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For a few moments, Vera watched the lead scratch across the paper beneath Shay’s hand. She could envision the rooms he planned to draw, the hallways, the key rooms, the doorways even. She couldn’t hide from it any long, and even now, as her gaze flickered between Sam, who sat happily with Eli sharing a drink, and Shay, who looked just as bitter as someone with an infected tooth.

Then, she made a bold move. With one hand, she reached out to Shay, her hand covering his own, while her other hand coveted the paper, preventing him from drawing anything else, and forcing his attention on her. Or so she hoped. “Shay,” She began, and immediately the lump in her throat returned with a vengeance, the next few seconds she stared mouth agape at him, desperately searching for the right words to say, “I meant what I said back in the car. I am sorry. You didn’t deserve to be treated the way I treated you. I was angry, and hurt. I was frustrated with Sam. I didn’t feel in control anymore, and I took it out on you and everyone else in the room.” She forced herself to look him in the eye. From her peripheral vision, she could feel Sam’s gaze on her, not to mention the other eyes on her. Everyone knew now. Whether it was Emory or Silas, someone let slip what happened in the apartment, and they all knew the relationship between Shay and Vera, though they were still uncertain what...they were.

“You… I don’t know what to say to make this better. I am afraid. Afraid that I’ll say something wrong, that the next words out of my mouth will make you disappear from my life forever.” Her hand atop his began to tremble, while the other covering the paper withdrew into a clenched fist on the edge of the table. She worked her jaw in agitation, her teeth grinding against one another like gears that didn’t fit. Truly, she was at a loss for words on what to say next, how could she make him understand? What could she say?

“Please Shay.” Her voice dropped into a low, hoarse whisper as she fought back an oncoming surge of tears. “Just give me another chance to make things work, to make it right.” The lower lip of her mouth was pushed forward and trembling. She blinked rapidly, trying her best to make the tears in her eyes disappear, she didn’t want him to her like this. Not now, not in front of everyone here.
<Snipped quote by MacabreFox>

Eyy lmao.

Thanks a lot for the pics. Sounds like Roswell is a pretty neat place. I'll be sure to visit it and get my dose of Area 420 when I have the chance. That is, if I don't get abducted by UFOs; you didn't come away with strange probing marks, did you?

Next post will be roughly two days. Cooking up FoC first so I can have more stuff to reference in Solveig the Shield-Maiden.

Of course :)! No, no strange probing marks, but a serious case of diarrhea did catch me out of the blue.

I am totally digging the FoC references in your posts btw xD
@ScoutYou can't help where you are, and Fox understands. We all do.

I know what thats like anyhow. Maybe not to that extent, but I lived in a living room for a year and a basement for a year and a half. You can't get no private time to focus on posts, and it sucks. Just do what you can :)

Aboslutely. I've had my fair share of shitty living arrangements. Like the time I had to share a room with a girl and her daughter (she was 17, daughter 3, and I was 19), and I couldn't sleep in the same bed as my boyfriend, nor use the internet, even though the both of us paid $800/month in rent/food. There were 8 of us in the house, no privacy, not to mention that I had to ask to go anywhere despite owning my car and having a job, etc. Also one of the reasons why I disappeared from the guild for about 6 months. Glad I moved out of there as soon as I could.
<Snipped quote by MacabreFox>

Sorry for leaving you out here... I thought getting here was going to be easy. But of FUCKING course it isn't. The barracks is full so.,. I'm not living anywhere. I'm literally sleeping in a room meant for people who had broken the law. I'm in a room for military PRISONERS. "Temporarily" meaning I'm going to be pissed off until I'm moved. The internet here is shit and sporty too. I'll try tomorrow? I don't fucking know. Again, I'm really sorry for just disappearing like that - but I suddenly have a lot of problems.

Hey don't worry at all :) I'd rather you wait till things get better anyways!
~ The Knife that Cuts Deepest ~

1945, February 2nd - The Tawdry Countess

Anguish and Regret

“I suppose you could say that I’m his problem.” Vera grumbled, sticking her hands under the pits of her arms. Her mood towards Shay had soured exceptionally, especially at his recent behaviour. So what? Was he angry with her for trying to justify the situation? While she couldn’t fully comprehend what was going on in that mind of his, she could tell something bothered him deep down.

