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<Snipped quote by MacabreFox>

Nope, update imminent, sorry.

Nooooo D: very well then.

@MiddleEarthRoze We'll just have to hint that Roze now knows about DK and Sevine, so feel free to whip about the jests in future posts.

If it's cool with the almighty overlord, and if Rozey-Pozey doesn't mind, could we do a collab with Roze and Sevine?
Though she had risen earlier that morning to the sound of Farid, only to spend some quality time with Edith afterwards, it hardly felt as if the sun had inched any higher in the sky, when indeed it had. Once acquiring the new perfume, Troll Scab, which still puzzled her as to why someone would name a delightful smelling fragrance something so...distasteful, fact aside, Edith and her returned to the inn. To her surprise, she had a letter waiting for her from Liliana. Immediately, she set out away from the inn, clutching the sealed letter to her breast, and came to rest underneath an ancient pine tree behind the inn. Safe in her seclusion, her gaze swept over the name scrawled in black ink, her own: Sevine Varg-t’uk. Yet, she did not open the letter right away for her hands began to tremble at the potential news within. The anticipation of reading what her sister wrote nauseated her as it always had. Oblivion be damned, she remembered how excited, but nervous, she would feel when receiving letters from Liliana back in the war, and particularly how she learned of her father’s death.

Dearest Sister,

I am sorry to burden you with terrible news, but Pa has passed away…

There was more to the letter of course, but those words were emblazoned in her mind for the rest of the war, perhaps one of the reasons why she made it through to the end, for her sole desire to see her sister again, and pay respects to her father. Now, the same dread filled her, and with shaking hands, she broke the wax seal on the letter.

Dearest Sister,

With the arrival of the Gazette, I trust you will soon learn what has happened here in our beloved town, perhaps Edith has informed you?

But first, let me not carry on with the on-goings here at home, for my heart is glad to hear that you are safe despite the threats in Windhelm. Lodjolf treats me well, what a kind man he is, he fancies bringing me bouquets of flowers from his walks into town. Good news. You are to be an aunt! Yes, I only found out myself when your letter arrived, the midwife, Greta, says I am no more than two months along. I am overjoyed! Lodjolf says that whether it be a boy, or a girl, that we will name our child after Pa or Ma.

Now. If you remember her well, Svari, Edith’s cousin, you will recall that she is fiery in heart, despite her name. We are all safe here in Falkreath, and she chased out ol’ Dengeir! I am thrilled to have her as Jarl, there is not a doubt in my mind that she will do us right. A curious thing to note, she has an Orc housecarl, and a Redguard for a Thane! I've yet to venture into town since the uprising, as my condition is beginning to best me.

Sister, I wish to see your face soon, for I miss your bright eyes, and the sound of you laughing. But I am scared. I cannot lie. With the death of our High King, the invasion from Windhelm, the upset with the Orcs, and even here at home, I fear that I will bring a child into a world wrought with turmoil. I wish I were strong like you. I wish you were here. Write soon, I long for your letters again.

Your Beloved Sister,

Liliana Thorn-Raker

With great care, she folded the letter shut, and clenched it in her hands. Awash with emotions, her mind whirled with the news from her sister. Liliana…she wasn't hurt, but she was with child. One hand rose and covered her face as she smiled, she would become an aunt! The idea of returning one day to see a babe in her sister’s arms overwhelmed her, and hopefully, she could return one day to the old family homestead.

For what seemed like an hour, Sevine rose from her hiding place at the sound of excited voices. She assumed that those that wanted to see the duel were headed to the dueling circle, and she was right in her guess as she joined the tail end of the crowd. Luckily, or rather unluckily, depending on one’s viewpoint, she managed to claim a spot near the edge of the circle. To her pleasant surprise, Do’Karth found her, his hand in hers as the duel began.

She pitied Farid. He killed in cold blood, and regretted it almost immediately, she could see the lingering shame in his downcast eyes. Yet, there was also an apathetic atmosphere in his dark brown eyes as well, one that had accepted his fate, and all that was left to do, was to see if he would live, not that he would want to. After voicing who they were, and their great feats, the newcomer, Daixanos now known, fought with great and impressive skill.

A curious figure appeared on the opposing side of the circle, and her heart plummeted into the pit of her stomach. Leif. She could see from the sour look on his face that he knew, just like Thoring had said. While Do’Karth’s warm hand encircled her own, growing tighter, perhaps from anticipation of the duelists, her own hand felt cold, drained of blood. The killing blow, she could not watch, and she turned her head away, Farid fought for his life, despite his dirty tactics, but watching someone she knew die, she could not stomach, at least not on this day. Suddenly, Do’Karth embraced her, and while she wished for it to last longer, so as to soothe her troubled mind, he withdrew and she watched him make his way towards a grim faced Jorwen. She had expected Leif to come for her then, but when she looked to the place he last stood, he was nowhere to be seen.

