Avatar of Lunarlord34


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8 yrs ago
Ah nostalgia...my old friend. Listening to the old pokemon soundtracks is just so relaxing
8 yrs ago
Ah good old Tears to Tiara II. Only took three or four hours to play the first chapter XD Only another billion to go XD Thankfully that was only because most it was story, onto the gameplay! XD
8 yrs ago
I hate my roommate and his cat right now
8 yrs ago
Bloody laptop
8 yrs ago
Bloody hell Date a live might've been a horrendous adaption of the light novels, but f*ck it's got a fantastic soundtrack
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Currently looking for Fairy Fencer F (FFF for short I suppose XD) Roleplay actually

Most Recent Posts

The usually energetic Vulpo was unusually quiet during their trip to Riventor. Though unlike Wu and Dragonheart, she wasn't worried about the circumstances or pondering their next move or anything remotely serious to be honest. Instead, she was thinking on how to brighten up the others days. They just seemed so down! I mean, sure they were in a bad spot. But everything will turn out in the end! She was sure of it! In the meantime, she needed to try and keep their spirits up. They wouldn't be able to do anything if they just let gloom and doom take over! Before long the trio found themselves at their designation, the girl having stopped briefly to sneakily pick some flowers they had passed. Well, sneakily in her eyes at least. She would turn these into some floral crowns when she got the chance, a little pick-me-up for her two gloomy companions!

Well, now it was more as they encountered Ibon and Zasada. Huh, she mightn't have enough flowers for five crowns. She might need to get some more! "Heya! Will-O-Wisp reporting for duty!" At Wu's indication towards herself and Dragonheart, the girl shot the Liberi a smile and a V-sign, tails swishing about happily as observed the touching reunion. See, things were working out after-all!

As the group travelled throughout the town, Will-O-Wisp stuck close to Ibon seeing as when they got the chance, she would need the medic to look her over and bandage her up. Or at least take care of her gash on her cheek, which throbbed painfully as if to remember her it was still there. At least it had stopped bleeding for now...

Oblivious to the looks the villagers gave and trying to ignore the pungent aroma in the air, she would run up to try and talk to every single person they came across, though they seemed to run away just as quickly. Was it the blood? It had to be the blood. Reasoning that everyone must be scared of her because of the blood on her face, she rubbed at the dried on scab on her cheek to try and clean it off. This only resulted in reopening it and causing blood to flow once more, the girl panicking and trying to stem the flow once more with her sleeve as she ran over to Ibon with watery eyes.

"I-Ibon I uhh...." Tugging on her sleeve till she got the Liberi's attention, she would indicate to the cut on her cheek. It was rather easy to guess what had happened from there. Though at that moment, an Archosaur man seemed to be willing to talk to them. Abandoning her need for medical attention, the girl ran over and extended a blood covered hand to the stranger. "Finally, someone who wants to talk! I'm Will-O-Wisp! As Zasada says, we're from the Haynek Institute. Hey you wouldn't know anything about the strange happenings around here would you? First a weird storm, then this weird smell. Let alone the reports of other strange orignium happenings! Oh, oh are you infected? What's with your hands and feet?" As if the dam wall had burst, the girl blabbered on and on, not seeming to have any real focus on what she was talk about as she gestured at the strangers more scaley parts. "Did this happen as a result of the orignium reports of the other? Unrelated? Hey, why is everyone avoiding us? Also-" She would continue this stream of absolute crap unless someone stopped her.
Those pilots just yeeted out lol

@Sanguine Rose
"Heh, Zen sure seems to be having fun." Piped up a voice from beside Kaden. To his right sitting upon a stool at the bar, stirring away at the contents of a mug was Akemi. Akemi had watched Zen fly down the stairs and into the kitchen upon hearing Lavi's cry and the smoke coming out of the kitchen should've been a concern for the guild. But much like the others, Akemi didn't seem anything but, though it was hard to tell what the girl was thinking or feeling at any given time due to her unchanging expressions. But she was having to cover her mouth with the sleeve of her jacket, not really wanting to breathe in any of the smoke. She had only recently recovered from falling ill due to straining herself while training, she didn't particularly feel like being bedridden for a day or more for the 3rd time in a matter of little more than a week.

