Name: Slot
Race: Magic Slime, a species of slime that has absorbed enough mana as to gain sentience. Slimes require to absorb things constantly, and most of their abilities are dependent on having absorbed enough nutrients/energy; a slime grows bigger the more it has absorbed, and absorbing certain things in enough quantities can cause the slime itself to change in various ways. Slimes are 99% water, so they're extremely malleable — their bodies can be made softer or harder at will, and will change shape to reach difficult places in search of things to absorb. Slimes reproduce asexually through binary fission, and are biologically immortal.
Gender: All slimes are genderless.
Background: The creatures known as 'slimes' possess bodies which are 99% water, and most are believed to behave in an instinctual manner, just floating in the water or sliding in the grass consuming whatever comes their way and dissolving in inside their bodies for nutrients. But sometimes, through mere chance, a slime can absorb a high amount of mana, and transform into a magic slime, an evolved form of slime which has developed sentience.
How is it that Slot absorbed enough mana is unknown, though this happened sometime around when the adventurers came into the dungeon. Perhaps it was a magic potion that the adventurers left behind, or it could have been the mana remnants from their spells.
Personality: Slot has developed a curious and friendly personality since it evolved into a Magic Slime.
Skills:Non-Combat: Combat:Slime Shot: Slot can sacrifice a bit of its water-mass to fire as a high speed bullet. Because it is a magic slimes, the bullet's strength and speed is heightened by mana.