Angelica looked at her "your bound to Draco, you are bound the old fashion way with a wild dragon that was meant to be your for centeries" said slowly as she gave her the soup that would help her pain and help her regain engery once more. She looked over as her dragon came back from a nice flight "Don't worry Draco is a bit tired right now he will be fine within a few hours" she said pointing outside in the massive courtyard where the massive dragon was curled up his massive wimgs hid him like an egg shell only his tail stuck out the sun rays hitting him as his golden color shines brightly.
The head master stormed into the room though a bit pissed off "Now who in the world brought back a dangerous creature" he demanded, Agelica said "I did i said it as a joke but june took it and found herself bound to the creature of old myths" she saod slowly as she sat down slowly and pets the black winged starry wolf that barked and nodded as it was not happy with the dragons being so close to it.