Despite how hard the girl was to get a reading on at the best of times, she did seem at least vaguely amused by Zen's current predicament. Just a subtle change in tone and a bit of a glint in
her eyes as she locked with Kaden, bringing the mug containing what seemed to be a swirling green mass that smelled as horrible as it looked to her delicate lips and taking a prolonged sip. Just what was in the mug anyway? It wasn't alcohol that's fore sure, no one in the guild would've been idiotic enough to give the sickly girl booze of any kind. Zen would rip them apart if they did.

Sighing softly as she took the wooden mug away, she looked back at Kaden before extending her hand towards him. She seemed to be expecting a handshake? "Akemi. You're uh...Kaden right? Zen said you were trouble and I should avoid you." Then why was the blunt girl speaking to him? Well, much like the contents of her mug only she knew.

Much like the beastkin, Alina had also been silently observing the situation unfold, taking in how the others around her reacted to the situation at hand. Or rather, their lack of reaction it would seem. Though she herself found this one to be rather tame, it still warranted something from the others surely? And why did this Lavi girl see to find herself at the epicentre of so much of the randomness inside the guild? Making some mental notes already, she made sure to try and talk to Lavi at some point as she had heard some rather...contrasting rumours about the girl. Mostly about how she was evil incarnate or something? Which made her comedic attempts at cooking all the more perplexing indeed.

Deciding that it was best to shelf the enigma that was Lavi, Alina noticed that one other in the room seemed to be making notes of what was conspiring around of them. Well, the note-taking wasn't what really caught her attention. No, it was the twitching wolf-like ears. That was what had initially drawn her attention, then it was the fact he seemed to be writing something down.

Making her way over, she took the seat across from the beastkin. "They're a rowdy bunch aren't they?" Alina gestured to the kitchen as she spoke, a gentle smile forming as she clasped her hands together in front of her on the table. "It's rather curious as to how this guild continues to function with all it's...unique characters within." Bemused, Alina locked eyes with Menzai for a moment. For that briefest of moments, her warm and gentle facade vanished. A cold, analytical look contrasting vastly with the beaming smile she wore before her eyes softened just as quickly.

"I'm Alina by the way, Alina Bloomfield. you're one of the newer members correct?" Stretching out her hand towards the beastkin, her gaze didn't steer away from his. Despite this, she was still taking in any signs that Menzai might exhibit. Did he seem annoyed? Happy? Not bothered at all? "I say newer member...but I'm hardly a veteran myself. I only joined about a month ago myself. Funnily enough when the rest of the guild was off defeating that dragon, a shame I missed it. Though I doubt I would've been much help, not often one gets to see a real, breathing dragon."
Wait does that mean we've lost fluffy Blizzard ;-;

The truck shook for a moment as the driver took a sharp turn at high speed, but it didn't seem to bother Dieter much. No, he was having to handle a far bigger problem at hand.

"How dare you sideline me! Just who do you think I am?!" Spoke up the voice he had been expecting during this little debriefing. The voice belonged to none other than Hanzoku Isamu, Maylis's younger cousin, and next in line for family head as things currently stood.

An exasperated sigh escaped the usually otherwise calm and stoic man. He even rolled his eyes as he began to massage his temple. How could he best explain this in simple terms for the girl to understand? He had been against her even being added to the team in the first place. Her attitude was horrible and unsuited for co-ordinated team missions was just scratching the surface of the various reasons why he had objected.

"I'm fully aware of who you are Lady Hanzoku. That is exactly the reason why you're on extraction duty. I won't have any harm coming to the Isamu heir on my watch and you would simply get in our way." Narrowing his eyes at the girl as he spoke, he simply laid out the facts for her. This mission was fair too sensitive to let Hanzoku have free reign on the battlefield, and there was no guarantee of her safety. It was the safe call that one would expect Dieter to make. "You can't even control your magic. The only reason you're here is on Lady Maylis's orders, I'm under no obligation to let you get yourself hurt or worse out there. Hence you're a liability."

While he was most certainly being harsh with the younger girl, he needed her to understand her and his positions here. He did need to add one more thing though as she looked to chime up again.

"So observe how the team operates, learn what you can and then maybe, just maybe I'll let you participate in the coming missions. So stay here, behave yourself and take this opportunity to learn the ropes and earn a place in the field."

