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    1. Markofkri 10 yrs ago


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It was cold. Not that she could feel it. Not that it mattered in that way. It was the fact it was cold and she couldn't feel it. There was a longing like a kid the day after xmas. It was a faint memory on how cold felt. She stood there on the corner no money or id. She watched for days on how things worked. Being self taught did something for her. She learned quicker then others and it was like the way kittens know words when their born or birds fly. The hard way.

It wasn't long before her vigilance paid in dividends the way it always did. She learned the words and what they meant. Jane would pick up the accents and how to use them as easy as she found a name. She didn't need money or food. Jane needed means to an end. She found refuge from the American need to keep the 13th floor vacant in most buildings. Working in the edge of normalcy she gathered money and bought false identities. The public libraries became her new room. The computer screen became her picture wall. She learned more day by day.

With in a year she was self taught to do most things people take for granted. You tube helped her read and write. The internet taught her to drive manual/automatic cars, trucks, boats and bikes. She learned about society and where to find those responsible. The ones that were her wardens. How every needle she felt would be returned. Every shock they gave her would be amplified in her wake. She would turn their dreams and hopes to dust in their mouths. The fists at her side clenched tight as the air made that sound you hear near high voltage power lines. Jane was going to find them all in their dark holes and drag them into her light. After all when you don't sleep all you have is time.
Weapon #0029850

Age:looks 18 language: English
weight: 115

Abilities: Survive in a vacuum. Doesn't sleep, eat, sweat, breathe, other body functions. Can become immaterial at will, and pass through almost all materials. The immaterial state makes her unrecognizable, "It was a ghost." Her telekinetic abilities are short range 10 ft, however they are strong enough to stop a speeding train instantly. Her telekinetic are also adjusted for fine motor skills, I.E. take a pen off a counter and put the lid on.

Immaterial ability only works on her, not metal or inorganic's. Cotton is fine if its tight against the skin.
She cant pass through iron.
She doesn't breathe so no sense of smell or taste.
Her fine telekinetic abilities only work on what she can see.
Her immaterial state makes her deaf. Sound waves cant hit the ear drum to create sound.
Well shit. This is not like all the other sob stories. No rich kid of a billionaire hit by tragedy. No genius leading a fortune five hundred company. No love story here. In fact when I say it aloud it really is a file for the guys with tin hats to enjoy. This is just the truth, for what its worth. My life on the small corner of the web to help me cope with what I've done. Not that it ever made the papers or hit on anyone's radar. No I'm a small fish fighting for no one. Confused? Well lets see if I can explain it for you.

This all started before I was born. In a corer office some old fuck with a broken mind came up with an idea. Probably just a way to squander tax money. As some people know, if you throw enough money at something, with enough time it eventually works. This idea was to use the foster system to gather candidates for a black ops, no records experiment. All of these candidates were children of families that carried the x gene. The parents would be found in car crashes from cell phone drivers and records were forged to make it appear some one was put through the legal system, charged, and put in solitary confinement. If pressed the system will have a guy in the cell you want to see. The paper work will have his photo and the dental and finger prints will match. If you are the system its not that hard to make people with two complete backgrounds for one body. Is it?

There was this place not found on any map. You couldn't drive or fly or walk to this place. The cells were metal, the walls were metal, the tables were cold. No one was ever seen. I would fall asleep from gas and then wake up with a new scar and some needle marks in my arm. Day and night were simulated by the lights. In that cell I learned to adapt to the dark. No idea of the time that passed. No clue as to where I was or who had me. All I knew at first was that I was growing. Oh, did I eat, drink? No. Time passed.

I hear the first sound other then my own breathing as the light came on for the "?" time and a voice spoke. At first I didn't understand the words but a picture showed on the wall opposite the door and I saw things. This was my teacher, my friend and the only other thing besides me that existed in my room. Over time I began to mimic and learned the words repeated over and over. Then the learning stopped and the new lessons would start. During this time I learned about firearms, melee weapons, throwing weapons. The only time I was not watching the pictures and imitating the videos was when the hiss would sound and I would wake up with new scars. Time passed.

