Hi. I'm Matt. You could say I'm a Case of Identity...
1. The Important Stuff: Faith and salvation
I am a Christian. I believe the KJV Bible and that God is real, Jesus died for me, Jesus rose again and offered salvation to the world. Heaven is real, Hell is hot and the only escape is Christ. I accepted salvation the only way you can: by admitting I was a sinner (and I still am), believing that Jesus died for me and rose again, and calling on Him to save me. Anyone can do it anytime and be granted eternal life.
"Matt, why are you saying all of this?" you ask.
Because last time I was here, I did a crap job of establishing that and just tried to 'fit in.' I'm going to add a little more of this to my characters and to my signature, because it's the right thing to do and because there's freedom on these kinds of sites. Not to an extent that interrupts/derails the story, though. Your game, your rules.
2.The Actual Bio:
Hi guys. I'm Matthias Emmanuel Angel, I'm 24, and this is where I spend time when I'm not doing other things (church, homework, studying, video games).
/// What I like: -Landscape Management (my major) -Guitar (over a decade of experience and not much to show for it) -PC Games (gave up on Xbox, no regrets) -RPGs (I play them too often though) -Water instead of soda (oooo look at how healthy I am) -Google SketchUp (awesome 3D models, free download) -The number 23 (it's the best number) /// What I don't like: -Profanity (especially when it's just filler in comedy) -Lewd content and porn (and anyone bragging about it) -Gory movies (how are they going to get butchered this time?) -Jerks (you aren't a jerk, are you?) -Insects (kill them all) -Dying in video games (and forgetting to save) ///
I realize, of course, that this site doesn't have limits on profanity of lewd content. No worries. I'll work around it, and won't join up with RPs rated 18+. If you feel like it will be a problem, let me know BEFORE the RP starts.
3.Other Internet Presence:
You can find me in a couple other places.
Armor Games: MattEmAngel Steam: club_blizzy ...and Comments here, of course.
And don't worry. I can make a story. I might let myself get caught. I don't like OP players either and it wouldn't be any fun if I used invisibility to slip through everything.
EDIT: Can we get a better name for these people than "Supers?" It's a bit cliche. Maybe "Anomalies?"
Will you be deciding the outcomes of encounters? Let's assume you grant me the Limited Invisibility power. I approach an open door, peek out and see an armed guard. I become invisible and slowly make my way across the room, heading for a nearby passage. Who determines if the guard catches me?
Interested. Sounds familiar to an RPG I GM'd a few years back, only without the "Super" bit. Different website, obviously.
My requested power: Limited invisibility. Imagine the "HALO" Active Camo perk: You blend into your surroundings, but you become more visible as you move, and the invisibility only lasts 30 seconds or so. Anything being held is also invisible, but footsteps and breathing are still audible.
I like the idea. If you can give me a time period and location, I'll join. Somewhere between a kingdom in a medieval era and modern day. It would depend on whether the curse was spiritual (which would result in some potion recipes, I suspect) or modern-day experimental (an organization is testing the effectiveness of a pathogen). Hm.
Let me try the second. A modern-day organization with nasty intentions is experimenting with neurological and biological warfare. They isolate a virus that is potentially incurable. Unfortunately, the effects will take at least two weeks to kill a human. To see if the risk is worth the payoff, they select two random individuals from a semi-rural area, abduct them, inject them and drop them off in an unknown location under control of the organization. They select a male and a female to see if the effects are identical for both genders. As soon as they wake up, the clock starts. If the virus acts in the way they predict it does (I assume the effects are mostly internal and simply slow a person until they die, although we can mess with it as we go), they will use it for...whatever.
Since this is an area under the organization's control, the people there know that anything abnormal was most likely instigated by them, so seeing two random people with strange markings would imply that they are unwilling test subjects, and no one wants to talk to someone like that because they might be contagious.
If possible, we should gain access to someone who knows about the program, or is a defector, or escaped from their facility, or was following us to see how the effects affected our lives (who we can catch and interrogate if necessary). It's not going to work well if we need to get from A to B with no idea what or where B is after a week.Is that enough of a foundation? I've left out some important stuff (the name of the org, where they are, what we need to do, etc), but it's a two-person story, so I'll wait for your input.
I am usually incapable of responding for up to a week at a time, so do not expect a response immediately.
Hm. That could get frustrating, but then again I also have work to do and this would let me participate in other things. I would appreciate if you set a standard, though, such as "I will post at least once per week." I generally write two to three paragraphs per post, so that should word out. Are you male or female? I'm male and I RP male.
