I have a good list of potential powers if you're interested! I'll post a few for people to peruse, or get an idea from.
Description: Identical to the "Active Camo" armor ability in the HALO series, this turned the OC and all clothing/inventory nearly invisible. You blend into the surroundings but are exposed if you move rapidly. It lasts 30 seconds and requires a brief cooldown.
Pros: Invisibility. Excellent for sneaking past guards, cameras and motion-activated alarms
Cons: Does not mask breathing or footsteps. Lasts 30 seconds and requires a short cooldown. Overuse can lead to exhaustion.
Strength Boost (needs a more original title)
Description: As the name suggests, this power multiplies your strength without changing the shape of your body. It can be used at will and is fueled by adrenaline\
Pros: Strength! Punch extra hard, lift more weight, force locks open, smash metal with your bare hands and whatever else comes to mind
Cons: Runs on adrenaline. Once you use it up, you become exhausted and nauseated. Use in moderation if you don't want to pass out.
Description: Transports you instantly from one location to another within your field of vision. Disappear in a portal, cloud of smoke, flash of light, etc (take your pick).
Pros: Fast travel. Instant access to vantage points, cover and vehicles. No cooldown.
Cons: The warp effect makes noise and is visible. When you exit warp, the same effect occurs, alerting anything nearby to your location. You are vulnerable once you reach your destination.
Ghost Clone
Description: Create a clone of yourself that looks identical to you and thinks the same. Excellent for two-man actions, a diversion or a person to ride "shotgun" if it comes down to it. Clone is vulnerable and has literally no health, hence the name "ghost"
Pros: Instant clone with an identical mind. You can pass information and commands through eye contact alone. Ghost clone has no cooldown and stays alive unless harmed.
Cons: Dissipates instantly if harmed. Spawns unarmed. If you want your clone to have a gun or key card, you must equip them. If the clone is harmed, the items they were carrying will drop to the ground wherever they are. You have no mental control over the clone and, if separated, will have no way to communicate with them.
Eye Dive
Description: Allows the OC to dive into the eyes of another human or species and see what they see. Does not affect the target mentally or physically in any way. The character must select a target (any form of digital camera is included), close their eyes and focus. Upon opening their eyes, they will see what the target sees.
Pros: Get all the information you need on nearby enemies and locations. Dive into the eyes of a guard and watch him enter a password or a security camera to see if it has infrared vision or not.
Cons: Player is essentially blind while diving. Intense concentration is required, so the player will have difficulty moving as well, although speaking is uninhibited. Can cause stress and temporary weak vision if overused.
Description: Player can become fully aware of everything around them, essentially "seeing" 360 degrees. They can point at and identify (and attack) anything within eyesight all the way around them.
Pros: Excellent coordination. Hidden traps and cameras are immediately visible. Identify nearby objects that may be of use or even otherwise hidden doors. No cooldown.
Cons: Does not increase stamina or speed. Cannot see through walls or solid objects. As it requires a significant amount of focus, the player may lose touch with reality and lose physical reaction speed. Paranoia is a potential side effect, especially if the ability is used constantly.
More to come if I think of any.