I was definitely taller, almost door height. And then something that never happened happened. When I woke up I was in a bigger room! it was different. I had more lights and lots of stuff I had seen only in the pictures/ videos on the wall. I dared. I ran to the objects fast as i could and climbed them walked on my hands across the metal beam and I felt so free. The lights went out but I could still see everything so I continued to explore my new room. The long wall was 300 steps and the shorter wall was 145 steps. There were metal boxes and beams. Soon things really changed.

There was a sharp pain in my head and I don't remember why but I went to sleep. I woke up on the far side of the new larger room. The other side was something new. A shape, it moved. It was dark in the room but i could see a shape. It moved closer to me. It was fast! Before I could hide It came at me. Hit me again and again. It hurt. I remember me getting angry and scared and I wanted it to stop hitting me. I screamed and clenched my hands. The next thing I heard was a "ughn" and then a thud. The lights came on and I could see the thing was something I had never seen before. It was on the other side of the room below a dent in the metal wall. A puddle of red under it was growing. A sharp pain in my head and everything went dark. I had seen a person. He was dead and that was my first lesson. There were more. Many more. Time passed...

I became what it wanted. The magic bullet, the unexplained accident. Not able to talk read or write. I followed the voice in my ear and did what it wanted. People in hospitals or car accidents. People who for whatever reason, made to die. The sun and the outside was the carrot they hung in front of my face. Then the power they didn't count on emerged and changed everything.

I was in a dessert, sent to clear a building. on the second floor there was a large group waiting for me. All holding machine guns. As the hammer hit the primer, the ticks between the clock became hours. The muzzle flashes poured out of the metal tubes. I wanted to not be where I was. The bullets crept up to me. I covered my face with my hands. I heard a small piece of metal hit the floor and the bullets hit the wall behind me. I looked at my hands, I could see through them. There was something on the floor a small metal thing but I choose to use my telekinetics and push them out the window. After clearing the building I went to the spot to be collected. I waited for the time and the darkness to take me. Time passed and it never came. That second as the hands slid from one point to the other I realized what the little metal object was. It was the thing from my head. I ran.

I ran from one place to the next I learned even more from watching people, watching myself. I learned I didn't sleep, or need to eat. I learned that I could become immaterial. Passing through all objects but iron. I had a telekinetic ability that had a range of ten feet. I would eventually learn that I never needed to breath and could survive in a vacuum. Now all I needed was to learn how to read, write, and speak. Easy right? Uh? oh the language I was listening to? English...
A door from the stair well burst open to flood in four people in U.S. army fatigues. Guns drawn as a red dot hovered above Shawns face. "Don't move! Hands, let me see your hands!" The guy was in his late thirties early forties. He was unshaven and about six foot. His face was thin from lack of food. A .45 caliber semi automatic in his hand. His eyes were blue and slightly red from being on watch for too long. The black hair was greasy and no longer military style if any of them really were at this point.

This guy was larger, still fit, and wore a sleeveless grey army blouse. He was six foot plus a few inches. Carrying a M-4 with a laser sight. He shouted commands, "Hands! Now asshole!" He had an army day pack on his back. They were well equipped. Moving as a fire team should. Shawn could see one of the group covering the rear as another pointed their gun down the hall. Shawn didn't move. Still chuckling at the shit sandwich he was dealt.

The one watching the hall was a woman she wore some army pants with a winter coat. She carried a M-4 iron sights and a flashlight on the side rail. She looked back at Shawn briefly before returning her focus to the hall. She had blonde hair and wore army boots too big for her. She was about late twenties. her face showed how thin she was under the bulky coat.

The final guy was in his early twenties brown hair brown eyes, street clothes, obvious recruit. He had a Ak-47 covering the stairs. He was the dirtiest. Must of stopped bathing as it got cold and just never found a reason to pick the habit of hygen back up. he must of been a buck sixty in the weight class. The way he held the rifle showed he had skill enough to hold his own. Must of what the group saw as well.

Shawn raised his hands only to be shoved face down and a knee to his neck. The bigger guy patted Shawn down and took the gun but not the knife on his arm. It was under the jacket, but the guy didn't do a good search for small weapons. "I'm looking for my daughter. She is lost in the city."

