Name: Aishla Ias-Omrojo
Age: 20

Profession/Role in the tribe: Scout/scavenger
Tribe/Clan etc: Tribe Omrojo.
Tribe Omrojo is newly settled in the ruins of the suburbs of New York. Of course most buildings are completely gone without a trace, but a few of the more stable concrete structure have retrained some for of shape, and can provide some shelter even if they're not all together safe.
The main work in the tribe is simply waring and conquering others. Though primitive, they are extremely efficient in their methods. They begin by cutting off the rival tribes most commonly used routes to water. After two days, the choice is given to the rivals; surrender and become of the Omrojo, or battle. If they surrender the tribe is taken into the fold and only it's leader(s) killed, in a merciful execution. Should it turn to fighting, and the Omrojo win every man is killed, the leaders have their eyes gouged out and are tied to an immovable object to be taken by wild animals, thirst, or the gods as penance for their own tribe. The women and children are accepted into the tribe regardless. Though those whom have given birth to foreign children may never marry in the tribe. All men are warriors, most women are trained in combat, in case the tribe is attacked while men are out fighting, and to defend themselves while hunting and scavenging the the wastes. The children and taken care of and taught by elders, who are also responsible for most healing remedies.
Leadership of the tribe has two positions; the war leader, and the leader of people. The war leader, typical refereed to 'war man' makes all decisions regarding who, when, and how to attack. The position go to the man who has slain the most enemies, otherwise there are no restrictions as to who can hold the position. Leader of the people, or the 'all leader' directs all other activity within the tribe. He assigns jobs, chooses the path when traveling, can set in place new laws (but never change the old ones), and decides all justice. This leader is chosen by his predecessor, but must have a permanent wife at the time he is chosen, and during his rule. If his wife or one of their children die during this time, he must choose another to take his place. Separate from either of these two, is a third role; the tribe mother. Most of the people would deny she has any power in the tribe, though if she is the right person can wield a great deal of influence. She is a guiding for to the individuals of the tribe, oversees the most important rituals and helps guide the sick through death both physically and mentally.
As far as religion, the Omrojo are pious, but not overtly. Everything that they do can be related to their gods, but they have no real names, nor do they speak to them. Their gods are something to respect, and can be pacified so long as they are not angered. The mythology begins with two main gods, the sun and water which are the origins of all things. The god of sun and god of water (also referred to as heat/cold, fire/wind) came together and, being opposites fought: creating war. Though it was the first two that created life, it was war which chose some and gave them spirit and purpose (ie plants vs animals). The god of war fought parts of both the sun and water gods into submission, and when the two came together and bonded to fight a common enemy they created, the god of war's wife, the goddess of tribes and family. She is notably the only female in the pantheon, but is mentioned in a number of stories as being a fierce warrior especially when in comes to protecting her son's (a number of lesser deities such as gods of the harvest, hunt, and travel). Death rituals are different for men and women, men are burned, women are weighed with rocks and thrown into large bodies of water. If there is no water she is buried. Only men attend the death ceremonies of men and only women attend those of women. These people know that
something walked the Earth before and created the ruins they now live in. They believe it was the offspring of the god of deceit and betrayal, one of the sons of war and family. It is thought that his spawn offended the gods enough to deserve complete destruction from fire, rain, and their own people's malevolence for each other.
The Omrojo vary most from other tribes on their views of marriage, in that they only last two years. If at the end of that time, no child has been concealed, the marriage is nulled and after a brief period of settling, the partners find new spouses. If a child is born within the first two years, the marriage is 'permanent' and ends only with the partners death. A woman may never marry again if widowed (again irrelevant if no child was conceived), though a man may.
Sparing and fights within the tribe are commonplace, though organized. A good leader of the people will force the disputing parties to confront each other in an honorable manner before things escalate to dangerous levels. Typically matters are settled over sparing matches which can have an array of rules (bare handed, armored, first blood, to death ect) which must be agreed upon by both members.
Backstory: Born to the war leader and a pious shaman, it was never clear what direction Aishla's life was going to take. She hadn't the Patience for the life of a shaman, and having been given two daughters rather than son's, the war leader focused on making the most out of his eldest daughter. As a woman she could never enter battle as a true warrior, not that it stopped her father from teaching her stratagem in addition to combat.
She was chosen to be a scout at the age of 15, when it was reasoned she had reached maturity. The next two years where training of a different sort; how to find water and shelter, build fires, and move quickly and efficiently to keep ahead of the tribe. At the age of 17, she took her first husband, but failed to conceive a child. A barren first marriage is no great shame, but it did awaken a fear in Aishla.
Her relationship with her sister was the source of all stability growing up in a nomadic group, constantly waring and adding strangers to their numbers. Though she would never say so out loud, Aishla had a deep respect and felt greatfull towards Shytora for following then path of a Shaman; something she had wholly failed at doing as a child to the shame and disappointment of their mother. The wedge that is her second marriage chafes at Aishla. She misses having her sister, but it would be a lie to deny the twinges of resentment that linger from her attempted manipulations.
Equipment: A spear, her preferred weapon. Fashioned simply, as to be easily replace, but effective none the less. She prefers using light-weight spears making for easy movement slight flexibility, but poor for defending blows.
Two knives, one a large, jagged piece of sharpened metal worn at her hip. The second a smaller dagger sheathed in a strap worn around her calf, or boot
Miscellaneous; Aishla has a facination with the ancients that came before; much to the distaste of her tribe. While not sacrilege, it is frowned upon to bring many found remnants of artifacts into the tribe, though some is undoubtedly useful.
The views of her tribe doesn't stop her from being a magpie; collecting everything from ancient pieces of jewelry that can accationaly be found, to broken pieces of shells or attractive rocks.
While not a cold person, Aisha is not her sister, and doesn't feel responsible for the individuals of the tribe. Her loyalty comes simply from the tribe being as much of her life as of others, a weight they all have to support to survive.