“What does that mean? You two have a lover’s quarrel or something like that?” Sam asked, popping a cigarette in his mouth, and held out one to Vera, to which she readily accepted, though her brows were raised up in surprise. “C’mon V, don’t play dumb with me. Everyone has been talking about you.” He nodded at the Tawdry to indicate those within had been aware of the growing relationship between Shay and her.

With a hand rubbing her brow, she swiped the book of matches away from her brother, lit the end of her cigarette and then crushed matchstick beneath the toe of her shoe. “It’s because… of me. You know… what got us into this problem in the first place, eh?”

“You mean your problem?”

“It’s not a problem,” Vera growled, giving her brother a deathly glare full of hate, “I have it all under control.”

“Mmm. I beg to differ on that.” Sam interjected. “You were running through a daze, another binge again. Don’t act like I haven’t noticed before, or Frankie, or Mr. Harrison. I tried to call you two days ago, and you wouldn’t wake up. Imagine what that does to Shay.”

“What about it, Sam? Get to the point and quit trying to pussyfoot around whatever it is you’re trying to say.”

“Let me put it like this… When a man expresses interest in a woman, and she returns it, but then she flies into a rage, kicks the man she supposedly loves out of her apartment, even though he didn’t do anything to be kicked out in the first place, he’s going to feel rejected. Spiteful, even. Think about it. That fight that you and I had, that was just between us. Shay had nothing to do with it, yet you punished him like he had done something wrong. Christ. Vera, he took a bloody bullet for you.”

“Yea, and I bloody well saved his life!” She interrupted, throwing her cigarette down in disgust. Hot tears stung her eyes as she gritted her teeth in anger, and began pacing in a small circle beside the Peugeot. “Y-you’d think, th-that he’d at least thank me for th-that!” She stuttered as a wave of tears rocked her body, she doubled over in inner anguish and wrapped her arms around herself.

With a heavy-hearted sigh, Sam flicked away the remains of his own cigarette, and pulled Vera into him. On instinct, she buried her face into his jacket, and let out a roll strangled sobs. Cries that she tried to stop, but the emotional release felt too good to fight it back anymore. Ever since the morning’s drive out to the Goethe’s, she had been waiting for a moment like this, to let it all out, to grieve for her mistakes. While one arm held her tight, the other stroked her back in a comforting manner as Sam rested his chin on her shoulder. He could smell the faint lavender perfume that she wore, and felt vaguely reminded of their deceased mother. When she seemed to have cried herself out of it, Sam pulled back, and grasped her chin between his thumb and forefinger. Her eyes were red and puffy, as was her nose. A half-smile crossed his lips as he was reminded of their yester years, of the day Vera had fallen and scraped her knees when playing chase with the boys. She looked the same as she did then. Frustrated, hurt, and angry at herself.

“There. Do you feel better now?” He asked, fishing out his handkerchief from his coat pocket, and used a fresh corner to wipe away her tears, doing his best to erase all evidence of her pain. She didn’t have the courage to speak, so she simply nodded her head yes in response. “Vera… I love you. You’re the only family we have, and I don’t like to see you upset. But sometimes, you bring this upon yourself. As a person, let alone a woman, you have a self-destructing nature. You never let anyone love you, because you always end up pushing people away that care about you the most. Shay is a good man. I like him just as much as you do, but I would hate to see either one of you upset. There’s only one way you can fix this. You have to apologize to him. If he loves you, and his pride isn’t too injured, he’ll forgive you.”

Her light blue eyes had drifted to the pavement underfoot. Her mind was awhirl with an endless train of thoughts. There was so much she wanted to say, to Sam, to Shay, but nothing would come out. With a spring, she tossed her arms about her brother’s neck, whispered in his ear. “Thank you Sam.” He hugged her with one arm, and let go when she pulled away.

“C’mon, let’s get you inside. A nice drink will warm you right up.” Sam said as he held the door open to the Tawdry, waiting for his sister to pass through.


