Formaroth: Magic Guide
(Note: This is not the limit of what mages can do, just a summary of the known, and practised magic in the world.)
Destruction MagicDestruction is a form of magic that focuses mainly on the offensive use of magic. Mages often use magic in an elemental or primal form. The strength of a destruction spell is based on the skill of the mage wielding it. Like most other magic forms, a destruction spell can be amplified in power and size depending on the amount of mages casting it. The most common ways this form is utilized are as followed:
Force: The most commonly used form of destruction magic, force focuses around using magic in its purest form. Utilised in battle in the form of basic shockwaves, however, mages can train to use it in more sophisticated manners such as telekinesis. Skilled mages can also vary the size of the shockwaves, even direct them, and use them as a way to cut through their opponents.
Fire: Another common form of destruction spells, fire magic proves to have the most devastating effects when used on the field of battle. Despite most mages having the talent to create fire with ease, battle mages must train for years to be able to control it effectively, as well as being able to extinguish it at will. Though fire can be effective in a battle it is not all powerful, the intensity of the flames depends on the skill of the mage using it. For example an average mage would have difficulty trying to counter a knight in full plate.
Lightning: Lightning magic in its controlled form, is difficult, as it needs pure magic to be converted into this fantastic form of magickal energy. This energy is produced, though not limited to, in the form of lightning. Though lightning is an incredibly powerful form of destruction magic, it is wholly difficult to control, and only those of a magister level can direct it with precision. As a result, mages tend to only use this while fighting on their own due to the high risk of friendly fire to their surrounding comrades.
Ice: Along with force and fire, ice is another common form of destruction that battle mages use. Most mages have the ability to control water via telekinesis. However, during battle this is near pointless. Mages have the ability to change the temperature of different objects including water. Many mages lower the temperature of water until it turns into ice, which they may then use to send deadly sharp ice shards towards the directions of their enemies. Mages also possess the ability to use ice on a much grander scale, however, a large quantity of water must be present. In circumstantial situations, the only water mages have ready at hand, is what they bring with them onto the fields of battle.
Glyphs: Glyphs are particularly rare when it comes to magic. Due to the complexity of these spells, only the most studious of mages have the ability to wield them. They involve placing down ‘Glyph marks’ (dormant spells) in particular areas, and then setting them off when needed. Glyphs can be put down instantly, but the user has to be close to the glyph ( at least within 100 meters) for it to remain dormant, and even closer to be able to lay it. The number of glyphs that can be place depends on the skill of the magic user.
RestorationThe Restoration School of Magic is the school that the majority of mages enter into, for it provides essential skills. As such, there are mages that operate as healers, and doctors. Restoration involves healing individuals, and repairing wounds. Restoration magic is capable of healing all manner of wounds, from a small cut to a broken bone. The more skilled the mage, the more severe of a wound they can treat and heal. Restoration magic can also be used to bring life back into dead plant vegetation, for example: if a village were to suffer a loss of crops due to disease or drought, then hypothetically, a mage could resurrect said crops (however this would require a large number of mages for a long period of time). Mages can bring life back into people as well, however, what they bring back are monstrous, and soulless, nothing near to what those that inhabited that body before. As such, "Necromancy", as most call it, is forbidden, and next to no one in Formaroth knows how to perform such a spell. Restoration can also be used to enhance a living being; for example: large quantities of mages, when together, are able increase the total yield of crops, and increase the the size of plants, nearly doubling or tripling the size of the original plant; though this depends on how long magic is spent on the plant. This magic can also be used to enhance people as well; however, most of these attempts result in abominations, and like necromancy, they are forbidden by the Mage's Circle.
IllusionIllusion magic is one of the most commonly practised forms of magic among mages, and it is the most common type of magic that mages learn once they arrive at the Circle. However, not many mages continue to learn it to a effective proficiency. Basic illusions consists of nothing more than a few party tricks capable of entertaining people, but not capable of fooling them for long. Advanced illusions can only be pulled off by master's in this field of magic. These illusions require a large amount of intelligence, and imagination. At this level they are able toproduce illusions so powerful that they are able to fool people into believing it is real. These illusions can play tricks on the target's sight, hearing, and in some cases, even smell. As influential as these spells may be, they are not without their limitations. For example, depending on the complexity of illusions used (as well as the size), it is more likely that the illusion will be recognized. Depending on the intelligence of the target, whether they are a Mage or a Mundane (people that do not practise magic), the easier it is for the illusion to be seen. Any physical contact with said illusions will confirm them to be false. Mages who operate as spies or assassins employ the use of illusion magic for obvious, and practical reasons.
SummoningSummoning magic is a skilled form of magic that only a select few can master. These spells involve summoning shades. Shades are semi-astral beings that are only present in Formaroth as long as the mage whom summoned them are alive. It is unclear what shades are, or where they came from, as the first mage who brought such magic to Formaroth was an elf, who was just as unclear of the shades origins as the Mage's Circle were. Only the High Mages of the Elven Imperial Court know of the shades origin, and it is highly unlikely they will share such secrets anytime soon. Shades appear in the form of an animal. The animal, depends on the mage who summoned them, and varies per mage. The choice of the animal that the shade will appear depends on the following: the mage's personality, appearance, morals, etc. These shades can be used for a wide range of tasks; scouting, entertainment, battle or even simple companionship. Depending on how powerful a mage is, the more shades they can summon (though the highest known number anyone has managed is twelve). While the Church of Klebrithy has condemned such magic, claiming that shades are daemons sent into the world by Hystix, it has done little to deter mages bent on summoning a shade as a companion.
ShapeshiftingShapeshifting is the rarest form of magic, and the School of shapeshifting has the smallest number of students. This is simply because it is the hardest form of magic to manage, and little have what it takes to use the magic properly. Shapeshifting involves changing into an animal of the mage's choice. However, this is no small task. The mage must first study the animal so as to understand it wholly; the way it moves (anatomy), what the animal's diet is, how it breathes, and how it interacts with others of it kind. It can take nearly a year before the user is capable of shapeshifting into a single animal. A majority of skilled mages are put off by this school due to the long learning process. however. those who succeed are noted as being extremely skilled mages, and worthy of respect.
AlterationThough many mages consider this school to teach the "weakest" spells, the School of alteration offers the widest variety of spells in comparison to any other school. Alteration involves teaching its students spells that will help them in everyday life. These spells can range anywhere between, but not limited to; creating light, improved eyesight, being able to breathe underwater, and even telekinesis.