Then, she caught sight of a familiar face making a bee-line towards her, Roze. She grinned and started off to meet her halfway, relieved not to be harassed by Leif just yet this day. “Roze! Tell me, something wicked this way comes, so what have Sagax and you gotten yourselves into?” She teased as she neared the bright eyed woman, clasping her on the shoulder and pulling her into an embrace.
When I wrote my first post for Dawnstar with Sevine, I had her write a letter to Liliana, now that she is back in Dawnstar and with the arrival of the Gazette, will she receive a response letter now? And what of the supplies they ordered? Will that show up as well?
Despite the cries of the inn’s patrons in the early morning hours, Leif did not rouse from his slumber, rather he carried on in sleep, snoring as loud as a cave best in hibernation. Granted, when he did wake, he regretted drinking so much ale the night prior. Scratching away the dried, crusted spittle at the corner of his mouth with the tip of his fingernail, he pushed himself up into a seated position. Immediately, his head began to pound with such an intensity, that it prompted him to return to his bed covers, where he then pulled the wool blanket up to his chin. His eyes narrowed into slits as he glared miserably at the light seeping into his rented room.

As he lay there in agony, woefully regretting his decision of ingesting a large amount of alcohol, the reason why came blazingly into the forefront of his mind. Sevine. And that stupid Khajiit, Do’Karth. Were he not in his present condition, he would have risen from his bed with gusto, and challenged the Khajiit to a duel in Sevine’s honor. Yet, at the same time, his heart weighed heavily in its cage of bone, and his mouth was dry with bitterness.

After fighting back wave after wave of nausea, Leif managed to pull himself out of the wood frame bed, and make himself proper for the day by combing out his sandy-brown locks, and braided the hair that grew over his temples. He washed his face and combed out his beard, re-braiding this as well and secured it with a painted bead.

He had returned to sitting on the edge of his bed, fighting the nausea of his hangover, and the growing sadness he understood to be Sevine’s choices when a prompt knock drew him from the depths of his thoughts.

“Time to check out, Raven-Stone.” Came the familiar voice of Thoring, the inn keeper.

“C-coming. Give me just a moment.” Leif called, his voice shaking. Any moment, his stomach threatened to heave in a violent fit, so talking only made him sicker.

There came no response from Thoring, so he deemed that the man had moved on to rouse the other inn tenants and reclaim the room keys. A few seconds later, Leif’s stomach won the battle, and what he could muster, came spewing out into the chamber pot. His breath came in ragged pants as he tucked his head between his legs, well at least the worst was over.

When he made himself proper, Leif pocketed the room key left on the bedside table and made his way to the bar. Even now, his nose picked up on the repulsive scent of liquor, causing his stomach to turn.

“Feeling any better, Raven-Stone?” Thoring asked, cocking an inquisitive eyebrow at the paler than normal Nord.

“Aye, if you could say that. Might I have a flagon of water?” He inquired, his hands trembling. Thoring merely nodded as he retrieved the key, slipping it onto a key ring at his waist.

“The Tamrelic Gazette came in today. Care for a read?” Thoring offered as he returned with the water, sliding it across the wooden table top. Absent-mindedly, Leif reached for his coin purse, and widened his eyes at the weight, nothing. Not a single coin left. Had he really spent every last coin last night? Or had he been swindled by sticky hands?

“Ah, I'm afraid not. I’m certain someone will tell me.” Leif said with a regretful smile. He stayed there, and sipped slowly on his water, still fighting the mighty waves of nausea.

“Heard there's a duel going on, one of your members made a disgusting scene this morning, and now he’s to pay. Faheed, or Farid, and some Argonian are going to face off. I would check it out if you can, it's always a good day if there's a duel to be had.”


Not only had the entire mercenary company gathered to form a ring around the dueling members, so had other citizens of Dawnstar from apparent word of mouth. With arms crossed over his chest, Leif’s teeth were wedged together in agitation. His eyes were glued to one particular person, or rather persons. Do’Karth and Sevine. He paid no heed to the fight, only glancing on occasion to Farid and Daixanos. From where he stood, he had a clear view of the new lovers.

A deeply rooted rage began to boil within the depths of his heart, he simply found it impossible to tear his eyes away. And not only was there rage brewing, but therein also brewed a pain so intense, his eyes began to sting with the threat of tears. How could she deny him? It did not come down to his past conquers of women, rather the fact that he truly did feel an emotion so profound and so rarely experienced for Sevine, that the thought of rejection, albeit not outright, pained him even more. Every caress, every glance shared, and every touch, burned a wild fire, slowly focused on the idea of shaming Do’Karth. Where he stood, he spotted the new amulet that hung around her neck, one of Khajiiti make, that much was certain. An evident token of affection from Do’Karth, one that Sevine proudly wore without shame.