“Lady Vera, a pleasure as always. What can I get for you?” Frankie asked as she came to stand at the bar. At first she had taken a distant stance from Shay, one that came across as standoffish, or perhaps aloof, but Sam was quick to remedy that as he stood on the outside of Vera, and pushed her nonchalantly towards Shay.

“Where do I start?” Vera sighed, and then remembered Sam’s words. Her attitude wouldn’t help the situation with Shay. Putting a hand to her forehead, she inhaled slowly to calm her frayed nerves. When she lifted her head, she cast a quick glance at Shay before putting on a false smile for Frankie. “How about a Bee’s Knees?”

“Right you are.” Frankie said as he slapped the countertop of the bar, and set a tumbler on the counter. With a bottle of gin in one hand, and a jar of honey in the other, he measured out the gin, stirred some honey into mix, and then squeezed fresh lemon into tumbler. He pushed it towards Vera, and watched her closely.

“Here Frankie.” She said, as she reached into her coat pocket to pay him.

“Ah ah, Tommy’s orders. Tips only for those on a job. Free drinks for the lot of you.” The older man said. He had a long face with thin lips that were always ready to smile, his thinning hair gave him the appearance that his head was larger that it actually was.

“Oh… well, thank you.” She smiled, feeling a bit ashamed at the sudden charity.

“Sure thing. Say, they haven’t arrived yet, but Grant and Jonny want to speak with the three of you when they get here.” Frankie said as he sidled on down the bar to another customer, someone from the local area.

Now, the three of them were sitting together in an awkward silence. Vera sipped heavily on her cocktail, wishing all the while that she hadn’t acted the way she did, that she could rest her head on Shay’s shoulder, breathe in the scent of his cologne, and feel safe all over again. It was like they had never gone to see the von Goethe’s at all, like Vera had shared intimacy with Shay. Turning in her seat, her eyes swept across the Tawdry, searching for no one in particular. With Sam seated next to her, he drummed his fingers on the counter, pretending as if nothing was amiss. She spotted Eris Hawkins, Miriam Dorsey, Elouise, Silas, Matthew, and the Lindsey brother’s. Feeling defeated in her attempt to make douse the fire of her emotions towards Shay, she turned back around in her chair and turned to face, though she gazed not at his face, but at the tumbler in his hands.

“Shay-” Before she had a chance to begin, the door to the Tawdry flew open, and in strode John Kirby, and Grant Wallis. The pair spotted the trio seated at the counter, but Grant departed to the private office that Tommy often used, and Jonny approached them at the bar.

“Hello boys, miss Vera, I’m glad to see that you had a safe trip. Come, Grant and I have some things to discuss with you lot in the office.” With that, he clapped Sam and Shay on the shoulders, for he was a tall man, standing in at 6’5, so his arms spread out were of an equal length.


When they were all seated inside the office, Grant sat behind the desk that Tommy had sat less than a week prior, addressing Vera on the matters of becoming an active member of the Roughers, while Jonny leaned against the wall, cradling a glass full of whisky.

“Did you locate the painting?” Grant asked, using his one good eye to look between Shay and Vera. He lost the use of his left eye in the war, a shard of shrapnel from a mine flew up, and destroyed the cornea. Now, a modest, black eye-patch covered the blind eye. From time to time, he still suffered the loss of his other eye. He had a hard time perceiving depth perception, and often ended up dropping glasses where he presumed the edge of a table would be. Now, his brothers preferred for him not to drive, or wield a gun, in case he did more harm than necessary.


“Was it the original, like our proprietor mentioned?”

“Yes, it was.”

“And Sam, did you have a chance to survey the property?” Grant asked, shifting his eye over to him.

“Yessir. The only problems that could arise, are the gatekeeper, and the wrought iron fence they have surrounding the property.”

“Does this fence encompass the entirety of the property on their estate?”

“From what I can tell. They have over twenty acres of land, though I’m not sure if it runs the entire length. I didn’t have the chance to ask the gatekeeper, as he was interested in the Peugeot. The poor bloke had never seen a car so fine, so I let him drive it up and down the road with me in it.”

