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And there we have it folks, how will this relationship between our newly coronated king and high magister amount? You will have to wait and see (;
Where Hope is Sown

A Collab Conducted By: @TheDuncanMorgan and I

By all standards, the coronation of King Duncan De Reimer went smoothly, and proved to be an event enjoyed by all. Hours after the coronation ceremony, when the council members returned to the keep for the evening, or at least, those not overly intoxicated, such as Aurelia and Alex, they went their separate ways. Duncan had returned only an hour earlier, the look of exhaustion evident on his face, leaving her to surmise that the preparation for the ceremony had left him with little sleep. Aurelia, on the other hand, while her mind remained restless after speaking with her dearly beloved friend, what sleep came to her was in the aid of a sleeping tonic she had brewed by a member of the Alchemist's Guild. Still dressed in her finery of crimson satin and gold chiffon, Aurelia determined that the best course of action to deal with the awkward coldness between Duncan and her, was to confront him directly, so she made her way to the King's chambers. Rigid and inflexible stood two guards dressed in ceremonial garb representing the city of Nyhem, in each hand they held steadfast to a polearm, and in the opposite hand, each retained a shield bearing their respectable coat of arms. As personal knights to Duncan, the newly ordained monarch of Formaroth, they kept guard over him, their sole duty to prevent any travesty to befall the new king. With faces hidden behind steel helms, Aurelia could not see their eyes for the shadow cast over them. She slowed her fast-gait, until she came to stand silently before them. When she did stop, neither of the guards seemed to pay her any attention, though she knew for a fact, that if she approached the king’s chamber room without granted access, they would draw their polearms across the entryway.

“Sir knights, I have business matters to discuss with the king before he retires for the evening. Will you give him word that, High Magister Aurelia Vyncetta wishes to speak with him?” Unwavering in her speech, she did not feel so strong within. Truly, for her heart palpitated like a war drum, banging painfully inside her ribcage. All of the moisture in her mouth evaporated, an indication of her own nervousness. Again, neither seemed to have heard her, for they did not move for several painful seconds, until the one on the left nodded. While the guard on the left opened the chamber door, the guard on the right moved to stand in front of Aurelia, blocking her passage until consent was granted.

"For fuck's sake." sighed Duncan as he knocked his inkwell onto the stone floor, causing it to shatter as the ink began to stain the stone floor of his room. He had been writing a letter to his brother regarding the events of the coronation. Admittedly he was exhausted, he had had little time to rest since the coronation and he was struggling to keep awake. The sun was starting to set outside as the day's last rays of sunlight crept through the window. He would soon have to light the candles before darkness engulfed the room.

“Your Majesty, Aurelia seeks a private council with you in your chambers. Will you have her, milord?” Asked the knight, as he poked his head around the door, his eyes having to adjust to the dimming light.

Duncan hesitated for a moment before replying. It had been a long time since the two of them had talked together, and the awkwardness from their last encounter had yet to resolve itself. He knew that he would eventually have to talk to her about it, though he still dreaded the prospect; after all Duncan always did find situations like this difficult to handle.

"Very well send her in." Duncan replied as he started to pour himself a glass of wine from the jug that was on his desk. As he poured, he noted that he had been drinking more regularly as of late, his new responsibilities as king had added to his stress and he found that alcohol helped to calm his nerves. Almost half the reigning monarchs of Formaroth had some sort of recorded drinking problem, and Duncan no longer wondered why.

When the guard nodded his head, giving her entrance to his inner chambers, the soles of her slippers made not a single sound as she waited for the door to close behind her. With a soft click, the door latched into place, giving the two of them privacy, and privacy would be needed for what she had to say. "Your highness, I hope you can forgive this intrusion, I know you must be exhausted from the ceremony, so I would like to keep this brief." She began with a slight curtsy, before taking a seat before his desk. While the accommodations for the king's chambers were new to her, her eyes scoured the room in awe, astonished at the king's quarters.

"I spoke with my dear friend, Lana. First, I would like to thank you for consenting to the new changes in our laws, for holding Mage's to a higher living standard, and going to great lengths to protect our kind. I trust that you will find that relationship to be deeply mutual, and a well respected one at that." She watched Duncan pour his glass of wine, and wondered how many glasses he had had previously. With not being as present in his life as before, one could say that Aurelia did not know of how their new king fared now under his newly appointed reign.

