Name: Alexandra Green
Nickname: Andy, Alex and The Diet Killer. A couple of her pen names are Stella Rogers and Michelle White.
D.O.B: March 12, 1988
Astrological Sign: Pisces
Gender: Female
Blood Type: A-
Allergies: Cockroaches: she can smell them and it makes her sneeze.
Sexual Preference: She's grown tired of trying to argue over specifics of each different sexual label, so she's been calling herself 'whateversexual' these days.
Theme Song: [spoiler=Strange But Beautiful (I Put a Spell On You) by Aqualung][/spoiler]

Hair Color: Blond
Hair Style and Length: Her hair is up to her shoulder blades. On casual days and while working she ties it up her hair in many different styles. She only lets her hair down for special occasions or events.
Eye Color: Green
Eyesight: Very slight astigmatism, doesn't really have a need glasses to get through everyday life.
Height: 5'4
Weight: 123 lbs
Clothing Style: Comfortable and fresh, Andy rarely fusses over what she wears. She is most commonly seen in jeans, farmer's daughter tops and converse. There's also the occasional sun dress and sandals, which she often wears when she doesn't feel like mix-and-matching. NYC is way to cold for flip-flops, but she wears them whenever she gets the chance. During the colder months she bundles herself up, almost comically so, making her look like a puffy marshmallow, much to the delight of her friends.
Distinguishing Marks: She has a couple of small scars on her knees, and a large but faint one on her left elbow from her active childhood. She also has a small mark on her left eyeball, right next to the iris, with a short, but very embarrassing story attached to it.
Andy has a couple of tattoos as well. Her first tattoo is a small but striking sunflower right below her wrist, and her favourite tattoo is of a tiny ladybug on her left hip.
Skin Color: Fair, to tanned depending on the time of year or her workload.
Body Type/Build: Lean and slender despite all the sweets she consumes.
Measurements: 36B-26-34
Piercings: Two, one on each earlobe.
Voice: Compared to most women Andy's voice is on the higher side, with a slight sing-song quality to it. When excited or nervous she subconsciously raises her voice.
RelationshipsMother: Cheryl Smith Green has always been a very serious, hard working and disciplined. The two of them are polar opposites, not just in behaviour, but with brain functions. They aren't especially close, but the two of them do agree on the magic of cake. Cake makes everything better. For as long as Andy could remember, she and her mother's key bonding time was when they were in the kitchen together.
Father: Stanley Green was always a free spirit. A surfer, wild-child at heart, now that his girls are all grown up he spends most of his days out on the beach, catching the best waves or being paid to teach others how to do so. He was more of a houseband, and raised the kids while mother was out providing. He and Andy are two birds of a feather, outdoorsy, relaxed and free spirited (not to mention a little air headed) and she and her father call each at least every week.
Siblings: Samantha Green is Andy's older sister. Taking after their mother, she was always the more pragmatic, focused and more efficient worker of the two of them. This would have been a good thing, as they could have worked together and made a great team. Since puberty, Samantha became cold and distant, alienating herself from the family, seeming only to respect Cheryl. Andy's only memories of her sister were scowls, glares and eye rolls, which is the very core of Andy's deepest insecurities. Quick as a whip and armed with very little patience, Sammantha could hardly stand Andy's short attention span and forgetfulness, while Andy disliked her sister's arrogance and difficult attitude. Obviously the two don't talk much unless absolutely necessary.
Children: None
Other Family Members: Granny Green is Stanley's mother, who is so feisty and quirky that she ran away from the home to come live with her son and granddaughters when Andy was finishing middle school. She taught Andy everything she knows about baking, which automatically earned her a permanent place in the house. She tends to be a busybody and tries to interfere in the loves of those she loves, but that's mainly because she has nothing better to do anymore. She and Andy are also very close and she constantly pesters Andy via snail mail to come back to California.
Past Lover(s): In the past Andy has had only two boyfriends. Her first boyfriend's name was Kevin Hanajima, a Japanese-American surfer who she met as she was entering her senior year of high school. The two of them had some fun, but due to differences in future plans, they split up once she graduated. They are civil and meet up for coffee to catch up every time she visits her parents, a habit that started because Stan insisted upon it on every visit. Up to now Kevin and her father are very good friends, and obviously Stan thinks Andy and Kevin are meant to be. What Andy doesn't know is Kevin doesn't actually disagree with her father like he claims he does.
Her second boyfriend was a mistake, and Andy doesn't speak to him anymore even if everything was her fault. Mark Baker was a nice, decent man, that she met in the middle of her freshman year in college. The relationship was a brief one, and only came in to fruition because of Andy's sexual crisis. At this point in time she had already started falling for Angelique, but did not recognise or know how to handle her feelings. The breakup was messy, horrible, and, according to Andy, one things she's ever done to anyone in her life.