“...you let him drive the car?” Grant asked, his brow furrowing in confusion.

“Yes. I wanted him to like me, and by doing so I gained some valuable information. Such as, the von Goethe’s keep no dogs on the property because Herr Goethe is allergic. You would be pleased to know that their entire wait-staff totals sixteen employees. A cook, ten maids and one butler, the gatekeeper, and three groundskeepers that rotate throughout the year depending on the season.”

“Impressive.” Grant mused, his eye shifted to Shay, where it lingered. Vera wasn’t certain if he was sizing him up, or trying to formulate a question.

“What of you, Shay? Anything of significant importance that you can share with us?”
Vienna, Austria

Only the night before last, Evelyn Grey had arrived in transit to Vienna as her missive dictated, but she was not alone on the journey. A German soldier under Seppel Traugott’s command had been assigned to her, to ensure her safety, and her arrival in the city. After all, it would do her no good were she to disappear before even arriving. The thought of escape hung heavy on her mind, as it always had now since being captured by the Germans. She kept the anger and resentment she held towards them inside, all she had to do was survive. Survive this mission, survive the war, and she could leave home for England. That’s all she desired. She felt restless in the company of Josef, and yet, she couldn't blame him. He knew nothing of the hell she had seen. In her mind's eye, as soon as he returned to the front-line, his likelihood of survival decreased significantly. Josef was a young man, perhaps no more than twenty-three, and he was full of ideas. She had treated him for an infected tooth only a month and a half ago. While she remained at Klaus' side, the other German soldier she had saved, only because she had to, Josef followed her around like a lost puppy, as if smitten with her mere presence. To him, she must have been a damsel in distress. A rescued British nurse that pledged her hatred for her home country, and felt a deep connection to her German heritage could work wonders on a young impressionable mind.

For the duration of the train ride, one of which took nearly a week, traveling from France to Austria, Josef tried his best to be a good host. After all, as Evelyn came to understand it, Josef was Traugott's personal errand boy. She had watched him in the camps fetching him papers, arranging meetings with other military officials, bringing him meals, and so forth. So, to amuse him, she entertained him with his desire to better his English. They discussed all manners of subjects, from the war so far, to love, politics, their favorite foods, and most commonly, German art and literature, in which Evelyn was well-versed due to her upbringing.

When the train pulled into the station, Josef retrieved their bags, as kindly as any gentleman ought to, and escorted her to a hotel down the street from the intelligence building. She had to admit, the architectural designs of the building put to shame even London’s greatest buildings. There was an air about the city, one that kept her in awe, an aura of wonder and sophistication. Perhaps it was the sense of nostalgia that the city evoked. A large majority of famous people had originated here, Marie Antoinette, and even, most importantly, Ludwig van Beethoven and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Truly impressive. The citizens of this beautiful city ought to carry with them a deep sense of pride, or so she thought. As they checked into the hotel, Evelyn felt transported in time, not only did the exterior of the building convey a grandiose beauty in the architectural structure, but so did the interior. With room keys in hand, Josef led her to a room next to his, she would be given privacy as a woman, but he would keep a close eye on her. Or as he politely put it, 'to ensure your safety'. After handing over her suitcase, he reminded her when they would take lunch and dinner later in the day.

After lunch that day, Evelyn and Josef set off through city, as he insisted that she had to see the sights before she left for her mission. She followed him around in silence, only responding to his comments and questions when prompted. However, when he brought her to St. Stephen’s Cathedral, her demeanor changed. This young man, despite being the enemy, was actually doing her a nice favor in trying to make her feel welcome and at ease, and here she was acting as she were better than him. When they returned to the hotel for dinner, Josef, himself, was surprised that Evelyn had become more engaged in their conversation, to which they spent the rest of the evening by the fireside discussing the war, famous German literature, and more importantly family. She kept the questions directed on him, and gave him little chance to ask about her in nature. He didn't seem to notice for he chattered on like a jay bird in the spring time.