"However, that is not what brings me here today. There is a matter that I wish to address, one that concerns you and I. I'm aware that our relationship has entered a stalemate so to speak. Ever since that night, when I had far too much wine to drink, there were words exchanged between ourselves, words that put me into an aloof state of mind, one that I have found it hard to even concentrate on my research. I deem it best that we clear this matter up, so that I may continue on with my work in a peaceful state. I first would like to apologize for my cold and distant behavior, your highness. I hope that you can forgive me." She waited, her nerves stroked painfully thin already, confronting Duncan on an emotional level was simply something she never bothered with, until now.

"There is nothing to forgive" Duncan said as he gestured at the chair in front of him, "After all it was I who initiated this whole situation. I should be the one apologizing to you." Duncan went to drink from his goblet before he stopped himself; he knew what happened the last time he drunk too much while with Aurelia.

"I never meant to make you feel uncomfortable, and I hate that I was the one that caused this rift in our friendship. The truth is..." Duncan paused for a moment as he hesitated to continue. It would be much easier for him to lie to her, to tell her that it was nothing more than the words of a drunk man. Though Aurelia had stood beside him for years and honesty was the least he could give her.

"The truth is that those words were the truth, I have wondered if we could ever be more that what we are now. However judging from your reaction to this, confession, I acknowledge that you probably do not share these thoughts. As such I will bury these thoughts and continue our friendship as normal, if that is what you wish?"

With brows furrowed, Aurelia listened on in agony. Not that she, herself, suffered physically from his words, rather she knew that were she not to tell him the truth, her conscience would not rest for many more nights, perhaps even months. While she moved to stand beside the chair, Aurelia did not seat herself before him. She had her own words to say.

"Before you do so. Allow me to explain myself further, your majesty." It felt foreign to address Duncan formally, but as it stood now, she knew that law obligated her to do so.

"I..." She paused, searching with vehemence to seek out the proper words befitting to what she desired to say. "You must understand, my liege, never in my life, have I ever loved another. All my life, my sole focus has centered upon my academic pursuits, and when I became High Magister, upon the duties I must uphold. I will not lie, as it is not in my nature, but I share these very same feelings for you. For many years, you have been my only friend here within the walls of the keep. So you see, while you are my confidant in nearly all matters of castle life, I have never considered the idea of love. To me, love is a foolish notion, simply for I have never loved another. I... would be willingly to explore the possibility of a romantic relationship with you, though I beg of you, to have patience. I know nothing of courtly love, nor even how to act remotely so. You may even think me cold, but please, if our friendship is to evolve into something more... I ask that you bear in mind, my lack of experience in the realm of love." As she addressed him, all the while the apples of her cheeks continued to darken into a rosy hue. She would have cursed the wine, if she had had any to drink beforehand. Now, the moment she dreaded most had come, her confession of her feelings for Duncan had emerged. What would he say? Would he laugh at her? Would he turn her away? Would he accept her words? The knuckles on her hand turned bone-white as she gripped the edge of the chair firmly in her hands, were she any stronger, she would have broken the wooden frame in pieces.

Duncan was at a loss of what to say. This was not the response he expected, but rather the one he had hoped for. "I am extremely happy that you are willing to at least give it a chance, I must confess I didn't think you would ever view me in that way." Duncan replied with a smile.

"I understand your wish for me to be patience, I myself remember when I first engaged in a romantic relationship. I know the same fear and nervousness you are feeling now, when me and..." Duncan suddenly stopped himself, not willing to re-surface memories of his past love.

"What I mean to say is I will do as you ask of me".

He had accepted her ideals of patience, which caused her shoulders to slump in relief. At least he had not turned her away. Yet, when he revealed that he had entered into a romantic relationship before, he quickly changed the subject. Had someone he loved caused him pain? She did not press the matter, and instead, sought to take her leave.

"Thank you... I... so what happens now? I expect you to be the one to lead me on this path, Duncan." It was the first time in sometime that she had addressed him by his first name after the coronation ceremony. Delicate matters were discussed, though Aurelia found the situation to be tense and awkward even more so, Duncan seemed to sense this and decided that they both ought to get what sleep they can. In the meantime, plans for a private encounter were arranged between the two of them before she departed for the night.
Alright, so in our collab, we kinda moved Jack and Julian onto a hill, but y'all can still say what happened to them and how they got there, just thought it would be easier to move them along so to move this durn RP along as well. Let us know if you have any problems with it, we can always edit pieces in.
"My Lord, Vera, I never thought I had it in me. He seemed to buy our act, aye? If you don’t mind my saying so, you were damned brilliant in handling that miserable hag. I had half a mind to throw a drink at her face.” As she lingered next to him at the bar, she couldn't help but share in the success of their mission so far.