"Tough shit. I can tell you she isn't in this building if you think she's still alive. Still pinned Shawn heard them search his bag. "You should just be glad you're breathing. More then most in the city. Anything?"

The guy with the greasy black hair searching spoke out. "Mitch, guys not carrying munch just a nine with a half a clip, and some protein bars. He's got a map with a few markings on it."

The kid pepped up. "Hey Josh give me a few of those." Josh, the large guy tossed the kid one bar then another.

"I'm gonna let you up. Move real slow if you wanna keep living. What are these markings? You got a camp, or a place where you stashing stuff like some fucken squirrel?" Mitch stayed squatted in front of Shawn as he spoke.

"No." Shawn was out numbered and out gunned so he decided to play the meek for now. He wanted to keep living and the bullet he caught in November gave Shawn some wisdom about keeping his cool.

"Well we're going to do a little back track." Mitch pointed to a spot marked on Shawns map. "If it checks out we'll cut you loose. Either way your shits now ours." Standing up Mitch motioned for Shawn to follow with his hands. "All right you take point and if you try to run we'll shoot you. Lets move to the street."

They made their way to the first floor. Shawn could see and smell the burned rotters. His mind on the fire house. The chill wind from outside on his wet clothes didn't help his mood. He moved into the street. He turned right heading to a store front he already picked through months before when he was stocking the boat. They weren't gonna find munch there. "Y'all looking for a fifth wheel are you? Cause I gotta find my daughter. I dont have time for all these detours."

"Y'all? Shit! You ain't even from the city huh? You some out of place hill billy boy?" Mitch's comment made the group chuckle a little. They kept moving down the side walk. The city was quiet the few trees were still bare from the winter. All the intersection lights were dark. The place was a modern ghost town. The shattering of glass made everyone look up as a rotter fell from a fifth story window. The corpse splattered on impact. The distraction was enough for the group not to notice a stream of bitters rushing from the alley.

"Shit!" Josh was up first taking his rifle barrel he shoved it into the first face closest to him. Josh's eyes widened at the herd before him. "No good!"

"Lets move their's too many." Mitch pushed Shawn forward. The swarm of rotters kept moving after them. Shawn knew the location as a point of reference as he looted the water front. Going back his mind tried to recall the exact lay out to try and ditch this group. The rotters were a large group over fifty. The speed of the group showed Shawn they were weaker then he first thought. Still unsure if they would waste a bullet on him verses saving it for the dead was still up for debate in his mind. They were still five blocks away from the store.

The security gate in the front was still in place but the door was damaged from Shawns crowbar. They would need to rig it some how. Mitch took point and let the others slip inside. Looking at Shawn he shook his head. "No room. Better get going hick." Shutting the door in Shawns face. There was not time for insults. Shawn ran.

Mitch used him as bait. Shawn wasn't going to quit now. He turned a corner and ran to the intersection. taking his crowbar to a man hole cover Shawn slid it open climbed down and closed the lid. Wasn't the best idea today, it did give him time to catch his breath and regroup his thoughts. He hooked his arm on the metal bar and in the dark he first noticed the smell. "Well Shit." He looked up through the holes in the sewer cover to see the herd moving over the lid trying to find him. For the first time Shawn was glad the shit smell was covering his own. If they could even smell him at all. Truth was Shawn had no idea what separated him from the dead besides the obvious. Why they choose to eat living flesh as opposed to each other he had no idea. To make matters worse His stomach growled.

Shawn waited the better part of the day before daring to move the lid and look about. A few roamers but the main herd was gone. Shawn rose up and took the alley ways back around to the fire hall. He stopped to finish off the five that followed him from the sewer. Still damp but glad to be in cleaner air he searched the dead in hopes for anything. He found a wallet and a set of keys with a remote. Pressing the button did nothing. tossing the keys and the wallet Shawn didn't see any rotters around the fire house. He moved in.