When morning came for her to report to the intelligence building in the morning, Josef accompanied her as far as the doorway, insisting that when she returned for her things at the hotel, he would be gone, returning to Traugott’s command as soon as possible She thanked him for being so kind to her, and even placed a warm kiss upon his cheek, leaving the young lad beaming with a smile as she headed into the building. At first, she stood inside the lobby gazing around until a woman behind a desk asked if she needed help.

“Ja bitte. Ich habe ein treffen mit Herr Hahn Schwarz.” Yes please. I have a meeting with Herr Hahn Schwarz. Evelyn said with ease in German, to her, speaking German was as natural as speaking English. The woman at the desk gave her directions to the meeting room, on the second floor, the public information sector. As she climbed the stairs, the sound of her heels clicking against the stone floor echoed through the lobby before she emerged onto the second floor. There another woman, this time with an exceptionally fashionable hat, and brunette hair greeted her.

“Ms. Grey?” The woman asked.


“I am Adina Tidivar, Herr Schwarz has been expecting you. You're right on time, as the others have just arrived.” She rose to her feet, and gestured with her hand the way which she should go. Together, the two women strode in matched unison down the hallway until they reached Herr Schwarz office. As she showed her in, Adina left shortly after, leaving Evelyn to take her seat alongside, what seemed to her, a Turkish man, and a man of Austrian descent. When Herr Schwarz introduced each of them to one another, and made a particular remark about her making the right choice in joining the German side of the war, she simply nodded, there was nothing for her to say, and she wanted to keep it that way, gave her the chance of making herself look less like a fool, and raising suspicions or questions.

She listened on in silence, contemplating the details of the mission and the task that they were given. The thought of locating the gas troubled her, as if they were exposed to it, it would mean death, and her goal, of course, was to stay alive. She eyed the gas mask with some degree of suspicion and retrieved it with a sour smile. Evelyn regarded her partners each with a side glance, Stephan Burkhart, as she came to know him, was rather malnourished, and a bit shorter than the standard Austrian men she had seen strolling about the city. She presumed that his scrawny figure came from the tight rations in the region. As for Nafiz, he possessed a more rounded figure than Stephan, perhaps a hint at some type of military association? Admittingly, he did have an impressive moustache for a man his age, to which she also presumed that he was older than her by several years. Amongst the two of them, she felt like an outcast what with her British nationality. When the time came for questions, she glanced at the entertainment poster on Herr Schwarz desk.

“Yes sir, only one.” She leaned forward in her chair, and tapped the poster with her finger. “What am I to wear for the event? I have nothing in my possession that is presentable for such a task. I can purchase the necessary attire if needed, unless of course, it is already been arranged.”

The most peculiar of things happened the day she set foot inside of Kvatch, at first, Brona thought the eerie silence in the air came from the fact that the Imperial guard had finally caught up to her through the countless reports of angered nobles, and wealthy merchants having been robbed blindly by some Imperial woman performing sleights of hand, or the reports of their gold being taken from them in the dead of night. However, as she strolled through the familiar streets of the town, she noted the lack of birdsong that she listened for, or any presence of the local livestock. Come to think of it, she had a rather peaceful night’s sleep under the boughs of an oak tree the night before, which was a bit on the odd side, considering that many of the wild life kept her awake until the early morning hours, when she could afford to fall asleep for a few hours before dawn broke.

However, that was the 28th of Last Seed. When she made it inside Kvatch, Brona went through her normal routine of gifting the poor folk with coin, and selling the rest of her pilfered wares to the vendors. Normally, when people questioned where she found such items, she mumbled something along the lines that she enjoyed cave-diving, and exploring old ruins. Of course, for the finer things, she always had a backstory of some sort, any little lie that helped them take their mind off where she found it, and focus on paying her the share she was owed. After disposing of her lifted items, Brona pitched her tent outside the town, and settled down for the evening. To keep herself busy, and out of trouble, she took to mending her armor, sewing over the worn patches where holes had begun to form, fitting pieces of canvas underneath the holes, and sewing in smaller pieces of leather over top. While she wasn’t the best at leatherworking, at least it kept her from wasting the people’s money, as she thought of it in her mind’s eye, on new armor.

