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8 yrs ago
Ah nostalgia...my old friend. Listening to the old pokemon soundtracks is just so relaxing
8 yrs ago
Ah good old Tears to Tiara II. Only took three or four hours to play the first chapter XD Only another billion to go XD Thankfully that was only because most it was story, onto the gameplay! XD
8 yrs ago
I hate my roommate and his cat right now
8 yrs ago
Bloody laptop
8 yrs ago
Bloody hell Date a live might've been a horrendous adaption of the light novels, but f*ck it's got a fantastic soundtrack
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Currently looking for Fairy Fencer F (FFF for short I suppose XD) Roleplay actually

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Stephanie Irwin

Oh. Oh no.

It seems like maybe she had a little too much confidence in her partner. She was also maybe expecting the Toxel to be fighting them as well, but it didn't seem to be making a move at the moment and you know what? That was fine. This was fine. She had other pokemon like Jack or-was that gas coming her way?

Oh no.

Uh, what was there she could do? She could try and cover her mouth with a rage or a sleeve or something right? Or did that only work in movies? Well...it should work at least to an extent right? There wasn't much choice in backing away either, because presumably the cloud would only continue to spread. And even if she did just cover her mouth to filter it, it still wasn't going anywhere. And standing in a cloud of poison gas didn't seemed pretty bodgie so it was best for her to deal with it now innit?

Which only left one choice.

"Oolroigh' mate, ya probahbly steell nawt moy beeggest fahn buh' eh. Stawp bein a sulk and use a gust t' cleah thiies nawnsaense eow' righto?" Grabbing a ball from her belt, for the first time since she caught the poor bird, she brought out an absolute menance to society.

Dennis the Pidove.

This poor, poor Pidove. Last thing it remembered was being clobbered by a pokeball, and now it was suddenly face to face with Poison gas? Suffice to say, this had been an eventful day for the pokemon now known as Dennis. But it didn't seem all too bothered, staring down the poison gas with an almost angry look. It was mad, and was going to take it out on this gas! Hah take a gust! Flapping its wings with gusto, it would attempt to at least keep the poison gas at bay, not because it was told to but because it wanted to! Yep, def wasn't scared of Steph or anything.

So with Dennis taking care of that, it was probably a bit much to hope he could help Dusk much with the little gust he was generating, so Steph was already grabbing another pokeball and calling out Jack.

"Oolroighty Jack buddy, ya mate Dusk heah nayds a hahnd. Laeh''s shaow em a vawllay of ice shahd! Dusk, use embah t' kayp thaem at bie and kayp usin moinimoize!" Honestly, having to use multiple mons for the first time on her first day was asking a bit much from the new trainer, so it was best to keep it nice and simple for now. She just had to focus on Dusk and the mons he was fighting, and give some support from Jack. Assuming Dennis could keep the gas at bay.

So with a nod, the sneasal would do as asked and begin launching shard after shard of ice into the cloud of poison at the trubbish, mostly leaving the grimer for Dusk. Who, now poisoned, seemed very annoyed and began spraying ember at literally any of the bastards that had poisoned him that dared move closer. Hell, if they came close enough he would hit em with an astonish!
Stephanie Irwin

Of all the things Steph expected to find, it was certainly not a slice of home. Of course, Toxel's weren't exclusive to Galar, but they were most certainly commonly found there and she wasn't expecting to have seen a pokemon native to the region here just yet. But rather than ponder on the logistics, who, whats and whys this Toxel was here, there were more pressing matters.

It seemed like it was in a pickle, and perhaps these explained the scorch marks. It seemed like the local pokemon weren't happy with an invader. At least, that was her assumpting seeing as some of the locals didn't seem to recognize what a Toxel was. With a glance down at Dusk, who simply nodded at her, she stole one more glance towards the ball where Jack was. It wouldn't do to let these mongrels gang up on this tuckered-out little ankle biter now did it? Especially not after what she had promised Jack earlier.

