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8 yrs ago
Ah nostalgia...my old friend. Listening to the old pokemon soundtracks is just so relaxing
8 yrs ago
Ah good old Tears to Tiara II. Only took three or four hours to play the first chapter XD Only another billion to go XD Thankfully that was only because most it was story, onto the gameplay! XD
8 yrs ago
I hate my roommate and his cat right now
8 yrs ago
Bloody laptop
8 yrs ago
Bloody hell Date a live might've been a horrendous adaption of the light novels, but f*ck it's got a fantastic soundtrack
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Currently looking for Fairy Fencer F (FFF for short I suppose XD) Roleplay actually

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I think I need to go brush up on tribal dances first if Rivia is going to have to teach them one of her dances XD
Rivia Silvermane

His comment on her being another melee contestant earned Cole a confused look and a tilted head. What did he mean? Oh a rush attack? Oooh now she got it! She nodded along in confirmation, crossing her arms over her chest as she did so. She didn't know much about magic so wasn't sure why he thought it was important to have it, but they were indeed going to be quite strong up close and personal! And if the enemy tried to run, then she would just chase them down and get them! Her speciality was tracking and hunting after-all. Once more his comments on potential allies integry flew right over her head, so when he seemed to apologise for potentially offending her it once more earned him that tilted, confused look.

"Rivia doesn't care much for things. Rivia just wants to hunt. Hunt the monsters. Not lose again." A slight twitch of her eyebrow betrayed a hint of annoyance, though it didn't seem directed at Cole or anything he said. More something else on her mind. Though any thought of her being mad or annoyed would flew right out the window as her ears stood at attention, as did her tail is it stopped swishing behind. What had seemed to catch her attention so? Well the sparkling look in her golden eyes as she grabbed Coles hand with both of hers and constant nodding painted enough of a picture, let alone the words that accompanyed it. "Father always wanted Rivia to make friends! Rivia would love to be friends with Cole. Ferr too! As well as other friend! Rivia's never had a friend before!"

Her tail was back to swishing back and forth, even more energetic than before as she moved over and grabbed Ferr's hand as well. If it went any faster, than there might've even been fears it would just act like a helicopter and lift her off the ground. Yet it didn't even when she became visibly more excited as Ferr said they could spar at one point. There wouldn't be a better way to see how the heroes worked after all! She found that action was far easier to communicate than with words.

"Can't we all dance together?" Rivia suggested, looking from one hero to the other as she genuinely and innocently asked the question. She had never seen or learned a dance that hadn't involved numerous individuals back in the tribe. So she was confused why all three of them couldn't dance together? And what did 'two-left feet' mean? Rivia even took a moment to look down and study her feet for a moment. Nope, she had one right and one left.

"Back home...Rivia always danced with others. Celebrations of the hunt. Of life, and of death. Everyone was involved. Wouldn't it be less fun to be alone and watching?" If they hadn't caught on by now, there was no way on earth this girl knew the first thing about ball-room dancing let alone any dances they would know. So she was completely unaware of how absurd it must sound to have the three of them dancing together....or was it?
Yeah I was going to post either tonight or tomorrow.
Yeah sorry, I was giving Omni a chance to respond if he wanted to first. Didn’t want to go too many posts without him getting a say, but I Should’ve said something about it anyway.

And that sucks whoami, hopefully you have a better time of it next year.
Rivia Silvermane

As Cole spoke to the girl, her ears stood at attention, twitching occassionally as she soaked up his every word. Friends? Her father had spoke of that word before. Hmmm....scrunching her eyes in concentration, she probed the deepest parts of her memories for her fathers exact words. It was that time when she had beaten up some of the kids in the tribe when she was 'playing' with them wasn't it? The scolding she got from her father even to this day reveberated throughout her soul. 'You'll never make any friends if you keep hurting them' wasn't it? What even were 'friends'? Maybe she would find out the answer with these two heroes? Suppose the sword hero was correct, she was still learning. Not just about humans, but on a lot of different subjects she was currently lacking in.

Raising to her feet, she quickly dusted off her knees and moved between the two heroes if there was space. She wasn't sure which one exactly to stand by the side of, so why not both at the same time? Though she seemed to shrink a little as the volume in the room increased once more once the King clapped his hands. Excited murmuring and chatter filled the air from the gather nobles and common folk as they began to disperse to the dining area or nearby ballroom to enjoy the festivities. Or that's what Rivia assumed they were, she hadn't been involved in a lot of her own tribes celebrations bar a few her Father brought her to. While the music was certainly loud enough to make her wince, one notable difference was the citizens involved were a lot less.....rambactious. Normally there would've been a brawl or two in her tribe.

Following Cole and Fer into a quieter corner, she scooted a little closer to the heroes as if to hide from the music. Not that it was working of course, but the further away she could get the better. During the minute Cole took to settle his mind, Rivia stood almost deadstill. Well, bar the constant swishing of her tail behind her. Was he waiting for her to say something? She wasn't entirely sure how to start up a conversation proper and pondered with her hand on her chin for a moment, deep in thought when Cole spoke up. Hearing the hero address her she snapped back to attention and nodded vigerously. So there was another one of their 'friends' in this group she was yet to meet? The mention of it made her tail move just a little faster.

