK for OOC. Because I talk a lot and I love planning with my partners.

OH my god! I haven't even said anything for real!

I post anywhere from 1 to 8 paragraphs, sometimes more, sometimes less. (Not less than 7 lines.)

I have good grammar and punctuation, or so I would like to think. I expect you to be decent when it comes to English!

I accept criticism quite well because English isn't actually my first language, so I am bound to make mistakes!

I play either genders, but please don't come here telling me you won't play that or this. You will have to play either anyway because that's how partnership goes. You let something go for something else. Same with me, of course!

I am into romance/drama/slice of life sort of thing. Yes I am a total cliché. I am also up to play something with a fantasy/sci-fi twist, I would actually love it even!

I have a few plots/vague ideas, so I will just rest what I want to do here, and you can PM me and discuss it.

Oh and also I have no limits with language, a little violence is good, a lot of violence makes me sick. I usually play out the.. 'scenes', but I will probably fade to black, especially if it had already happened once in the story. Like okay people! We get it, you guys are banging.

OH MY GOD, DID YOU GUYS SEE RYAN GOSLING SHIRTLESS?! HELL YEAH I DID. (Just watched Crazy, stupid, love. Just to see him shirtless, I mean! COME. ON.)

Okay sorry.

Pairings/Cravings/Rough explanation. . Tres rough;

-College life (lots of doubling! Big roleplay!) (Or something small, like guy and girl end up together in same dorm. Have a sorta not as cliché as it sounds idea.)

-Work-setting (I have a rough idea.)

-Something old-lover-ish. (I have a fixed idea for that.)

- Something like young player x maid (Maybe an idea or two?)

-Something arranged marriage. (I am yet to find a GOOD one to satisfy that.)

-Woman with a kid x Guy (whatever he may be.)

* * * * *

I am more interested in playing M x F, but I am ready to try and play M x M. F x F makes me feel a little uncomfortable.

If you don't like any of my ideas, but you think you are up to role playing with me.

Hit me up with a PM ^-^! xx
Jason stared at Avril as she passed by, and he didn't appreciate the glance she threw at him as he hissed slightly. Amanda looked back to Avril, and Adam, she waved at Adam slightly in attempt to lighten the tense mood in between the couples. Jason scowled. ''For f**k's sake, are you really befriending the dog?'' He asked, crossing his arms. Amanda blinked, and looked back up at Jason. ''At least he doesn't want anything from me. He doesn't /need/ anything or rather something in particular from me. I think that makes him good enough to befriend him.'' She spit out, and began walking away to their next class. Jason stared at Adam, and Avril's retreating backs, and only rolled his eyes as he followed behind Amanda. He only had to bare with Amanda's anger state for a while, he was sure she was going to come around. And although her mind spoke nothing around him at the moment, he knew she was going to come around, and fall right at his feet-- once again. At least he hoped so.

After four more hours, that included a couple more lectures, and lunch break in between.
''I am going home early.'' Amanda said, as she gathered her things.

''It's a little sunny still, stay for a while.'' He said, with a smile, that seemed forced and rehearsed.

Amanda was clearly still mad at him.''I have better things to do, you go find another meal for dinner while you hang out in the library, ha.'' She said, as if she was suggesting, but sarcasm was dripping out of her full lips.

Before more words could be spoken, she walked off, leaving him being. Knowing Amanda, Jason groaned--quite loudly, and made his way to the library. Jason could only wait for a certain limit, and he knew how well he effected Amanda, so it wasn't going to take long. Almost all the college was filling out, while Amanda made her way to Adam's office. She only wanted to thank him without being a total mess, and crying. She knocked the door, and slipped inside. ''Professor?'' She said, trying to catch his attention. She gave him a soft smile. her face was washed now, all the make-up has been removed, and only traces of eyeliner were around her eyelids. ''I am sorry for breaking down on you earlier, and thank you very much.'' She said, lowering her head slightly. '' Good luck with whatever problem you got as well.'' She added, she looked a little nervous, and embarrassed as she stood there.
Amanda's cheeks grew redder when he planted a kiss on the top of her head, a smile breaking on her tear stained face. She looked up at him, with begging eyes as he began to pull himself away from her. She eventually slipped her arms off his torso, she looked down at her sleeves, biting her lower lips. ''Uhm, yeah sure.'' She said, and got off the desk. She picked up her bag from the floor, and hurried behind him. ''I think I am going to go to my next class, it is starting in about fifteen minutes. Thank you Mr. Adam.'' She called out behind him, and walked to the other way to her next class, hoping to avoid Jason.