"Oolroigh' Dusk, yah knaow whaht t' do eh?"


"Ok thaen bud, laets staht thiies shaow weeth an Embah!"

Leaping off her shoulder, Dusk wasted no time in starting things off as commanded, aiming a nice little fiery surprise at the grimer as it seemed to be the boss of this little group. The Litwick would follow up the move with a Minimize as well, before moving to just shoots ember at will at the little bastards trying to gang up the Toxel.
Stephanie Irwin

Not going to lie...Steph was slightly disappointed in the timidness of the wild mons around her. She was at least maybe hoping for one to have some spine left but from an outsider's perspective, who the fuck could blame them? This pyschopath and her 'friends' just suddenly came out of nowhere and attacked them without mercy! But at any rate, it made following the trail easier. What kind of pokemon made marks like this? Was it an explosion of some sort? Fire? Elecricity? Was it even a pokemon? A few of these questions went through her mind as a couple of slow moving ratata caught her eye.

Something was off about them. Why were they...oh. Seeing the sparks come off a few, it removed the question before it had even finished forming in her bogan mind. Paralysis? Did that mean the scorch marks were caused by elecricity? Some sort of discharge or the sort judging by how the scorch marks were made and formed. And judging by the amount she was finding....well, it seemed like if she was disappointed by the wild pokemon's lack of hostility, she might find whatever this was was going to be a fair bit more hostile perhaps.

"Lit! Lit lit litwick!" Snapped back to reality by her partner's yelling in her ear, she flinched and looked at Dusk bewildered for a moment before she heard it. She had heard similar noises before on the farm when they had to deal with a broken cable on a power line...of course she hadn't been allowed to help and they got professionals to deal with it, but the sound of sparking was still vivid in her mind. Perhaps whatever was around the corner was the same? In which case...that was potentially very dangerous. Pausing for a moment as she inched closer to the corner, the sounds got more distinct. Was something generating and discharging elecrticity? It was an odd noise, but one look at Dusk who was ready and raring to go calmed any nerves she might've had.

It was fine, whatever this was she was sure Dusk could handle right?

"Oolroighty dusk buddy, laeh''s gao geh' em eh?" Flashing a grin to the Litwick, who simply gave her an excited nod in response, she stepped around the corner to face down whatever was on the other side. Hopefully without being fried in the process, though if whatever it was attacked, then Dusk would leap into action and counter with Embers.
Stephanie Irwin

Spotting the scorch marks, Steph raised an eyebrow and called back Dusk to her shoulder, returning Glory and Jack back to their balls, before kneeling down to inspect the marks. Honestly, she wasn't too sure what she was looking at or for, but anything that may hold a clue as to the cause. That was when she would spot the one that still smelled strongly of smoke, and even seemed to be smouldering slightly. There wasn't near where Dusk had been fighting right? Like, the chances of this being caused by Dusk wasn't zero...however, she was already knocking out that possibility. The other scorch marks were way too old.

Maybe if she followed them it could lead her to the source? Maybe it was whatever was the weird pokemon that came out at night that she had heard about, and thus the reason why she was down here? Either that or it was entirly unrelated, but at any rate this was her only clue as of now so suppose it was best to follow it for now. Worst case, it was a waste of her time or maybe she found another odd pokemon down here?

So, standing up and dusting off her knees, she would go in the direction she believed that it had gone, keeping Dusk at the ready in the case that if she were to come across the pokemon, or any pokemon for that matter, and it was hostile, then her partner would be ready and raring to go.

Stephanie Irwin

Communication. It was such a simple, basic tool humans have used for centuries-nay, Millenium. From helping each other in hunting and gathering, to something as simple as explaining the need to go into the sewers to investigate reports of a strange pokemon sighting, communication between individuals was key. Yet, Steph was far too engrossed in her own keeness and seemed to be under the assumption that Freya had also overheard the rumour, and thus hadn't felt the need to explain even as she was opening up the manhole currently beneath her.

