Avatar of Malchivo
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    1. Malchivo 8 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
Current If I ever promise you a timeline for a post DO. NOT. BELIEVE. ME! Under no circumstance are you to trust that promise.
8 yrs ago
Sorry everyone, last couple of days have been hectic. I will get to replies asap.
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8 yrs ago
Working a double today, posts that I meant to do yesterday may or may not appear today. I am hoping it is the former rather than the latter.
8 yrs ago
I'll be getting to my replies tomorrow!
8 yrs ago
This storm is ridiculous -_-


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Just wanted to let everyone know that I am still here! Sorry for the radio silence. My time has been divided between working on my post, other creative pursuits, and the dastardly demon known as work. I hope all of you have been well and haven't missed my presence too terribly.
@Antarctic Termite I approve! I am making the attempt yet again this year, though whether or not it shall bear fruit is to be seen.
@Antarctic Termite Are you doing Nanowrimo?
I suppose I should start working on a post.
I don't object! Then again of course I wouldn't. I'm down to one might point 😂
Finally putting together a wiki page for Thacel!
@IrishAngelQueen Provided no one in a position of power has issue with it i don't see why not. My messages are always open if you'd like to open a discussion so we can prevent overlap.
Now to decide how I want Thacel's next adventure to go.
At long last! The collab has reached completion. Now Thacel is off to his next adventure!
For a god, Pictaraika was a short flight away from Cornerstone. After a short while traveling through the glimmering blue sea, Thacel would see a wide archipelago of coral islands, followed by the mainland, where the swamps and hills would become increasingly more colorful as they neared the large chain of mountains that nested the throne of beauty.

The landscape was racing beneath him as he was being transported by Ilu, flashing by at such a breakneck pace that he could hardly notice any details. It certainly didn’t help that save for the occasional break everything beneath him was a shimmering blue, causing stars to erupt in his vision whenever he did look down. This changed when the archipelago broke way through the sea, new color blooming the closer they came.

Then, it was a short dive into the sparkling magenta clouds and then into the root-caverns that led down into the lower layers of the Pictaraika. They reached an area where gardens could be seen as far as the horizon, most inactive, but the progress was clear, in its center, was a monumental building in an imposing classical style. That was the index, the library the goddess had promised to show the newborn god.

When they finally landed, he took a moment to gain his footing having never flown before it was quite a difference to get used to the rapid switches in movement. Once he was adjusted, Thacel allowed his gaze to drift around the immediate area, ignoring the largest focal point in the area. This land was a massive contrast to the home of Toun, filled with vibrant life even in the depths of the caverns.

”I would like to thank you for earlier. If it were not for your actions I doubt I would still be drawing breathe. Regardless of the reason behind them, I appreciate it nonetheless.” Thacel’s voice retained its baritone quality, but it was considerably softer than when he had been speaking to both his parents. No matter her motives his mother had saved his life, he could not ignore that. ”However, we came here with a purpose, and I am certain it is deeper than merely educating me about this world.”

"You are welcome. Quite sincerely, I just hate wasting potential like that, especially if for the sake of pettiness." She said calmly, focusing more on finding her divas and servant Marionette.

His second point made her tilt her head and pay attention. "I am unsure of what you mean. I have helped other demigods in similar ways before, it is not much." she narrowed her eyes and raised an eyebrow.

”I am new to life, but my mind is growing. It is rare that charity is given without an ulterior motive. One of the core concepts of life is give and take, by giving me the knowledge you offer I am in turn indebted to you. Twice over in fact, as I owe my life to you as well.” Thacel paused for a moment, considering his next words. ”If that is the case I have no issue with it, as I said it is a constant in this world. Regardless I do thank you for the opportunity to become familiar with the world at large rather than throwing me to the sharks.”

"Again, you are welcome." she calmly stepped into the marble halls of the museum. "And I think you are seeing this from a too battle-wise strategic point instead of the long term which goes even further than the war-wise long term. Sincerely, yes, I find you could help me in certain areas, but still, the question should not be why I helped, but why would I not help."

He followed after her through the halls, his gaze focused on the floor as he thought over her words. It would be natural for his mind to settle into a mindset of war, it was the very core of his being. For a reason unknown to him he felt his emotions spiral downward as he realized that his mentality was flawed. He had to view the world beyond the scope of simple war. War was more than battle; everything had to be taken into account in order to formulate a proper stratagem.

While his emotions remained in the negative he used the sour mood to reinforce the fact that he had to find all flaws that existed within himself and eradicate them one by one. His slate gray eyes lifted from the marble floor beneath him to place them upon the goddess he followed. ”You are correct. At the moment my view is too narrowed. I did not even consider that the absence of reason could itself be a reason.”

"You are young. There is time to learn. she said, and then continued to walk down the paths of the index.