While Dieter dealt with Hanzoku, Whina had made her way to the trio that made up Team B. While she was also saddened that she wasn't going out into the field as well, it was to be expected. Her magic wasn't made for combat like this, plus all her gear would be far too crude and heavy to lug around on the battlefield or in the building. It was for the best that she stayed in the truck and directed the girls on where to go. They seemed to already be in something resembling a discussion of tactics, so Whina decided to chime in.

"Don't worry Ms. Isano, I'll guide you three to avoid the need to fight anyone at all! Umm on that note..." with an enthusiastic nod of her head, she quickly reached into her pockets and pulled out three sets of what looked to be earpieces with a weird chunk of plastic hanging off the side. "Take these. They'll be our link throughout the operation." She would hand one to each of the three members before taking a moment to compose herself, pulling out a fourth pair and putting it on.

"T-these earpieces are not just for communication. But by placing this piece over your eye like so," She would slide the piece of plastic over her eye as she spoke. "I can patch in building layouts, enemy positions, security feed-whatever we need really."

After waiting for them to put the pieces in, helping them if needed, the truck came to skidding stop, threatening to hurl anyone not prepared off their feet. Whina feel back onto her read end, the confusion evident on her face as Dieter grabbed Hanzoku and pulled her in towards him. The truck shook again, this time threatening to tilt over on its side before slowly leveling back out. Dieter cursed loudly, looking around the truck as he barked some quick instructions.

"The truck is currently under attack. Sora deal with the issue, rest of Team A with me. We're getting out now. Team B, your stop is the next one. But it looks like the truck won't be able to stop, so you're going to have to jump. Looks like you got your wish Lady Hanzoku, it's not safe here so you're coming with us. Team C, stay safe and keep the truck intact with Sora till pickup is needed." As he spoke, he made his way to the back of the truck and kicked a small hatch open, the sudden change of pressure causing the wind to whip around anything not held down like Kazumi's robes or her and Ren's fluffy ears and tail to flutter about wildly. The white-haired Sora quickly pushed past and dived out, the wind seemingly catching him before he took off upwards.

"Oh and Whina, head in with Team B now as well. The truck is going to have to leave your equipment range after-all." Pale-faced, Whina went to object but Dieter had already jumped out the back of the truck, expecting Roya and Tenma to follow suit, punching the ground as he landed. The ground cracked from the impact of his fist hitting the hard asphalt of the road, softening his fall as he held a still squirming and wriggling Hanzoku. Upon the other two leaving the truck, Dieter would direct them to follow him to take cover in a nearby warehouse so they could gather their bearings.

After staring at the back of the truck for a while, seemingly in disbelief as Dieter, Roya and Tenma made their way out, Whina looked back at Rena, Lucia and Kasumi now, seemingly trying to creep away from the trio. "Umm, I-I uh don't think I'm really needed out there, I'm sure you guys can handle yours-" The truck shook again, this time launching Whina and anyone else not expecting the impact into the air...and somehow straight out the back of the open truck. This would hurt unless someone helped her out.

Welp, this much was to be expected wasn't it?

Upon landing atop the beast, the girl didn't exactly have the physical prowess to stay there for very long. She had never been very good on those bucking bull machines anyway. Launched into the air, she braced for impact with the hard dead ground, but instead found herself once more being caught by a fellow operator, though instead of Dragonheart instead it was Wu. "Umm thank you." With a sheepish grin, she just laid in his arms as the girl waited for the Defender operator to put her down. No? He was just going to stand there holding her? Ok, she wasn't going to complain as she stared at his feline ears. Would he mind if she petted them?

She ignored what he said for the time being as she watched the occasional twitching of his ears, only when he made an assessment on her physical condition did she pay him proper attention. "I uh...panicked a little during the drop. But the others said they were coming right behind us, so they shouldn't be far out! Who knows, maybe they've found your friend? Or maybe they're on their way to Riventor, that seems the proper place for us all to meet up at yeah?" Was it optimism or naivety, one couldn't be certain. Perhaps a mixture of both. But the girl seemed to genuinely believe what she said, a beaming smile on her face as she wriggled free of Wu's grip, landing softly on her feet as her multiple tails stretched out. "Speaking of which, we should get going there yeah? That's where the teams would be meeting after the uh...early landing procedure."
Update post will be either this Friday, or after Claw's post. Whichever comes around later I suppose XD
Nor can I, she’s indeed stronger than I to hold back her urges
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