The 29th of Last Seed continued much the same, the lack of birdsong prevailed through the air, as it normally served as a wake up call for Brona, now, she had overslept by a two full hours. A bit grouchy, she stuck to her camp, and decided that in the morning, she would start her way back to the Imperial City to see her family, as it had been seven months since she spoke to her mother and father last, let alone learn how Garius, Marcellus and Oriela were holding up. Last she heard, Garius had acquired a position as a guard on the docks, she was happy that he had found a stable job. Marcellus, now 31 like his twin, had married four years ago, and was expecting his first child. There were complications with his wife conceiving, so this was considered a blessing. He had a job working in the same fields as their father. Arcantina had slowed down in the working life, and Oriela had left her apprenticeship as a seamstress to look after their mother.

However, by the time nightfall came, Brona’s world was turned upside down. She had packed her belongings up, even her tent and bedroll, and was about to head out in the night to get a head start towards the city, when a great thunderous noise turned her gaze towards the sky above. There, the sky turned crimson, a deep shade of red, the color of blood, and while she expected to see brilliant white bolts of lightning to illuminate the sky, none ever came, only the booms of thunder. Immediately, she went to investigate, the guards didn’t say a word, for their attention too, was turned to the skies. What happened next, Brona can only recall in terrifying glimpses. Once inside Kvatch, throngs of frightened villagers made their way into the streets where utter chaos ensued. For some it was too late, homes and shoppes were ablaze, and as screams began to fill the air, Brona soon understood the source of it. Daedra. By the Gods, daedra were pouring out of swirling portals, funneling through the streets like droves of ants. Those that could, made their way to the Chapel of Akatosh, and so did Brona. She herself felt afraid at the sight of the daedra, to her, they had only been legend, but now they were here.

So that was how Brona, and those inside the chapel came to be. Sleep never came that night for her. Her nerves were stretched thin with worry. Would the daedra outside overwhelm the chapel, and slaughter those within? Would she ever see the light of day again? What of her family? In a quiet corner, Brona had sat huddled in a ball, her knees pulled tight to her chest.

It wasn’t until the sound of rapid knocking upon the chapel doors did she realize that she had dozed off. Struggling to her feet, her hands flew to the dual short swords at her hips. A female guard that seemed to be in charge of the others inside, opened the door, the air inside the chapel had become thick with fear. Would this be it? The moment of truth? As the door swung open, in spilled a towering Nord man, and a rather short Imperial woman. While the woman expressed her enthusiasm for making it inside safe, the man with her began scanning the room. Immediately, Brona sank back down, trying to make herself smaller in case they were looking for her, but she listened to the woman guard, gleaning what information she could from the situation. So the gates that the daedra were coming from hadn’t been closed, but they were looking for someone as she had suspected. The blonde Imperial inquired if there was a person by the name of Martin present in the chapel. To which there was.

The situation in the chapel turned completely when it became apparent that volunteers were needed in help shutting the gates of Oblivion, and one by one, those brave enough began to voice that they would help. To Brona, it was suicide, but it also seemed suicidal to remain behind in the chapel when there was a chance at putting an end to the chaos outside. She was hesitant, and thought of her family, what would become of them if she did this? Or more importantly, what would happen to them if she didn’t? From her crouched position in the corner, Brona slung her rucksack onto her shoulder and moved out of her hiding place.

“I will help too.” She didn’t need to explain herself, or what her skills were, so she thought. The fact that she was volunteering should be enough.
@Scout Any idea when you'll be on Tpad?

If you're really into aliens, you would have liked Roswell, while they're trying to move away from the alien themed in town, they changed their green cop cars, and green Walmart to normal ones, there are still restaurants that play into the alien themes, along with a UFO museum, and apparently, there's a place near the crash landing where it's another museum. There was a place called UFO Self-Storage, and one of the banks had a flying saucer as their logo. One mexican restaurant had alien mariachis painted on the walls outside. And a bar called the Landing, where it had a flying saucer on the outside. There was even a smoke shop called Area 420.

On a side note, I'm working on several posts today, so I imagine that I should have a post for this up by today.
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