Eventually, they reached a room full of maps. "This, in my view, is the best way for you to start getting the context of where we live. More is to come, but I find that knowing the world is the best of bases."

Thacel took a moment to walk among the maps, studying each one briefly as he attempted to decide where to begin. After making his way through a few dozen, he headed back to the middle to lean closer to one labeled ’Gilt Savannah’. ”What is your opinion on this region here? As you mentioned I am still young and unaware, and I would greatly appreciate the chance to get information from someone whose wisdom far surpasses my own.”

The goddess stopped moving and turned back. She expected him to see the archives on his own, surely, but the chance to tell someone her opinion was not one she would miss."The Gilt Savannah. There truly is not a sufficient amount of written information about it here, understandable, as civilization lives mostly on its borders and Meimu seems to not be compliant with observation and note-taking work." she said, approaching Thacel.

He had remained completely silent as Ilunabar broke into as deep of an explanation as she could given the severe lack of information on the region. While she was speaking he once more moved closer towards the map, one finger tracing along the borders of the land. Given the lack of significant sized water sources in the area itself, it was easy enough to understand why those that called the place their home stuck to the outskirts.

"This land was created by Slough, goddess of life when it first ventured outside of the endless deep jungles of the Deepwoods. Personally, what I like the most from this regions are the gigantic Brush Beasts. And when I say gigantic, I mean it in a mortals-could-make-enough-houses-to-fill-a-city-out-of-its-bones sense."

She took a clean sheet of paper from a nearby drawer. "There are also Tender Birbs, which I always wanted as pets, as their cuteness was unmatched before the Pixiehounds arrived, but alas, they always died soon after I captured one." she drew a few more creatures. "There are also a lot of unique fauna to there, as it is typical of Slough's early work. But I fear I never paid much attention, here is a quick sketch though."

When the goddess took out a blank piece of paper Thacel focused his attention fully upon her and the drawings she was creating upon the paper. The first couple she drew were of little interest to him based on their designs, and her own descriptions of them. Adorable creatures had their place, but at the time he saw no practical use for them. The ones that came after that she had little to no information on did catch his eye. At least a few of them did. Taking a step closer to his mother he examined the last few drawings with a critical eye, noticing their general shape and how they related to one another. Much like when he had first been tested he felt a connection form between the images and his mind. More specifically it related back to one of the items she had presented him with, the hoe.

”For some reason these few creatures are important. They would make an excellent source of not only food but labor, though of what kind I cannot say as of yet. Do you happen to know how abundant they are in the Savannah?”

"The Pearskin herds are common, the Feathered Slouch is somewhat rarer." Ilunabar commented, impressed at that new view on the region, as she had not considered such possibilities.

”Then the Pearskin holds more value over the Feathered Slouch.” Thacel ran his finger along the picture. ”If creatures of this size and the size of the Brush Beasts are capable of surviving out there it means there are sources of water or they have alternative means of surviving without it. If it is the former it would be more than possible for humans to survive deeper within the region.”

Turning his attention away from the pictures drawn by the goddess he once more focused in on the maps. ”What about the regions bordering the Savannah? Geography, flora, fauna anything you are able to provide with your extensive wisdom.”

”Hmm, that is a good theory. I do have a lead of where the water sources are, but I fear mortals have yet to figure out the means to properly use them.” she glanced over to the areas near the map which he was exploring. “West of the Savannah is the Deepwoods, as I mentioned before, home to the deity of life, Slough, mortals do explore this area from time to time, but as the cradle of life, it will always be too wild to be tamed by civilization. South of the Savannah are the changing plains, home to the god of chaos, Vestec, imagine a wasteland of shifting dunes, filled with degenerate beasts and demons, that is the overall idea of it.”

”Of course it is a solid theory, look at who created me.” His tone was dismissive, brushing off the first words. ”Mortals are simple creatures, but they can be taught and shown what they do not yet know. If they were to migrate more towards the center of the Savannah there position would be more secure, boarded by both the Deepwoods and the Changing Plains. This added with the lack of knowledge to acquire water among other mortals would provide additional protection.”

Putting aside the one map he moved onto another, showing what appeared to be the other side of the main landmass of Galbar, connected to the first via the Changing Plains. ”What of these areas?” As he spoke he traced his fingers along Great Steppes, Golden Barrens, Firewind Desert, and the Ironheart Ranges.

”The first two are somewhat similar, great plains inhabited mostly by humans who mastered horseback riding. Surely a place you'd like to visit, as it is a very volatile land, where power is not rooted. Down into the Firewind you have some semblance of civilization, Vetros is probably one of the most wonderful cities in the world, but I would avoid it if I were you, as its ruler seems to wield a lot of power. Outside of those river cities it's all a lot of sand, some oasis here and there.”