The door was locked either a good or bad sign. Shawn moved around the building tapping on the garage doors then listening to try and determine the situation. Nothing. Returning to the back door Shawn put the crowbar in and pried the door open. Inside the air was musty but no corpse smell. The alarm didn't go off so Shawn suspected the building was without main power. The flood lights were of as well. He moved a tool chest in front of the door before venturing further in. The light from outside was shining through the garage door windows. Shawn moved up the stairs to the second floor. The beds were still in tact and some were even made. He moved to the kitchen where the fridge was rotten from lack of power. The stove still had gas. When Shawn opened the cabinets he smiled. Cans for days! There was cereal and more! He set out a pot and started cooking raviolis.
In Prithv 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Johnathan awoke before the dawns first light could be seen. His eyes shifted to his side to see Cynn laying beside him. The feel of her thigh resting over one of his legs was soft and inviting. Her curves caused Johnathan to sigh a little as he sat up. He knew the danger she posed even asleep. A fate worst then death for anyone who would take advantage of her while she slept. A perfect weapon for this hellish world. He softly brushed some of her hair from her face and slid to the side of the bed. Standing into a stretch with his arms over his head Johnathan moved to the wash basin and freshened up before donning his clothes. He made sure she was asleep before moving down the hallway to the stairs and the smell of food.

The cooks were preparing food for the staff before the tavern opened for the day. A few coins to one of the cooks and he was offered a plate. Sitting at the table in the corner Johnathan started to eat. He listened to the staff and the stories they told as a rule it was always good to listen to gossip. He learned this was the best way to network without having to use money. A piece of information or personal insight opened just as many doors as gold.

Soon the sun was up and one by one the rest of the group came down the stairs. First was Orson. He was always welcome. Johnathan liked Orson both as a comrade and a combatant. Johnathan watch Orson sit to his left more to keep his back to the same wall. Next was Cassidy, She was smiling and moved softly across the room. She sat across from the two.

"Morning!" Cassidy said cheerfully. Her eyes more in the direction of Orson then Johnathan. "Did you talk to the guild?"

Johnathan nodded and smiled back at Cassidy. "I did. I'll let everyone know at the meet just outside the walls. For now I'll wait saying more."

Cassidy kept smiling and waved at one of the waitresses to order. "Hi! Ill have some eggs and ham with some water. If you have any fruit, I'll take a small bowl as well." The waitress nodded while turning on her heel to get the order in. Cassidy had a bright smile today as most days. Her fur was reddish and soft too bad few had the experience of its textile pleasure. Her tail barely moved behind her. As her ears darted front and back listening to the events around her.

Next was Cynn as she came down the stairs most of patrons that had come to the tavern to eat stopped and looked at her. She wore very low cut top with slits in her skirt. Her ashen skin smooth, inviting, and showing even more of it the normal. Cynn's smile was that of a serpent inviting prey. She sat next to Johnathan opposite Orson. Her hand on his thigh. Cynn kissed Johnathan on his cheek. "Morning." She said with a soft honey coated tone. Cynn's eyes connected with a waitress that was lost in her own fantasy blushing softly making her stand out to Cynn. With a wink and a nod the fantasy ended. Every step she took toward Cynn making the waitress's heart beat quicken. Her hands nervously fidgeted with her apron as she stood in front of Cynn. Speechless Cynn smiled and leaned forward as she spoke. "I want your wine and your tenderest cut of ham with some fresh bread." Cynn knew how to use her body and her voice in ways that made others feel deliciously naked before her. The waitress nearly in a trance headed to the kitchen with a smitten smile all over her face. Cynn turned back to the group around the table and squeezed Johnathan's thigh. The food came and they ate together each with there own thoughts on how the course of the day would go. Cynn tried to flirt a little with Orson only to get a disapproving reaction from Cassidy. Cynn knew Cassidy's true feelings. It was so obvious to her even if the others didn't see it. How Cassidy would walk so close to Orson. Even at breakfast Cassidy offered some fruit to him. How she smiles when their eyes met. Cassidy's shyness and her body language gave her true feelings away. Of course Cynn did everything she could to get between them. Cynn's ability to cast off any concern for modesty made her more challenging for Cassidy. If only Orson wasn't the cursed one. Cynn found Orson a waste of her talents. He was cursed and as far as Cynn could tell a emotionless statue.