Able to write a succinct, highly detailed post without the use of thought to describe emotion
Uses excellent grammar, spelling, diction, and varying sentence structure
Proficient at both creating well-rounded characters and developing them over the course of a story
Capable of critical/analytical thinking
Makes use of a large vocabulary of genres, settings and plots to derive original role playing ideas from
Friendly and cooperative
Has read this thread and this thread thoroughly
Does not enjoy/like: constant battling, sex/smut, lovey-dovey romance, TL:DR appearance descriptions, to play gods/supernatural beings, to use vernacular(text-talk, slang, jargon) in narration, or to apply plot armor to main characters
Does enjoy/like: to create original content, the writing process, talking over convos, the suspense in waiting for a response, witty humor, satisfyingly logical and unpredictable actions, a well-structured story, or inquisitive and detail-oriented friends
So, yeah. I meet all of those, especially the "Does not enjoy/like" section. I like idea 4, but I have one of my own that may interest you. If no one has claimed a spot yet, I'm definitely interested.
Hi. I'm Matt. You could say I'm a Case of Identity...
[b]1. [/b][i]The Important Stuff: Faith and salvation[/i]
[b]I am a Christian. I believe the KJV Bible and that God is real, Jesus died for me, Jesus rose again and offered salvation to the world. Heaven is real, Hell is hot and the only escape is Christ. I accepted salvation the only way you can: by admitting I was a sinner (and I still am), believing that Jesus died for me and rose again, and calling on Him to save me. Anyone can do it anytime and be granted eternal life.[/b]
"Matt, why are you saying all of this?" you ask.
Because last time I was here, I did a crap job of establishing that and just tried to 'fit in.' I'm going to add a little more of this to my characters and to my signature, because it's the right thing to do and because there's freedom on these kinds of sites. Not to an extent that interrupts/derails the story, though. Your game, your rules.
[b]2.[/b] [i]The Actual Bio:[/i]
Hi guys. I'm Matthias Emmanuel Angel, I'm 24, and this is where I spend time when I'm not doing other things (church, homework, [s]studying[/s], video games).
What I like:
-Landscape Management (my major)
-Guitar (over a decade of experience and not much to show for it)
-PC Games (gave up on Xbox, no regrets)
-RPGs (I play them too often though)
-Water instead of soda (oooo look at how healthy I am)
-Google SketchUp (awesome 3D models, free download)
-The number 23 (it's the best number)
What I don't like:
-Profanity (especially when it's just filler in comedy)
-Lewd content and porn (and anyone bragging about it)
-Gory movies (how are they going to get butchered this time?)
-Jerks (you aren't a jerk, are you?)
-Insects (kill them all)
-Dying in video games (and forgetting to save)
I realize, of course, that this site doesn't have limits on profanity of lewd content. No worries. I'll work around it, and won't join up with RPs rated 18+. If you feel like it will be a problem, let me know BEFORE the RP starts.
[b]3.[/b] [i]Other Internet Presence:[/i]
You can find me in a couple other places.
Armor Games: MattEmAngel
Steam: club_blizzy
...and Comments here, of course.
See you in another world.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Hi. I'm Matt. You could say I'm a Case of Identity...<br><br><span class="bb-b">1. </span><span class="bb-i">The Important Stuff: Faith and salvation</span><br><br><span class="bb-b">I am a Christian. I believe the KJV Bible and that God is real, Jesus died for me, Jesus rose again and offered salvation to the world. Heaven is real, Hell is hot and the only escape is Christ. I accepted salvation the only way you can: by admitting I was a sinner (and I still am), believing that Jesus died for me and rose again, and calling on Him to save me. Anyone can do it anytime and be granted eternal life.</span><br><br>"Matt, why are you saying all of this?" you ask.<br><br>Because last time I was here, I did a crap job of establishing that and just tried to 'fit in.' I'm going to add a little more of this to my characters and to my signature, because it's the right thing to do and because there's freedom on these kinds of sites. Not to an extent that interrupts/derails the story, though. Your game, your rules.<br><br><span class="bb-b">2.</span> <span class="bb-i">The Actual Bio:</span><br><br>Hi guys. I'm Matthias Emmanuel Angel, I'm 24, and this is where I spend time when I'm not doing other things (church, homework, <span class="bb-s">studying</span>, video games).<br><br>///<br>What I like:<br>-Landscape Management (my major)<br>-Guitar (over a decade of experience and not much to show for it)<br>-PC Games (gave up on Xbox, no regrets) <br>-RPGs (I play them too often though)<br>-Water instead of soda (oooo look at how healthy I am)<br>-Google SketchUp (awesome 3D models, free download)<br>-The number 23 (it's the best number)<br>///<br>What I don't like:<br>-Profanity (especially when it's just filler in comedy)<br>-Lewd content and porn (and anyone bragging about it)<br>-Gory movies (how are they going to get butchered this time?)<br>-Jerks (you aren't a jerk, are you?)<br>-Insects (kill them all)<br>-Dying in video games (and forgetting to save)<br>///<br><br>I realize, of course, that this site doesn't have limits on profanity of lewd content. No worries. I'll work around it, and won't join up with RPs rated 18+. If you feel like it will be a problem, let me know BEFORE the RP starts.<br><br><span class="bb-b">3.</span> <span class="bb-i">Other Internet Presence:</span><br><br>You can find me in a couple other places.<br><br>Armor Games: MattEmAngel<br>Steam: club_blizzy<br>...and Comments here, of course.<br><br>See you in another world.<br>-Matt</div>