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<Snipped quote by MacabreFox>

Imma say good, bad, bad, good, false

Skyrim ain't no frilly milk drinking gameshow land, damn it.

Dood, it’s a new thing in Solitude. Get with the new trendz mang
Brynja Rumors

1. Killed a man during a drinking game, where he overdrank and died at the table.

2. Fornicated with a bear as no one else would sleep with her, it’s a lonely life on the road.

3. Her great-great-great-great-great grandparents were giants.

4. Once wrangled a man in a brawl, and proceeded to remove every tooth in his mouth to “teach him a lesson”.

5. Was runner-up in Skyrim’s beauty contest, How Nord Are You?
I definitely think that Brynja would work in a hospital, I could see her being a nurse that hates her job but sticks around because the pay and benefits are too good to pass up.
Just to keep this OOC somewhat active and amusing, what plot predictions do you all have for the game? Bonus round; what pop culture references do you think we're going to shoehorn in here?

Well, Monty Python and GoT has made it in so far! Brynja made a remark towards Mortalmo, “You’re a talker” which I took from the Hound off GoT before he eats all those chickens
And her line in the collab between Dervs and I, “‘Tis Hut a scratch.” xD

I definitely see some LotR making its way in here too! ;)

And while Brynja might not like Sora, best believe I want her around for the convenience of sass talk.

PLOT TWIST: Mortalmo is actually an ancient Dwemer who suffers from amnesia and doesn’t remember being an even bigger d-bag

PLOT TWIST WITHIN A PLOT TWIST: Mortalmo is the first automaton built by the Dwemers and he hasn’t unleashed his true power.
UPDATE:It has been decided that the post in progress will be put on the back burner. You all can post free of will without any delay!
I think I’ll be able to get to writing by Wednesday or Thursday. I should definitely be home by then.
@Greenie you know what this means!
Really excited to play my new character in his element, since he was made for this stuff. He is mostly the same, with a few different facts in his backstory that adheres with the slightly different canon of the RP. Hope he's good @Dervish@MacabreFox@Leidenschaft

Poo, you still have 8 spells instead of the 7 like Dervs asked ;)

Other than that, everything looks to be in order, unless the other 2/3 of the Holy Trinity dictates otherwise
Before we talk about magic, I have some things that need to be mentioned and addressed. I'll leave the magic up to Dervs and Schaft.

Zevran by That1guy

Alright, try #2 @Dervish

Good job on elaborating on his personality, and giving him a family name.

Family Origins: His family seemed to crop up out of nowhere, rising on the success of a grandfather now lost to time. With enough influence on trade to gain riches, but not enough to become anything of true importance, they were stuck in a safe zone somewhere in the middle. As long as nobody did anything stupid nobody had problems with them, they had little effect on anything but the caravans and such they controlled, and floated healthily on the profit that came from it.

This entire block of text should be moved to the History section. The Family Origins section should really only contain where he was born and lived, i.e, Imperial City, Cyrodiil, or Windhelm, Skyrim for example.

I personally feel as if you didn't really answer or elaborate on anything that we asked you to in the first place, if anything, now I have more questions pertaining to his background.

We have mentioned several times in the OOC that the Mages Guild no longer exists.

I’d like to see his relationship with his family fleshed out more, what reason did he have to just stop concerning himself with them? What was his family’s reaction? - Schaft

I saw that you expanded on the Family and Associations section, but I feel that while you explained their relations to him, there is no explanation or elaboration of them in the History section, you left that out entirely. You mention that there is a family business, but you didn't say what kind?

For years he learned, distancing himself from everybody In his family save his mother, until eventually one day he disappeared entirely, stealing gold and several needed supplies from home, including his father's elven dagger. He travelled for a good time, picking up a trick or two where he could and immersing himself in the libraries of any mage college he could wriggle his way into, only spending a month or two at the most in any college he came across.

He spent three years wandering, what were some of the things he encountered?

There's a lot here, what age was he when he left home? Why did he steal gold and supplies, along with the his father's dagger? "He travelled for a good time," what is a good time exactly? You mention him immersing himself in the libraries of any mage college he could get into, but you don't state where he went, or what he learned. Also, during this period of travel, there’s not much on his experiences. Did he ever get lost, or sick? Did he ever get robbed by bandits? How did he handle interacting with people and the environment once he left home?

As of right now, I'm concerned that you're going to have a hard time writing similar quality pieces when this game launches. Your CS in general, even with the changes you've made, still isn't meeting the same hard effort everyone else has put into their applications so far. If you can do a sheet that excels by Monday, great!

Fixed my stuff too!

Great job!

I have no other qualms with your sheet, you did an excellent job answering and elaborating on everything I pointed out.

Also, about the provinces she visited, I had thought that because her age, it was plausible for her to visit all of them, but I wasn’t sure if she really had, so thanks for clarifying on that part.
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