After breakfast the group gathered their gear and headed out. Past the city walls they met up with Max and Elissa. They stood while waiting for the new member Johnathan recruited. The sound of an army walking as they looked on to the city they saw the crowd. Nearly two thirds of the city walked behind her as she stepped to the cities main gate they stopped ans watched her leave. She was dressed in white and had a small pouch hanging off her hip. In her hands was a metal staff. Brass and steel marked with runes it was about six feet in length. Among the group she stood out. As if there was an inner light radiating from within her. The crowd behind her some weeping some praying a soft protection chant. She turned to wave at the crowd then turned toward the group. "Hi! I'm Lissa." Her tone sweet and soft. Her smile warmed even Cynn. Cynn could feel the girls cheerfulness, it was enough to make her eyes narrow in disgust.

Johnathan felt the animosity from Cynn and clapped his hands together once. Bringing the attention to him, "Everyone this is Lissa, she will be vital to the quest. We have to find map to an abandoned mine where our treasure awaits. However, the map is in a cursed location full of stuff that only she can defeat." Locking eyes with Cynn, "We need her." Cynn rolled her eyes.

Max snorted and waved at Lissa. His ears moved to the front as his tail swished in approval. Elissa dove off Max's shoulder, swooping up she flew to Lissa. "Nice to meet you Lissa." In the air Elissa hovered like a humming bird before the priestess. She made a small curtsy in good form. Elissa returned the curtsy in kind. As a druid of Obihai she was a subject to Ra. Without him most stuff would die and the world would be plunged into darkness once more. To be in the priestesses presence was a good omen.

The cart pulled by Max rolled away from the city as the group traveled toward the cursed sunken castle. Johnathan sat next to Cynn with, Orson, Elissa, and Lissa. Cassidy walked beside Max. Occasionally looking back at Orson. The group rolled onward as the sun rose in the sky. They traveled though the farm lands, rolling hill sides and finally to the edge of the deep woods that surrounded the marsh lands. The wagon rolled to a stop.

Stopping to let Max rest and stretch their legs. Elissa stood arms out from her side. Face tilted up to the sun as she whispered praise to Ra. Johnathan was checking inventory of his gear afterward played a soft tune on his guitar. Cynn stretched out on the wagons empty bench. Elissa looked around and became sad. She flew over to the edge of the woods. Looking at one of the less rotted trees she pressed her ear to the side of one of the trees. Only to hear the trees tale of despair. How the rot spread from the stone structure into the soil itself. Spreading throughout the forest. Her concentration broke from a crossbow bolt slammed into the wood sending splinters into her hair and face. She dropped to the ground. Max snorted standing Halberd in hand he looked to the tree line. They were there in the tree tops, he could smell them. Cynn sat up only to roll into the wagons cargo area. Johnathan stopped peeing on a tree and rolled behind another. Johnathan readjusted his trousers and began to ready his crossbow. Lissa feeling the hostility broke her prayer and saw Max on the offensive. She realized that she was out in the open . She placed the staff in front of her. It stood on its own while Lissa clasped her hands together and chanted a protection spell. Orson sat in the back of the wagon trying hard not to notice the situation. He sat appearing calm but trying desperately not to touch the pummel of his sword. his fists resting on the top of his thighs.

A male voice from the tree tops shouted. "Your going to drop your gear and abandon the wagon or die!" The only reply at first was a snort from Max before rushing into the tree line. The sound of a strike and the fall of a tree. Bolts flew to different marks. A few striking the tree Johnathan was hiding behind. Johnathan thought, no one was this bad a shot obviously without a target these fools wanted to scare him off. "Like hell!" Johnathan shouted back. Johnathan was able to fire a bolt into a leg slowing one of the bandits down. As the second bolt struck the same bandit to the chest, finishing him off. "Elissa your up!"

Placing her hand on the exposed root of a tree Elissa whispered softly. Her druid dialect asking for aid. Soon a breeze whipped through the canopy. Elissa still flat against the ground, beneath the tall grass as she smiled. The bandits found the branches they had stood on in the canopy began betraying them. Moving like arms dropping the bandits to the ground. Munh to the delight of the waiting anthro warrior. The grass helping the group whipped up and slowed every step the bandits took.

