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    1. LouLou 11 yrs ago
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Things are moving so fast! Sorry if I missed anyone in my post, not a lot of time to make it but wanted to keep things moving.
Maggie didn't notice that the blonde woman was speaking to her at first. She stared at her blankly before forcing a smile. Time to test out her people skills.
"Fine," she replied, examining the woman "just isn't my usual crowd." Not that she had a crowd. As her eyes shifted again to the surrounding groups she found another woman staring, at her or her new acquaintance? Either way she was smiling, approaching even.

A genuine smile crept to Maggie's face upon hearing Irisara's greeting, and only flinched for a moment upon seeing the magic displayed on her hand.
"Maggie, and any number of drink would make all of this go down easier. This is-" she stopped in mid gesture to the blonde, realizing they hadn't actually gone through introductions. Thankfully two more showed to their table. To think she was worried about finding people merely seconds ago. The first man, Cypher looked young, especially to be in a war. Gideon didn't apparently to much of a warrior either. But looks didn't mean much, as she well knew. She smiled at the newcomers and folded her arms.
"That depends. I'm only interested in the serious work, the big ranks." She raised an eye brown as yet another man came to the table. A very social group they had growing here.
This was not Maggie's day. Dragged out of her work to attend a meeting for soldiers? And arriving late. The glares she had received from commanders. As though there was time to go through every report that passed through the camp each day. But this was wholly unfair. Maggie had expected to fight, this was war and she was a sort of soldier. Technically. Part of her was even looking forward to it, first hand observations of her work. Any grunt could use her tools, but none of them knew what to look for as she had quickly learned.

Still, it was supposed to be orderly, teams assigned and formed by generals with lists and knowledge about candidates. This put her in a futile position.  She was not unaware of how she looked, especially surrounded by fully armored warriors. Nor was there any chance of being mistaken as a magic user. No, there where no misconceptions in Maggie's mind. Barely scraping past five feet, small frame, mangled hands, and generally disheveled looks would not win her allies. If anything she appeared to have just lost a fight. A small growl of frustration slipped out and she kicked the table leg. So much for testing; she'd be stuck scouting around the camp for bandits with this system in place. If she was going to fight it had to be the big baddies.

The other soldiers around the room where an odd collection to be sure. Only a few where in uniform, Earth Kingdom troops she recognized but couldn't differentiate ranks. Most where in their own clothing, or armor. Warriors where easiest to pick out, the way the others carried themselves gave off the same effect as full plated armor and heavy arms. No, these people wouldn't see her worth. She'd have to show them. Silently grumbling, Maggie scowled, slouching in her seat and began to knaw at a blacked thumbnail in thought.
Are you still open for new players?

<Snipped quote by LouLou>

This [hider=My Hider][/hider] is how it should look like. If you're lucky changing the capital H to a normal one will do.

Muchos gracias
@LouLouMy bad, I just settled the game near New York, should have said that earlier. Sorry. But Phoenix sounds nice to!
Other than that very good! A lot more info than I expected about the tribe!

I can change location. It was really just 'what place wouldn't get bombed'. What I know about Arizona could fit in a thimble; I had to Google the capital.

Edit: We're neighbour's. get ready.

Oh dear. Well my hiders are not working. Happy scrolling.

All good.
Very very much a wip. But I mostly just wanted to get the idea for my tribe up and out of the way.

If anyone wishes to joined the Omrojo Tribe (Ohm-roY-O) feel free, also let me know if you want to add to it. I probably will. Pretty sure I forgot tons already.

Also looking for a tribe to be warring with! Otherwise will be making one up.

I was thinking tribal as well. Were you thinking a number tribes or everyone from the same?
<Snipped quote by LouLou>

Accepted, but i would like to see a post example

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