Not even when the other girl showed her disgust, Steph didn't really explain and just shrugged.

"Suih' yoahsself Freya, guess Oy'll say whaht's bayn causin a fuss daown theah boy myself." With that said and a brief wave good-bye, the red-head made her way down below into Grand Glory city's sewers.

Now, most people would be put off by such a stench, and it isn't like Steph was completely immune or anything. She still made a bit of a face, but honestly, this was about what she had expected. It was a sewer after all. But honestly, it wasn't that much worse than the fields back home now was it? Lots of Taurus and Miltank dung and whatnot lying around, and guess who was one of the lucky ones in charge of cleaning it up? Plus cleaning their stalls...

Anyway, such a disgusting stench was only mildly offputting for someone of Steph's upbringing and tolerable for the most part. Dusk on the other hand? The Litwick certainly didn't seem happy....but also didn't seem to have a nose so maybe it was fine? And honestly, who knew? Well the DM might but that was a problem for him to sort out.

At any rate, Steph would just look to her partner on her shoulder and at the plethora of slimy Grimer and scattered about ratatata and trubbish and well...while they were down here, it wouldn't hurt to do a little training now would it? Nothing was really in the way down here, so she would look to battle a few mons down here and get some levels into Dusk and Jack in particular, and Glory if she could. He seemed the weakest, so getting some training into him would be invaluable when she could.

All the while, as she explored and trained, she would keep an eye out for any signs of what she was originally down here for. Whether that was odd noises, maybe some strange markings, hell maybe even if an area seemed oddly quiet or lacking in pokemon to other areas. Even if it didn't lead her to the mystery pokemon in question, she might find something else down here if she lucked out.
Stephanie Irwin

With the wingull finally in a ball, Steph just let out a sigh as she spun the device on her finger before tossing it up and pocketing it. This trainer stuff was harder than it looked huh? She knew it wouldn't be as easy as the league trainers back home made it seem, but as she looked over at Jack who seemed to be quite ginger after that fall, she took a moment to think. To think on the events of the day before sighing again as she returned her Sneasal and assuming Freya was still nearby she would meet up with her before heading to the pokecenter to deal with her once more hurt pokemon.

After that little trip, Steph would make her way to the nearest public entrance to the sewers and go to enter to see what was going on inside.
Stephanie Irwin

Just how much effort was trying to beat this Wingull? Steph watched in annoyance and frustration as her admittedly risky maneuver backfired and Jack was now pretty hurt. But a look over at the Sneasel and she didn't even contemplate switching. Well for one, she didn't really have a better option right now but mostly she could see that Jack wasn't ready to throw in the towel yet. Steph knew a kindred spirit where she saw one. But how could she handle this follow-up Quick Attack?

"Oolroigh' jahck, as the buggah gets closah bawmbahd its weengs weeth ice shahd! Troy t' knawck ih' off buylahnce, thaen close the gahp and use scrahtch aguyn!" A simpler strategy, but hopefully a more effective one. After all, even if it dodged the ice shards it would have to give up on its attack or risk losing its momentum. And if it did and tried to fly up, Steph would just order Jack to fire off even more ice shards. There wasn't much else she could do.
Stephanie Irwin

Oh? This Wingull seemed fiesty. She liked its style already! Sure, it stole some guys sandwich...but uh, guess no one was having that sandwich now. It was kinda on fire...and in the ocean. Oh well, that was well out of her though process right now as Steph just grinned up at the wingull, the excitement visible in her sparkling eyes.

"Oh? Yaw nawt gaowin t' run awhy? Laeh''s gao thaen! Jack, use ice shahd aguyn! Fuyah off thray naow!" Receiving a brief nod from her Sneasal, who had begun to understand not really what she was saying but her intent, the pokemon would begin a new assault. One. Two. Three. Chunk after chunk of ice shot off towards its target, as Steph stood there watching. Waiting. She had seen and experienced Jack's nimbleness and agility, though this was a bit more open than a narrow alleyway, there were still options! But first, she needed to keep this Wingull on its toes.