Max rushed to them unhindered and taking a few bolts to his boiled leather chest plate while he rushed to them. Raising his halberd, Max dropped the blade cleaving into the first bandit. He was still alive but unconscious from the anthro's powerful strike and blood loss. Max took another bolt from the back. The bull spun around and snorted again.

Cassidy used her training to leap into the fray jumping from the ground to the side of a tree. She used the momentum to executed a flying kick into one of the thugs. Her bare feet felt the cracking of ribs as the kick drove him to the ground. Cassidy crouched down punching the bandit in the face breaking his nose . He was alive but out. She looked for her next opponent.

Cynn wasn't about to go into the woods. She waited for the bandits running away from Max to run into the open.The first bandit to emerge from the tree line saw her. Cynn smiled and winked before bolts of acid flew from her hands and struck him burning his armor and the flesh beneath. He fired back at the sorceress his bolt striking her in the shoulder. Cynn hissed at him. Then fear struck her. The rush of wind by her side signaled the worst had come. "Orson is free!" Cynn shouted at the top of her lungs. She saw him high in the air sword drawn and the eyes of a soul in pain. The group shuddered in fear as the words brought the images of the last time Orson was drawn into combat.

"Shit." Johnathan had hoped this wasn't going to take that long. Now things were worse. He dropped his weapon and laid flat on the ground. Max had three on him so he wasn't going to drop his weapon just yet. Fear coursed through Elissa's body She had to find him before Orson killed everyone. Orson dropped from his leap off the wagon and drove his blade into the neck of the thug. pushing the bandit to the ground crushing his body into the ground with a sound resembling thunder. Killing the raider instantly. Seeing the crushed corpse of their comrade the bandits turned their focus to the warrior. Orson rushed deeper into the tree line toward the fray. Cassidy dropped to the ground flat face down. She had seen Orsons curse only once before and the fear drove her to the ground faster then gravity. The thugs still fighting the grass and Max were now seeing their opponents surrendering but they knew it was not their combat prowess that was the cause.

Before them Orson stood. Surrounded in a thin smoke that rose from his very skin. His eyes became solid black while every vein in his body stood out. He rushed forward with inhuman speed, taking a bolt to his lower abdomen. His blade lashed out cutting a bandit in two. Blood sprayed the ground as the top half of the bandit fell away from his waist. Orson turned his head to the others. His teeth gritted as he snarled. The bandits now tried to run for their lives. Screams, "Demon!" came from the forest as Cynn almost felt sorry for what they now faced. Elissa flew high into the canopy and followed the screams and sound of combat. She was now the bandits only hope.

Spotting Orson as he cleaved through the thugs blade and into his skull in a downward swing. Orsone drove his blade further down splitting the guy nearly in half. A bolt flew by Orsons face and a second struck him in the back. "Kill..." Orson growled. He leaped into the air and slaughtered another thug in a single slash. The force of the strike sent a gout of blood into the air. As he searched for more Elissa dove downward and began to whisper into Orsons ear. The soothing spell worked combined with his wounds Orson fell to the floor asleep. The few remaining bandits fled. Elissa kissed the ridge of Orsons ear and began to pull the bolts from his body. She whispered into the wind a message for Lissa to come heal him. Max walked in pain toward Elissa. He was in need of a healing as well. He snorted glad Orson was asleep.
The town not overly populated and for good reason. Boats are the primary means of transportation as streets and cars are too limiting. Canals crisscross the town and every family has at least one boat. The town is over a intersecting ley line and as such generating special abilities is simple. Here the gifted learn to conceal their abilities while exploring their limits. All powers manifest in some elemental form to also include mental abilities. (telepathy/ telekinesis)

Anthor on the other side are very physical and are gifted with various abilities that one would find in nature. They can display up to five abilities but some rumored to display even more! To anthro the ley line energy affects them physically. While they are in the town the energy surplus from the ley lines keep anthro's in their animal form. Once they cross the town line they can shift back. TBC

And while all of this is very different they come to this town to learn how they can grow even further. This is the only town with a school that offers not only to challenge their abilities, limits, all while learning control. The school offers the chance to develop along side people both alike and opposite. It teaches tolerance as a part of the curriculum and how to defend ones self from attackers. TBC...
A.S.S. takes place after school. Skips the morning routine and the hum drum of classes and goes strait into the after school activities. The added favorites are the transfer students are anthro/furi's. This will be centered on neighbors to allow closeness but still ensure the space needed to feel unique. I need to expand my writing with more dialogue and more description.