When the dark red blood of Farid began to ooze from his chest wound, Leif turned away in disgust, moreover Sevine than with Farid, he had heard already from those gathered near him the wrong-doings of the Redguard. His rising waves of mixed emotions led him away, his thoughts returned to Jorwen, and of the talk they shared. Now, without the aid of alcohol to ease his rage, the veteran warrior’s words were harder to stomach. There was nothing greater than death that could ease his pain. No woman, no amount of liquor, only the release through death. He silently vowed that he would become the most remembered Nord, one greater than the mighty Red-Bear, or the fearsome Huntress. He would make his own name for himself, and it would make Sevine look upon him with new eyes. Leif the Noble. Aye, that was a proud name to have, even if it meant death at the end of his path. Talos guide him.
Working on a post for Leif.
When she had finished her shower, Vera set to stoking the fireplace, and went about exploring the flat, and trying to make Shay as comfortable as possible in the meantime. Her thoughts were elsewhere, replaying the scene of the bedroom events over and over again in her head, and one dark thought loomed over her like a massive storm cloud. Shay...he had finished inside of her… Her mind found it hard to think of anything else asides from the fact that there might be arise a pregnancy from this situation.

Just as she set a piping hot tea pot full of earl-grey down on the coffee table, there was a quick rapt at her door. She shot Shay a hesitant glance before rushing over to peer through the peep hole. With a relieved sigh, she opened the door and in stepped Sam, Emory, a red-faced Silas, and the doctor. The doctor, or rather, an eccentrically clad woman who sported an array of vibrant patterns, from gingham to calicoes, plaid and even floral designs, were easy to spy. She had long black hair, with a streak of grey on the right side of her temple, and large, piercing black eyes. Her nose was hooked, like that of a hawk, or a vulture, and in one nostril there twinkled in the mid-morning light, a gold ring. Around her neck hung the ominous Black Madonna, and as she sidled into the room, her mouth turning into a pertinent frown, Vera’s eyes never left her.

When Sam broke her attention by calling to her, he also drew the attention of the woman again, and this time she made a quiet remark in a language that Vera didn't understand. She frowned immediately, concerned that the woman had said something offensive.

“Wait, Sam. What did she say?” Vera demanded, looking to Em and Silas as they glanced about her new flat, revolvers drawn.

Silas, who had caught the words of the woman grew red around the ears. “Ah...She says she knows you?”

Vera’s eyes leapt from Silas to the woman, “How do you know me?” The tone in her voice denoted that of irritation. Not at the woman, but rather at Sam for taking so long to get to Shay.

Silas did his best to translate, and how he knew what language she spoke baffled her. The woman shrugged her shoulders and pointed at Vera, still speaking in her native tongue, and turned to Silas before sauntering over to Shay.

“I'm sorry, she won't tell me.” He only offered a sympathetic smile for her before turning to Shay, and translating what he said to her. The woman set about unwrapping his bandages, and clucked her tongue as she went, speaking to Silas on occasion.

“Ah, sorry about this mate. This here’s my Aunt Ingrid, she comes from the old country. It may seem strange, but she's dealt with worse than bullet-holes, don't worry about a thing, eh? She’ll have you sitting pretty in a split. The good news is, she says the bullet went clear through.” Silas spoke, he was a nervous fellow, and shifted uncomfortably, probably feeling the same as Shay did when he first stepped into the flat, didn't want to muck up the place.

“Vera. A word. Now.” Sam repeated, and hooked his thumb into the kitchen. There, she followed him into the brightly lit room and leaned against a counter.

“What do you want, Sam? I’ve not had much sleep, so my nerves are stressed.” She asked, crossing her arms over her chest.
So, I paired each character in the deadpool up. The pairs were Leif - Sagax and Dax - Solveig.

I rolled a d20 for each pair to decide who would win between the two, example: Leif would win if the die rolled onto any number 1-10, Dax 11-20

Here are the results:

Leif 6

Sagax 4

Dax 7

Solveig 3

The Dice-Gods really wanted either Leif or Dax to fight Farid as Ashav's Champion. They were just pissing all over my odds, though. In the end, Dax will have his day of blood. I'm going to figure out how to transplant Farid and Dax into a DnD 5e character sheet's stats, unless anyone else has a better idea.

So does this mean that Leif won't be fighting D:??

On a side note, we do kinda need to keep Leif alive for the duel with DK...which I kinda forgot about, so I'm cool if Dax wants to take his place. Plus it would give us some insight to see how Dax fights, and acts as a character ;D
I'm working a lot of overtime this week. When I start the Farid trial, Leif will be the one who is champion, unless Frizzy-Wizzy and Foxy-Woxy wanna rock-paper-scissors for it.

You wanna fight m8? @Frizan
<Snipped quote by Chrononaut>

Vurwe still has to bump into Jorwen


Farid's fate is being decided amongst the Senior Officers of the Company. They will ultimately give Farid a choice between paying Ashav blood price for Orakh or disputing it and fighting Ashav's champion.

We have two choices-

One of you guys volunteers, and their fate is decided by a (generous) dice roll. If they win, they are given a tidy lump sum of gold.


If no one wants to volunteer their character, a dice roll will decide between Cleftjaw and Cilo stepping up and fighting. It'll be a little less fun, as the drama then is only really foisted upon two PCs, instead of the rest of you rooting and cheering for one of your fellow PCs.

I will volunteer Leif! After Sevine, he's feeling a bit more brash. Unless anyone else cares to volunteer?
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