"Anuhthah vawllay of thray, thaen whoile it's deestrahcted jump off the wohl and propel yoahsself fohwahd weeth anuhthah ice shahd sao yah cahn slahm ih' intao the ground weeth a scrahtch!" It was maybe asking a bit much for a newer mon, but she had faith that her partner could do it. And if he managed to do that? Or well, at least do enough damage to put it into catching range, she would attempt to do so.
Stephanie Irwin

With just about everything useful gleaned from the locals, Steph was pretty content with her first day now. It hadn't gotten off to a great start but was looking up, and she was beginning to get an idea as to where to head to next. Lots of things seemed to be happening around route 4 and beyond, so she would head south. Of course, only after her sewer diving and going to catch a growlithe. But first, the cries of a man in distress caught her attention!

Turning over, she noticed the culprit flying away with a...manwich? The hell was a manwich? That just looked like a sandwich to her...anyway that didn't matter! She had been about to ask Freya where the easiest place to enter the sewers was, but this took precedent!

"Oi ya leettle shiieh', geh' bahck heah weeth thaht!" Yelling after the Wingull, for what felt like the 50th time today no doubt for poor Freya, Steph was running off shouting all sorts of obscenities. Luckily all the people giving her weird glances couldn't understand her.

"Hy Dusk mite, theenk yah cahn blahst em eow' of the skoy weeth an embah?" Glancing to her right shoulder, where her starter could be found, she was given an empathic look of just absolute....

Bruh how the fuck am I meant to do shit to a water type? look.

"Oh...roigh', roigh'. uh...guess Oy only raylly gawt one option. just geeve ih' a troy t' deestrahct ih' ok?" Pulling a ball from her belt as she ran, Dusk just shrugged.

"Lit..." Suppose there was no harm in trying? So as Steph threw a Pokeball out, Dusk would attempt to shoot the Wingull with an ember. At the very least, it should get the birds attention? Nonetheless, Steph was letting Jack out and pointing up at the bird.

"Jack, cahn yah use yoah ice shahd t' troy and knawck the leettle buggah eow' of the aeh? Once its daown at ahh laevel we cahn hahve yah gao roigh' at ih' ok?" A simple enough strategy, knock the wingull down, then have Jack basically just jump onto it and start scratch spamming till it got within catching distance and then throw a pokeball. And if it wasn't knocked down? Well, ice shard spam was always a viable backup.
Stephanie Irwin

Hearing Freyja speak about her mood-lifting, Steph just shrugged. Honestly, her mood could only have improved all things considered.

"Eh, shiieh' hahppens. theah ahh crooks nao mahttah wheah yah gao, espaecially in the biieg citees." She dismissed any notion of today leaving an impression on her of Evig very quickly. She hadn't expected much from a place that Cipher had done a number on anyway. If anything, maybe this pointed to the higher possibility of her finding a lead? It was optimistic, but Steph always tried to find a silver lining anyway.

"If Oy laeh' thiies much kayp me daown faw lawng, moy aunt and uncle would whiiep me intao shype in nao toime flaht haeh."

With their lunch dealt with, the next stop on their trip would be the pokemart. Steph was running low on pokeballs and other things, and with a bit of cash she should invest in a bit more than she was originally given. If along the way she happened to find a chip stealing Wingull swooping around and being an overall asshole, then she would most certainly look to put it in its place with Jack but otherwise upon arrival at the store she would aim to get 10 pokeballs and 3 potions and see if the shop keep knew anything else interesting going on around.

Like sure, she had heard some gossip at the pub but even if it was just tips for her journey, never hurt to learn more about the region or talk to people.
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