"I couldn't agree more, I think she'll be the one to prove most difficult to maneuver around. She reminds me of my aunt, in a way, very inquisitive. I just pray that she doesn't ask too many questions at the luncheon, hm?" Vera returned as she raised her own glass of champagne to Shay. With Herr von Goethe, she determined that he would be easy to manipulate, but the Fraulein... she would be a difficult adversary. More importantly, she found herself concerned with obtaining the painting, what if Albert would not release the painting they sought?

Just then, like an ethereal vapor, Eris sidled up to them, and slid into a chair alongside Shay. "Well that looked like it went well!" She exclaimed, only loud enough for the two of them to hear. "Vera, your brother called me a few minutes ago, and he told me that he wants you back at the Tawdry, says it's important news."

"He never seems to give me the chance to enjoy myself." Vera muttered, in truth, she never had the opportunity to visit establishments such as the White Star, much less enjoy a drink in the company of good people like Shay.

"Whenever you're ready, I suppose, we ought to take a gander back to the Tawdry, and let'em know that things went smoothly." She said with a nod to Shay, "After our drinks of course." There, a devilish smile played on her lips as she waved down the bartender.

"Bring me one more glass of champagne, good sir." She said.

"But miss, you're already holding a glass..."

"Don't patronize her," Eris started in, she wouldn't let a lady of the Roughers to be denied any request, not while she was on the job that is, "Now run along Harry." With a wave of her hand, she sent the bartender off to retrieve another glass, while Vera happily sipped on the bubbling alcohol. A sombre atmosphere had settled over the White Star, the jazz music turned into a softer melody, one where many couples took to the dance floor in front of the live band to slow-step to the tantalizing sound of piano keys, and the husky voice of a saxophone.
Of all people to come to her aid while the chaurus had locked its mandibles on the rim of her shield, rendering future blocks from any oncoming attacks into a potentially useless state, Sadri Beleth, the Dunmeri man with one arm (although to be fair, she could have sworn that he did have another arm, it had to some sort of magickal contraption), missing a left ear, and if she recalled faintly, often used a slug or leech of some kind on his right eye, descended on the horrid creature, slashing, jabbing, and hacking. With a tall, wiry posture, Sevine marveled at how fluid his movements were in the confines of the cave. They had exchanged little to no words so far through the duration of their time spent with the company, yet one such memory came to mind as she recalled watching from the ramparts as he waged hellfire on the front lines during the first wave of Kamal attacks. He had just about rendered the chaurus to an invalid state, when a Falmer arrow pierced him, drawing away his attention to target this newfound foe. At least the chaurus remained in a weakened fashion. She had no time to thank him, but she reminded herself in the throes of battle, that if she survived, she would find the time to thank him later, granted, if he survived as well. The chaurus relinquished its hold on her shield, recoiling backwards in evident pain. Rearing upon its back legs, the mandibles parted to lob a poisonous ball of putrid slime, when a fearsome roar came from her left. It came as a great shock to see Do'Karth wielding a chitlin sword. While her mind struggled to wrap around the idea of him actually slaying another, she pushed the thought away, she had not the time to debate his decisions. Relief washed over her as she lowered her shield cautiously.

"Do'Karth!" She cried in astonishment.

"Khajiit has your back. Together then?"

His words split her face in two as she grinned from ear-to-ear, overjoyed that she had not succumbed to the venomous bite of the chaurus. "Together! Warriors, able-bodied fighters, push on! Drive back these foul creatures! Leave none alive!" Sevine raised her axe and bashed it against the chitlin shield, it had not provided the sound she had hoped, as it made a dull thunking sound, but she hoped that her words had given some wary fighters courage to carry on. She leapt forward as the falmer, and some chaurus began to withdraw, soon engaging in another encounter with a falmer, discovering that they were far more easier to cut down than that of the chaurus with their hardened shells. A ferocious hiss and the axe wielding falmer leapt towards her. Sevine had the upper hand, being a battle-hardened warrior, for she timed the estimated landing of her foe, and met the sailing falmer with a bash of her shield, sending the hideous creature into the cave wall. That falmer met a grisly end as she cleaved the head-off in one clean swipe. As she worked her way towards the darker recesses of the damp cave, Sevine methodically cut down each opponent she came across, none remained alive in her wake.

