@gcold Any suggestions on what I can have Leif do? I was thinking of just having him help man the Kyne for now.
@DervishHonestly, I'm highly skeptical about the pain-killing application of marijuana. I tried CBD capsules after my script for percs ran out and nothing really happened. Opiates/opioids are really subtle monsters when it comes to their effects. You feel light and are overcome with a sort of "glow" in your mood, where you're completely content with everything if you take a high enough dose. Easy to see why people in hard times would rather spend their 20 bucks on the stuff rather than food. I instantly remembered why I liked the stuff so much when they asked me if I wanted pain killers after I came into the hospital with a broken ankle.
Sounds good to me! I'll start us off on the TTP. :)
Psst, @Leidenschaft I can sneak you in through the back, she'll never notice
<Snipped quote by Graviloquence>
For starters, tell us where Bharzak is and what she is doing. After that, tell us what she plans to do and whether or not she will meet up with the rest.
There's two groups at Nightgate. Jorwen and Dax are battling Kamal collaborators outside, while Keegan, Marcel, Sevine and Rhasha'Dar are trying to avoid being trapped inside the inn. Oh, and Fulgrog is dead right besides the door, which may be something Bharzak wants to react to.
@MacabreFox@gcold Sorry I haven't been around, school beat the figurative life out of me this week and I haven't been able to do anything. I'll try and be on tomorrow; I really need to get some sleep.