Jason continued walking off, as he heard Avril apologize, but didn't turn back. When he was far enough, he couldn't hear her thoughts any longer. He ran his hand through his hair, and bumped into a familiar body. His arms instantly wrapping around her to stop her from falling down. ''Amanda..'' He said, and she looked dumbfounded. ''Uhm, excuse me I need to get to class.'' She mumbled, and pulled away from him, she looked slightly scared. ''You smell like a wet dog.'' He mumbled, and Amanda shot him a warning look, before starting to walk away. ''Amanda! I promise I won't bite you again! Don't leave me alone!'' He called out behind her, which caused a few people to look at them. ''I am a sex monkey, do you mind?'' He hissed as he looked at a group of girls that were staring at him, and all they did was giggle and walk off. Jason rolled his eyes, and kept up with Amanda. ''Don't talk about it again, and you are not getting anything either.'' She mumbled, and Jason was aware she was dead serious.
Amanda listened to his rambling, and a smile was on her face, as she realized she could sit there and listen to his whole life story and not get bored. He was interesting, just like any other-- creature. She didn't get to know Jason's whole story, but that was because he was stubborn, but it seemed easier to get it out of Adam, and she planned to do just so. As he asked his question, she became nervous, what if he thought she was weak? Or-- some pathetic human. As he came closer, her nervousness only grew. She looked up at him, shivers running down her body as his fingers rested under her jaw. She stared up at him for what seemed like an hour, soft tears slipping down her cheeks. A blush colored her cheeks, as he pulled her into a hug. She was stiff for a few seconds, then her arms wrapped around his bigger figure, bringer her smaller torso closer to his. As her head rested on his shoulder. ''Thank you.'' Came out her weak voice after what seemed like a minute or two.

Jason watched as Avril began understanding all the hints he had been throwing out there. He smiled slightly, as she continued to reason with herself. ''See, running away didn't do you any good.'' He said, and before he could reply, she was closer than before. He raised an eyebrow, and listened to her carefully. ''You're right. I am as you call it-- a lone wolf. So what? At least I am free. And I can protect myself, I can kill if it gets that bad. You have a lot more than I will ever have.'' He said, and wrapped his arms around her, slipping his belt off. ''See you later, Avril.'' He said, as he began walking away, slipping his belt back on. ''Good luck'' He mumbled one last time, and slammed the door behind him. He was angry, really angry, only because he knew one thing-- she was right, very right.
Amanda titled her head slightly, and watched as his arms moved back to put his hair in a ponytail, almost instantly she bit down her bottom lip, stopping anything stupid from slipping out. ''How old are you exactly? Because men had long hair from way-- I mean way back, so tell me when exactly were you born? Are you guys immortal like vampires too?'' She asked, hopping up on his desk. She giggled. ''Well, glad you could make it here, and teach us, I am sure it will be an interesting semester.'' She said, offering him a soft smile. What he asked next, made the smile off her lips, and she instantly lowered her head. She gulped softly. ''Uhm.'' She mumbled, fiddling with the ends of her sweatshirt slightly. ''Because I have no one else? Because he was the only one to be okay with me being around? I don't really know why, but it was fun having someone around.'' She added, wiping her tear stained face, rubbing her eyes in attempt to stop her self from crying.

Jason was smiling the whole time as Avril had a hard time being so close to him, but he didn't comment, and before he could continue his plan by making her uncomfortable. He looked back at her. ''Yes I am very shy, but you also smell-- like a wet dog. It isn't nice, your perfume also interferes with the smell-- It is weird.'' He explained. ''I can find my own food, I can feed off you right now, but your lover, Adam, will end up killing me, so it is not worth it I suppose.'' He added, and finally stopped pacing around. ''Erase that smug look off your face at least I am not an Omega that is traded in between packs, or whatever. At least I don't obey just /any/ alpha.'' He said, almost as if he was scolding.
Amanda smiled, and nodded. ''Keeping its length, alright then.'' She mumbled, and continued to run the brush through his hair. ''My name is Amanda.'' She answered, and grabbed the scissors, as he let out a rumble, she giggled. ''I thought only cats like it when people touch their hair.'' She commented, running her hand through his hair this time, before pushing his head slightly to the front. ''Stay still.'' She mumbled, and began working through his hair, moving his head as she worked all around his hair. When she was done, she brushed through his hair once again, and tapped his shoulder. ''I am done!'' She exclaimed, and stood up, dusting herself off. ''I think I pretty much did a good job-- as expected.'' She said, flipping her long hair off her shoulder with a smile, before dusting off his shoulders as well. His hair was indeed cleanly trimmed, of course it got slightly shorter, but in the same length range. She leaned in again, and adjusted his hair. ''Why do you keep it long anyway? Aren't you supposed to have some sort of short hair cut to become a teacher?'' She asked, as she continued to play with his hair, almost as if she didn't notice. ''It is soft too.'' She added, and pulled back.

Jason laughed out loud instead of his low chuckles, as she kept up with him. He didn't move as she advanced closer to him. ''I know you don't have a choice, but neither does Amanda, and you rubbed it in her face. It's payback, sweetie.'' He said, and smirked, as she continued to explain the whole situation. ''Awww, so you poor little thing are stuck with some alpha for the rest of your life? I can kill you, and that would be a lot easier.'' He added, as he realized she didn't know Adam was her fiance she was assigned to marry. He chuckled as she began walking away, his cold hand instantly held into her wrist, feeling her pulse under his hand, and pulled her back. This time she was cornered between his feet. ''And you're shy too, how adorable.'' He added, his hand falling off her wrist, his eyes darkened slightly, as his desire grew, and the feeling of her warm breath, and pulse close by didn't help. This time he walked away from her, and began pacing around. ''And I don't know how long Amanda is going to stay mad, damn it.'' He mumbled, more to himself than to anyone else.
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