"You want Rivia to...uh tell you about herself? Ummm...." Taking a moment, she shifted her weight a couple of times as she seemed to think. What was there to say? Or rather, how could she convey it? "Rivia was raised by a great man. Head of the pack. Super strong and big. Taught Rivia to hunt and forage, fight, fend for herself. Rivia is umm...swift, fast to strike. Like this." As she spoke, she made great exageratted movements with her hands. To describe her father, she reached up high on her toes before widening to try and represent his broad shoulders. For hunting, she actually made a pair of rabbit ears with her hand before having the other hand pounce on it. Then the last part, she did a few shadow boxing-equse punches into the air before reaching into her pocket and pulling out a small blade from within.

She looked around for a moment before something caught her attention. A ice sculpture on the other side of the room. That would do nicely as target practice! Winding her hand back, she lobbed it with speed, power and prescision sliced the head off of it. Smugly, she turned back to the heroes as the head slid off and shattered onto the floor, the suddenness of it no doubt causing a commotion which she remained oblivious to.

"See? Rivia can hit a moving rabbit from fifty yards moving through underbrush. If you want to see what else Rivia can do....um....well the best way would be to spar with Rivia. But father always scolded Rivia for playing too rough....wouldn't want to hurt friends, but it's also fun..."
Wait, Cole offered a handshake to Rivia? XD I don't remember that being mentioned....
I would post the furry chart to prove she isn't a furry but it's a pointless argument to make anyway XD

But yeah apologise for the hold-up, was a little busier over the weekend than anticipated so a day later than I hoped to be the latest but time flies you know? At least I got it out XD
Rivia Silvermane

A fair amount of time had passed since that...incident. Yet, no matter how many days passed this burning desire inside of her refused to go away. If anything, it only seemed to grow with time within the outwardly stoic girl. What was this feeling exactly? Hatred for the monsters? Frustration at her weakness? Her inability to still do nothing about it? Or perhaps, it was simply a desire to stop such things from happening again. The young girl wouldn't be able to give a proper explanation, but perhaps it was in fact all the above and more. So instead she shifted those feelings to the side, instead embracing the cold, calm nature her father had tried to instil in her. It was the least she could do to honour his memory from her perspective.

She had been in the capital for a few days at this point. The reason for her being here? Well, she had caught wind of the heroes summoning, and upon arrival had undertaken the task of tracking them down. Now a normal person, raised in normal circumstances would naturally assume the castle or a tavern, but from her isolated upbringing, her first thought was trying to find tracks and their scent. It wasn't until she once more caught wind of rumours that she finally caught a break in trying to find them. Apparently, the King was calling forth any young adventurers who wished to join the heroes party. Now, she wasn't entirely oblivious to this society. After a few weeks, she had learned the basics at the very least. So she knew that some people considered her a 'adventurer', which also made sense to her. Was she affiliated with a guild or anything of the sort? No, but she didn't even know what those things were so her official or unofficial status meant even less to her than anything that wanted to stop her from volunteering her services.

So after boldly having just walked up to the front gate, and being immediately approached by guards who naturally weren't going to just let anyone just waltz on in, it would take a half-hour or so before she finally managed to convey to them that she was here to join the heroes party. It was only after a captain of the guard intervened that the situation was amended and she was sent on her way inside. though a guard still escorted her for understandable security reasons. Once she was shown to a waiting room, she did just that and had a nap while doing so.

She wasn't sure how long had passed, all she knew was she nearly sliced the throat of the poor servant who tried to wake her up. Luckily for them both, she stopped when she was realised what she was about to do and instead got them to state their business while at knife point. Once that little misunderstanding was resolved, and a brief apology, she made her way to the throne room where the king was summoning her. Amongst all the fancily dressed nobles and armoured knights she was standing with, she stuck out like a sore thumb in her tattered red cloak, the yellow pockets worn down with use and age with messy silver locks that looked like they hadn't been washed or cleaned in a week. She flinched and covered her ears at the sudden raise of volume amongst the crowd, her gaze fixing on the duo now approaching. So these were the legendary heroes?

At first, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Like, the sword one of them was holding looked heroic and all, but the duo just seemed to lack...well she wasn't quite sure and was currently unable to put her finger on it. But something was missing from her image of the heroes. Well bar the fact she thought there was four, but there was currently only two here. Maybe she expected them to be bigger? But regardless, she could sense that they were at least no push-overs. Perhaps even stronger than herself, which was something she was relishing. Maybe she could get the chance to play with them later!

But at the moment, her focus returned back to the task at hand. First and foremost, she had to get into the party before thinking of any potential sparring bouts. When she was prompted, she stepped forward in front of the heroes. Standing up tall, even going a little onto her tiptoes as she realised they were a far bit taller than herself, the most prominent feature of the girl wasn't her worn-out travelling attire, nor the swishing thick brush that was her tail behind her, nor even the twitching ears atop her head. No, it was the topaz golden gaze that fell upon them. While she seemed to not be giving much away in terms of facial expressions, within these golden orbs burned a determination and strength that belied her more slender frame.

"Rivia Silvermane." Jabbing her thumb into her chest as she gave them her name, the wolfgirl proceeded to take a knee like she had watched some do before the king. She wasn't sure of the gesture, other than it apparently was something akin to respect."Rivia wishes to join your clan. Fight against the waves. Rivia is strong and willing to prove it."
@vancexentan Hopefully by the end of the week, had half a post written but been having a fair bit of an upset stomach kicking my butt the last few days.
Only complaint is she's a wolf not a cat mate! XD Such an insult to compare her to a mere, dime a dozen cat girl!
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