Real Life
Real Life Name: Fredrick Periter
Real Life Gender: Male
Real Life Age: 17
Real Life Appearance:

Family: His two older sisters: Aurora and Kingha, and his mother Riley
Friends: N/A
Bio: Frederick was the youngest of his three siblings, and without a man in the house to show him the ropes, he was bullied a lot through his school career. His caring sisters didn't help the fact either, in middle school the other bullies used to tell him,
"What are you going to do? Get your big bad sisters to beat us up?" "Pussy" etc. He ended up going through a depression, shutting himself out from his family. He grew angry, at everyone, including his sisters and mother. He hated his life, he wanted the real world to just disappear, and that's when he discovered the VR Gear. He loved that he could go into a whole new world where he can be a different person, he fell in love with video games, and drew to the point of addiction. Then High School came, and grades started to become important for college, his strict mother constantly grounded him from his time of play.
Since he couldn't take his anger out in the Virtual World for quite some time, he was signed up for fighting classes, which were helpful to fight off the bullies, but also got him into a lot more trouble. To make things worse, he discovered he was Bisexual, which gave another reason for the bullies to come at him. There was this one boy that accepted him though, Terrigaya Shen, an exchange student from Japan. He was wise beyond his years and was probably Frederick's only friend. One day Terrigaya, or "Terry" didn't show up at school, and when Frederick showed up at his house, Terry's mother was in panic, asking Frederick for assistance on the VR Gear. He was guided into Terry's room to find an unconscious Terrigaya, wearing the VR Gear. The doctors say that it was a coma, but Frederick didn't believe that, he needed to go into this game that trapped Terrigaya and bring him back. Without him, Frederick would go berserk, maybe even commit suicide. A week later, he bought the game, stole his VR Gear from his mother, and started it. When he arrived he noticed that he couldn't log out, so his assumption was correct, this game is corrupted.
((Sorry this bio sucks, i hate writing bios like this, but I had to find someway to show why he's in the game. So yeah...))
In Game Name: Senzai Tekina
In Game Gender: Male
In Game Species: Elf
In Game Class: Swordsman
In Game Secondary Class: Binder
In Game Class Level: 1
In Game Secondary Class Level: 1
Jobs: Hunter, Blacksmith
In Game Appearance:

Blonde hair and blue eyes, with fair skin. He has a medium build and usually a white cloth over his black sleeveless top. He wanted to base his avatar off of his favorite game character Cloud Strife, but this is as far as he could go, since VR scans your body and develops a default body compatible to your physical body IRL.
Personality: Fiery, he is very blunt, but not in the sense of words, he tends to start physical altercations rather then verbal. In fact, he doesn't like new people, he will not interact with you if you don't interact with him first. He judges people constantly, but never tries to state it aloud, especially in a death game like this. All in all, he's hard to befriend, a "Douchebag" if you will.
Stats: 100 to Spend
Health: 20
Strength: 30
Stamina: 11
Intellect: 4
Spirit: 11
Resilience: 8
Endurance: 8
Willpower: 8
First Class Skills: Dancing Blades- Senzai slashes through his enemies, leaving them staggered until he quickly sheathes his blade, summoning copies of his sword around the staggered opponent before they all come down at once, impaling the enemy in different areas. This move is unable to cut off limbs since it is not necessarily a slashing move. He can summon up to five blades for now, it will slowly increase as he progresses.
Sword Beam: Vertical/Horizontal/Cross- Senzai swings his blade, creating a wide projectile. He has three options for projectiles which are self explanatory, horizontal is a horizontal beam stretching wide, Vertical is a tall beam towering high, cross is a combination of the two, costing more SP then the others.
Cloak of Wind- Senzai focuses the air around him to make his sword invisible while also giving him a speed/attack speed buff. Making it easier to get up close and personal.
Secondary Class Skills: Soul Strings- Senzai summons ethereal strings that attach to his enemies. If he attaches the strings through physical contact, it gives them a debuff, making Senzai's attacks do more damage to the target, while also knowing their positions during combat. However, if Senzai attaches the strings from afar, he could only be able to read immediate thoughts (About thirty seconds after they thought the memory, mostly used for out of combat.)
Soul Sap- Once Senzai attaches the strings via physical contact, he is able to pulse the strings, sapping his opponent's HP, Strength, and Willpower based on the amount of Strength and Willpower they have. If Senzai attaches the strings from afar, he is only able to drain Strength and Willpower.