”You are correct. Once my time here is finished I intend to visit both of them. I will likely start by traveling around the Steppes before making my way south to the Barrens. The Firewind Desert will be avoided as you advise until a later date. I rather not test my luck by making an appearance in an area that is firmly settled. I need an area in which to practice my knowledge. Stability would be counterproductive to that end.”

She tilted the map to the side ”Ironhearts were mountains created by Teknall back in the primordial times, it is the home of the underground dwelling Rovaick and some other groups, such as the human city of Leonia. Good place to mine, and to raise llamas.”

Thacel was silent for a moment. While it would be advantageous in the long run to make connections in the city of Leonia it would require him to delay the practical experience he could be gaining in the other two regions. ”Much like the desert I think I will leave visiting the city of Leonia and the Ranges in general until a later time.” Moving away from the maps he glanced around the large room. ”That is enough of locations, what do you think we should move onto next? This place is simply massive.”

”You seem to know what you want to do next, so I will leave the rest of the map open for you to figure it out alone.” the goddess stood straight, thinking about her next step. ”“I believe the better thing to do would be to meet the Divas, come with me” carelessly, the goddess took flight and started to go down deeper into the Pictaraika, where the force of dreams became more present, if not outright intoxicating.

They approached a phantom looking place full of light and towers. Em’Ef.

They reached the top of one of the towers, where the Divas idled in one of their few moments of respite. They noticed Thacel, each one giving him a glance, but all of them waited until he introduced himself.

Thacel paid little mind to the fantastic sites that flew briefly beneath and around them; he had found that the deeper they went, the harder it was to focus on them as the surroundings became more surreal. Instead, he turned closed his eyes and simply waited out the flight, taking the time given to him to focus on solidifying his plans once Ilu was through with her education plan for him.

Once his feet found solid ground he opened his eyes once more to be greeted by the site of four women, each one emitting the same presence as his mother. While it should have been off-putting to have them all staring at him silently it was nothing compared to the first incident that had occurred following his creation. As it appeared that they were waiting for his introduction before making their own he took a step forward.

“I am Thacel, it is a pleasure to meet all of you. Or at the very least I hope it will be.”

The divas side glanced him for a moment before exchanging some looks between them. The close-knit group was as judgemental as their creator, though far more social about their opinion-making about outsiders.

Notte nonchalantly asked, "What is him?" to Ilunabar.

"A newborn demigod of the realm of war. A collaboration between me and Toun, you might say."

"Hmmmm, oh well, hello there." Notte shrugged.

"Interesting." Piena pondered aloud. "Well, I hope we can work together, preferably contributing to this world more than the previous god of war.” she extended her hand.

Given that Piena was the only Diva to offer her hand Thacel reached out and gave it a firm shake. In response to her words his free hand reached out towards Vigilance, which hung at his hip, on instinct. “I have already vowed to one half of my creation to do just that, and I look forward to working alongside you all.”

Releasing her hand he took a step back to once more let his gaze wonder over the other’s in attendance. “As I have already made my introductions may I ask what I am to call all of you? If we are to work together, whether often or sporadically, I believe it would be useful to have names to put with faces.”

“Of course.” she stepped back, “I am Piena, diva of aesthetic, I am also the curator of the museum you visit earlier.” she pointed to the diva clad in white, “That is Meimu, diva of flowers. To her left, is Notte, diva of glass. Finally, that is Chronicle, diva of rhythm."

Chronicle found that introduction curious. | Doesn’t it go Diva of Steel, Diva of Petals, Diva of the Night and Diva of Brass? | she wrote.

“I would rather he knows right now what to expect from each of us, that is all.”

With each Diva that Piena introduced he turned towards the one indicated and dipped into a stiff bow before rising to continue the process with the next one. After the fourth, he drew himself back up to his full height. “I believe I have been given confirmation that it is, in fact, a pleasure to meet all four of you.”

His head returned to meet Piena’s gaze once more, as she had been the one to take the lead of the Diva’s and ultimately the only to actively speak to him. “I would like to say that you have done a wonderful job with the museum. The method of organization is superb, even from the small section I had the privilege of examining. I do hope to explore it further one day.” There was a brief lull in the conversation before he continued once more. “Now would you be able to explain what you all are? Divaa's alone is an impressive title, however you are clearly not mortal nor demigod.”

Without thought he tilted his head to the side slightly. “This area at large was created by Ilunabar, your presence here means that you were either created by her as well and or are important to her for one reason or another.”

“I believe you could see us as managers, or, in terms more familiar to you, lieutenants, deputies. We work to improve our master’s reach, administration and decision making. We do carry divine powers, though we are not considered an independent divine being like you.” Piena explained.

As Piena spoke Thacel nodded along, his thoughts turning inward at the revelations she was showing him. Lieutenants are mandatory for anyone who intends to influence events beyond their reach. It would stand to reason that a god/goddess would have at least one at their disposal’ His thoughts began to drift away when the next Diva started to speak.

