Checking in to see if I can recap how we're going to go about things this turn:
Everyone thus far seems to agree "reward him, then test him to see if he'd be useful to us." One person, @Jangel13's character, has offered to be the emissary to the orc.
Eliz wants folks to focus on quickly overwhelming the Greenfeathers because they're less experienced at fighting than the Nightfell, hopefully routing them before the fighting gets too dirty. Meanwhile, she'll be distracting the Nightfell Clan. Serheim is being a bard. Dunlad is helping fortify the village. Seoran is leading some spear-equipped troops against the Greenfeathers. Titania's force will assist Eliz with her task. Maire is cooking up poison in her methlab. Ardghal is gonna whoop some Greenfeathers butt good.
Did I miss anyone's actions?
To do: @Lauder You'll have to decide exactly what goods are sent to the orc, if any. Foodstuffs? Cattle? Goods? A fancy weapon? A poem? etc. You have a pretty overwhelming majority of people interested in dealing with the orc amiably.
I think Tracyarmav still needs a chance to post. Eliz hasn't spoken concering the orc yet, either.
No actions missed. I might post IC to add though.