Current Lover(s): Tyler and Angelique are the loves of her life. With Angelique she can explore the world, and frolic in the summer sun, and with Tyler she can be her quieter, dreamier side as they explore fantasies and the joys of baby huskies.
Friends: Kevin is her only real friend she kept from her life before New York.
Pets: None, but she's been thinking about getting a dog recently.
PersonalityFavorite Color: Aqua, it reminded her of the ocean.
Favorite Animal: Platypuses
Favorite Season: Summer
Least favorite season: Winter
Hobbies: Dancing, stargazing, swimming, reading (comic) books, fattening up her friends, surfing, football (european) and window shopping in groceries and delis.
Drink/Smoke/Drugs: Alcohol is her only vice, and she does drink more than a fair amount on more than a fairly regular basis.
How Serious are they: While Andy is capable of buckling down and being serious, she only does so when there is no other option.
Independent or dependent: Dependent. Once she gets in to the groove of it, she can be fine on her own, but Andy's pretty much like a puppy. She loves being in a pack of people that she trusts and loves.
Soft Spot/Vulnerability: Because of her inability to focus and hold a conversation, she is very self-conscious about the way she interacts with strangers or superiors. Andy also has a very big weakness for cake. Usually she can be bribed, manipulated or won over with the right kind of cake.
Opinion on swearing: She has no problem with swearing what so ever, as long as its not being done in front of kids. She herself doesn't swear too often, but what happens, happens.
Daredevil/Cautious: Daredevil, she is always on the lookout for new things to do.
Favorite movie genre: Comedy-Drama
Favorite music genre: Rock
Favorite movie: Under the Tuscan Sun, followed closely by Little Shop of Horrors
Favorite band/song: Queen, Headlong
Fears: Being alone, becoming diabetic, large flying insects, and feeling stupid and inferior.
Comforts: Baking, eating, feeding people, video games, and cuddling.
Small Blurb: Air-headed, sweet, adventurous, and determined, Andy is like a child who never grew up. She's mildly argumentative, a trait she picked up from her parents, but she's hard to anger. Her default reaction to deal with anything is baking, then eating the finished product.
History:Biography: Andy grew up comfortably in her unconventional home. With her mother, a top Child Custody lawyer, raking in all the dough, the family never really wanted for anything. Not having the more disciplined parent around, Andy grew up next to her father, absorbing his care-free ways like a little sponge. When she was much younger she spent most of her days outdoors, surfing with her father or trying different sports alongside her sister, back when they were still close. This urge to expel energy would never leave her. When she wasn't outdoors she was indoors day dreaming of fairies, witches and dragons.
Puberty happened, and at this point Samantha was already distancing herself from her father and sister. Andy's tendency to daydream and confusion with her sister's sudden distance made her run to comic books, fantasy games and Star Wars for solace. In exchange she lost some of her sports time, much to her father's dismay. When Granny Green showed up and started whipping up a storm in the kitchen, Andy's surf hours were cut even shorter, but this time her father and mother did not feel it was a bad thing. Andy showed a great natural talent in the kitchen and a whole lot of passion, for food. Still, Andy made it a point to surf with her father at twice a week.
Other than that high school was pretty uneventful for Andy. She was never extremely popular, hated, or troubled so she had no enemies. (If anything, she made a couple of people fat, but they weren't complaining…much.) She had friends, but only one close friend, who would later become her boyfriend. Andy suspects this was because of her difficulty to connect with people. With her head so high up in the clouds it's a little hard to reach people who are grounded.
Much to everyone's surprise, Andy did not take up culinary arts, but instead opted for an English degree. If she was going to go to school , she may as well learn something that she felt she wasn't so good at, and she thought an English degree may help her communicate better with people.
A few weeks after she left California, she met Angleique at a food fair. She became her first real friend in New York, but wouldn't become much more until Andy's third year in college.
The english degree didn't help with her communication skills, but it certainly didn't hurt to meet a different set of people. Here in college Andy grew to love alcohol, parties, books without pictures, and women.
Currently Andy is happy with where she is at. Being paid to eat food and brag about it is pretty much one of the best jobs a major foodie like her could ever hope for, but she's been secretly thinking about starting her own bakery. But she's terrified of failing, knowing full well that she's the biggest goof and klutz around. Discipline, accounting and responsibility have never been her strengths.
How they met <Fill in name here>:How they met <Fill in name here>:How they met <Fill in name here>:How they met <Fill in name here>:Languages: Other than English she knows a few basic Japanese phrases, and Spanish.
Education level: English Degree, and a certificate for a cake decorating class
Country of Origin: U.S.A.
City of Origin: Santa Cruz, California
Career/Job: Andy works as a freelance writer, creating articles for various magazines' food columns, scouting out the newest and freshest places to eat in NYC, sometimes even further. She has a side job where she takes orders from friends and referrals of cakes for every occasion.
First Job: She was working in the Uni library while constantly updating her food blog.