“A good comparison would be the difference between a plant born from a seed to a plant risen from a stolon. We being the later case.” Meimu added.

“Yes. Many gods have also generated derivative beings like us, many stay at their employ or are merely puppet or branches of their own mind, but there is a not non-negligible amount of ones that were generated by accident or who showcase rogue behavior.”

“So if my understanding is correct, you four are all representations of Ilu wherein I was created by the mixture of the essence provided by her and Toun along with their goal to recreate their fallen comrade.” Thacel paused a moment to direct his gaze toward Meimu. “Or as you put it I was born from a seed while you Divas sprouted off of the main branch, in this case Ilunabar. Simply fascinating.”

Focusing once more on Piena he continued. “Your last explanation is a bit confusing, so I would like to confirm. From how you made it sound you four are autonomous, outside of still being bound by the will of Ilu. Is that correct, or are you four simply manifestations of her mind given form?”

’Regardless the ability to create Lieutenants whose loyalty is certain rather than a risk would be a massive boon. I must make strides towards attaining more power so I can at least achieve a similar result.’

Ilunabar interjected “It is a hazy zone, I am a creator goddess after all, and my skillset is exactly the one which could write a character down so perfectly that one would not be able to tell them apart from a real person. So no matter the Diva’s situation, it is impossible to tell.” there was a hint of pride on her tone. “And do remember the cases that were mentioned, it is not as simple as having your own personal command chain.”

She stopped and sighed. “But I do not want to block your desire to become a greater god with tales of the many things that went wrong with others.”

Thacel resisted the urge to wave off the goddesses comments as he had already been shown multiple times that his arrogance needed to be tempered if he were to reach his lofty goals. “You are not creating a blockade, rather you are ensuring that I have access to information. One cannot hope to carve a path to the future without knowing the roads that lead to the present. Otherwise, they shall repeat the errors of their predecessors.”

His attention shifted back towards Piena, gracing the Diva with a tight smile followed by a crisp bowing of his head. “Thank you as well, all of you. While my time here has been enlightening and it was wonderful to meet the four of you I believe it would be best for Ilunabar and I to continue on. I have a great many things I wish to accomplish after all.”

Thacel closed the book within his hands having just finished it and placed it off to his left, atop of a massive pile, while reaching towards his right. He patted the desk a couple of times before finally turning his head. His eyes widened a bit as he noticed that there were no more books to be grabbed. A content sigh slipped through his lips shortly followed by a bright smile.

After they had left the company of the Diva’s Ilunabar had set him to the task of learning of the various gods and the significant events that had occurred throughout history. He had combed through countless books and tomes for an unknown amount of time and finally, he was finished. It was the first time he felt accomplished, though it would be far from the last.

Knowing that his ‘mother’ would be able to hear him he called out without moving from the seat. “I am ready to depart when you are able. I would leave of my own accord but this place is massive and I haven’t the slightest idea where the exit is. I am going to see what can be done in the Steppes and Barrens.”

Ilunabar suddenly appeared by his side with the typical glimmer and chimes announcement. “Oh, I see you are done with them already. Impressive.” she took a moment to think. “And sorry for accidentally trapping you inside, sometimes I forget the Pictaraika can be a maze to those who are not me.” with that said, she started to walk out of The Index, and once they were out, she would start to float upwards, towards the roof of the layer.

Thacel fell into step with her the moment she turned, not having the desire to remain lost for any longer than necessary. “Under different circumstances I wouldn’t have any issue being left to find my way out without your guidance, it would be a perfect opportunity to discover how honed my sense of direction is. However, I have spent too much time dawdling. While it was a valuable use of time there is something gnawing at me, I need to keep moving forward.”

He took a brief moment to look back at the Index along with the surrounding area, unsure when he would be there once more. Brushing away these thoughts he resumed following his mother, body becoming weightless. As they neared the roof his lips parted. “Thank you for giving me access to so much information.”

“Giving you the chance to properly shape your potential was the last I could do. The pathways of the Pictaraika will always be open to you, Thacel.” she tells, calmly starting to traverse through the maze-like openings and caverns that let upwards through the holy site, until finally, Thacel would see the true skies of Galbar, out of the land of illusion.

His eyes took a moment to adjust to the sudden influx of natural light, blinking it away within seconds. With his vision cleared, Thacel’s gaze moved along the horizon. He hadn’t had the time to properly view the lands of Galbar when he and the goddess had first transversed the skies from Toun’s domain. Now that he was stationary he couldn’t help but smirk slightly, envisioning the great battles that would be fought across the landscape.

With his observations complete, he turned to face Illunabar. “I will certainly return, there is a vast amount of knowledge within your domain that I am eager to delve into. But first, I must put into practice what I already know. So, for now, I bid you farewell.” Thacel bent his upper body in a shallow bow before resuming his flight, fading into the horizon.

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