All the while, as the battle against the cave inhabitants carried on, Leif found himself cursing at his own ignorance. This is exactly what happened last time at the cave near the shores of Solitude! One of the sailors had insisted on using light to ward off the chaurus and falmer, when in fact, they were blind. Why had he said that? The magelight did little to repel the repulsive creatures, even though it did provide plenty of light for those on the offensive to see who they fought against, yet it was the Altmer, Keegan was it? Yes, Keegan. He had forgotten that the Mer was a mage as well, for whatever spell he used, he flung a burning torch into the belly of the chaurus. Talos be blessed, at least the Altmer had some sense about him in a harrowing situation as this, even though his words, that Leif happened to overhear by chance, struck a painful chord. With the new opportunity at hand, he leapt forward with the hilt of the long sword clenched firmly in his fists. The steel blade cleaved through the body of the over-sized bug at a diagonal angle, spilling putrid organs and green, probably toxic, slime onto the cave floor. While wielding the torch proved impractical, simply because his weapon required two-hands, not one, Leif tossed the torch back at the company, just in time for one of the sailors of the Courtesan, who stepped over their fallen comrade, to catch the torch.

"Not light! Use fire!" Leif shouted as he kicked away the remains of the oozing chaurus corpse. Just then a blur of crimson sprang past him as Sevine drove her axe-blade in the backside of a retreating falmer.

"Hold there, shield-sister!" He called, as he scrambled to join her, the two shared a strained, yet familiar sense of relief, one annoyed to see the other, and the other grateful that the other had survived so far.

"Watch it Leif!" Sevine barked, putting her shoulder in the hollow portion of the shield, a brazen chaurus dove at them, mandibles clacking together, waiting to tear into their soft exposed flesh. As the chaurus ricocheted backwards off her shield, Leif fell into a defensive stance, longsword held at a protective angle, ready to parry any incoming attacks from the chaurus, as the creature collected its bearings to launch another attack. Just as the vulgar creature of the underdark leapt forwards, this time heading for her fellow Nord's face, her methodism paid off again, for she foresaw that for Leif to attack, he had already missed his chance; her hand darted to the steel dagger kept in its leather thong, and in one swift motion, drove the blade into a softer area right below the mandibles, striking the central nervous system and causing the chaurus to fall limp as it slid slowly to the hilt of the blade, a lucky catch this one. Shaking the bug off her dagger, an overbearing odor poured from the wound, it caused her eyes to water and raised a coughing fit as she stepped backwards, noticing that the blood of the chaurus, a sickly green colour, was the source of the smell. Wiping it on the side of her leather trousers, Sevine heard a cry from Leif.

"Ach! Damn thing!" She turned in time to see him clutching the end of an arrow shaft that had pierced the breastplate of his leather armour, he sank onto one knee and snapped a large portion of the shaft off. It appeared, for the time being, that the wound would not prove fatal, unless the arrow-head held a coating of poison. Searching the cave tunnel for his assailant, Sevine spotted the gleam of a falmer's eyes as it scurried back into the darkness, and what she believed to be the sound of arrows clinking inside a quiver.

"Give me some light up here! We need to kill off these damned archers!" She shouted, moving into a protective stance in front of Leif, her shield raised in such a manner to protect her upper extremities from another arrow attack, yet left her lower half exposed. If they didn't finish off the rest of the Falmer, especially those that knew how to wield bows, those seeking refuge in the cave from the harsh elements howling outside, would suffer the consequences of failing to exterminate these foul creatures. After all, in her eyes, their lives were more valuable than demented Mer called the vast cave systems across Skyrim, home. More importantly, she felt her skin crawl in fear, something she desperately hid from those around her, for she despised caves, feared them even.
I'm definitely for pushing the Falmer deeper into the caves, and possibly exterminating them all. Any possibilities for a select group of people that would want to be apart of the extermination group? Leif and Sevine would be down for this adventure. Of course we would need someone, either a Mage, or a torchbearer to go with them to illuminate the dark.
@gcold Poohead and I have begun our collab, as mentioned in FoC, my posting abilities will be limited until Saturday, Poohead has started us off in the collab, although I have yet to respond. I will work on that this evening before bed.
I'm having to take care of my boyfriend's grandmother as she just got out of eye surgery, making stay next to her throughout the duration of the day. I may not be able to squeeze in a post or do any updates until Saturday when she is able to move around more, I will try to get a post up tonight before I go to bed.
@MacabreFox When you play the game of air travel, you board or you die.

Quite literally! This couldn't be anymore true Dervs.
You guys, I'm just happy to be home and be connected with you again!

Also, despite the crazy shenanigans, I got to swim in the ocean for the wry first time as well ^.^
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