Characters will choose to either live together or on their own and be responsible to provide their own location or if they wish to room together. As transfer students sometimes do. All pics are anime.

All reference to people living or dead is just silly.
Shawn opened a window to let in some air. Thinking a burning dumpster would of been better then now. Lifting the collar of his shirt over his nose. Wanting to be thorough he moved down the hall and looked into one of the bedrooms. "Hello." It was a man's voice. Shawn jumped into the room and pulled his gun.

Shawn yelled out, "I'm looking for my daughter." He took a few steps away from the wall taking aim at the door way. Slowly he pulled the hammer of the gun back. The safety was always off.

"Man you've been through every floor if she hasn't showed by now she ain't here. You need to go." Foot steps moving away, the door closing, and more steps moving down the main hall.

"I'm looking for my daughter!" Shawn knelt down and peered out gun first. Nothing. Nothing but the bitter he just dealt with and the door was closed. Standing, then stepping out into the hall Shawn rested his back to the wall. Looking up questions came creeping into him with the doubt. He had gone through this once already and sure as the sun she came back. It had been a month and nothing. He still had the radio. He turned it on and listened. ....Nothing.

The guy was right if she was here she would of heard. Heard the doors breaking, the knocking the heavy boot steps of a man to tired to control the fall of his feet. She wasn't here. Just a mad man scaring a family trying to hold out in hell. He did the southern thing and cleared out the last two floors found some strength and broke five of the stairs to keep more from coming back up through the building. confident it would deter bitters from killing the family he left.

The streets were clinging to some remnants of snow. It was silent. Then a snarl and a walker fell from a roof. Shawn took a moment to mark off the first building in his search. One down and it only took two days to clear. Shawn needed some water to clean the sink off him. Letting his eyes look about on the map he saw the fire house previously marked in his searches. They would have a shower if anyone did.

He moved to the corners of buildings looking out and moving quickly across the open streets. The bridges were clogged with cars buses and wreckage.some of the cars were hanging off the sides. Shawn didn't even bother looking at the tunnels. When Shawn got to the fire house, it was different. The doors were closed. "Shit."

He maneuvered around to the side to see a herd around the corner. Some of them spotted him and like dominoes they lead the others. Over twenty walkers as his eyes became wide and nothing around him but alley ways and buildings to die in. Shawn was exhausted low on food and sleep. Still he pushed his body toward the door of a neighboring building. Not stopping Shawn put his shoulder to the door and It held. he took the bar and pried at the door as the herd turned the corner to greet him with growls and snarls. The door gave and he ran inside.

Down the hall to an open elevator. As the herd followed Shawn felt like he was moving on will alone. the lights were off so he looked up and climbed into the elevators roof access. semi safe the herd piled into the small elevator and reached for Shawn. breathing and safe for the moment. He took off the jacket covered in guts and tossed it down. Confronted now by his own B.O. he took off he layers and let them air. Using the vest to rest his head he looked up to see darkness. Exhaustion took him.

As he woke to the soft growls below it was completely dark. Shawn's movements caused the herd below to become louder. Groping around in the dark he found the back pack and a lighter. Shawn sacrificed his socks and set fire to them. Then dropping them down to the herd below to create a nice little fire. he saw the railings and his gear. Putting the vest back on then his shirt and pack Shawn moved up the the rails. Still sore and hungry he moved only to the second floor. The smoke was filling the shaft quicker then he thought. using the bar he opened the elevator shaft's doors.

A walker lunged at him only to fall into the burning elevator. Shawn tapped on the metal doors. More shuffled out into the hall and toward him falling to their final reward. Confident it was clear he pulled himself out of the shaft and shut the doors to keep the smoke out of the hall. It wasn't long until the sprinklers went off, Shawn laughed softly at first then louder.
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