Here's my WIP Nation:
////////Name: The Dawn Republic (also known as the Republic of the Dawn)
///////Subject: Faction
//////Location: Titan Like world within the Luhman System, named Yumogesi.
/////Government: Elective Republic. Each of the 19 colonies sends a representative to the Council, then all 19 vote on a single Emperor. Despite the name, the Emperor has less political power, only being able to break ties (abstaining from a vote is possible, though discouraged), and lead the military.
////History: Bullet points for now. History not final.
- Several groups of dissidents within the sleeper regime run away to Yumogesi. Each sets up their own colony, adding up to 20 by the end of a few years
- People prosper for a while, able to live life of their choosing. Over time, each colony meets each other, and sets up a loose non-aggression pact between them
- Eventually, the regime spreads, until it reaches Yumogesi. Exploration Force discovers the colony of the Freedom's Wings, a "terrorist" group dedicated to ending the sleeper's dream. Ends with the exploration team dead.
- Knowing that a retribution is imminent, Freedom's Wings decides to launch an attempt to assassinate the dreamer.
- This fails, miserably
- In retaliation, the regime sends a fleet and bombards Freedom's Reach (the Wings' headquarters) so violently that it creates a crater in the spot the city once stood, not a single member of the group survives.
- Stunned and horrified by the massacre, the remaining 19 colonies convene to a secret meeting. Regime sees an opportunity and orders the capturing of all the colony cities (Freedom's Reach was destroyed utterly for retaliation purposes).
- Colonies bicker repeatedly about the details of their alliance. This happens until the invasion happens, killing off a small vault (read: village) of one of the colonies. The colonies almost give into despair, until Shiki, the young adult daughter of one of the representatives gives a rousing speech. The colonies rally, and the Dawn Republic is officially formed within the next week.
- Some more battles happen, with early victories for the sleeper regime. However, the colonies eventually fortify their main cities and start equipping themselves with better weaponry. All vaults are left abandoned, and only the cities remain, but are unable to be breached by the advancing forces.
- An admiral of the sleeper regime finally decides he's had enough, and sends all of the forces under his command to a last ditch assault on the Republic's capital at the time, Ion. This becomes known as the Battle of the Methane Sea, thanks to a bold tactic employed by Shiki (by now a general of the forces) to flank the forces by traveling at the bottom of the hydrocarbon lake near the city.
- Some Regime forces live to fight another day. The admiral sends for more forces from the capital, and for an orbital bombardment of the city. When the denizens hear of this, they become terrified, as they had only rudimentary anti-fleet defenses, definitely not enough to stop an armada. The sleeper grants permission, but just before the killing blow can be realized, the sleeper is assassinated by an unknown individual. Seeing that reality has not stopped, the forces lose what little morale they had, and disperse. The Republic celebrates it's victory.
- Republic works on the rebuilding efforts, erecting many new cities, including Shikigami, the current capital.
- However, in the midst of this, a small group of disgruntled individuals decides that winning the war isn't enough, and demand revenge. The main Republic denies them the opportunity, but these rebels manage to hijack the admiral's ship (he had refused to give up the fight, but hadn't made a move due to the defenses), killing him and all his crew, then using his ship to firebomb the Regime's capital, culminating in a suicide crash into the sleeper's former palace. This event becomes known as the Dusk Massacre, souring relationships even to this day.
///Culture: The people of the Dawn Republic are quite diverse, each faction having a very different take on the world. That said, most of them do share some qualities. Most believe in the value of a nuclear family, in respecting those above you, freedom for all, and independence from outside influences, among other things. Outside of that, culture is highly dependent upon which of the 19 colonies the person is from.
Format: Official Name (Short Name). If no short name is listed, then it is the same as the official name.
- University for the Advancement of Science (UAS, or University): One of the largest factions on Yumogesi, and responsible for the high technology level of the Republic. While not particularly politically minded, they do have enough sway to get a good deal of the national budget for their projects, thanks to how necessary technology is to life on the planet.
- Society of the Stars (Stellar): A group related tangentially to The Kaishis Communion, these men and women worship the stars and anything related to them, though to less of a fanatical degree. The Society has surprisingly good relations with the Communion, supporting their efforts on Yumogesi. That said, there is a small amount of tension thanks to the former thinking of the latter as "extremists" and the latter thinking the former only have a partial truth.
- Lumina: The smallest faction of the republic, a group focused on the worship of a monotheistic deity. They were regarded as pushovers politically until their Senator started voting against the will of the people. Said Senate suddenly had a major catastrophe when all of it's records and dirty dealing were released to the whole of the Republic. Lumina has no knowledge of this, nor did they send any well trained spies and mercenaries with the express purpose of finding corruption in the Senate. No siree.
- Japanese Nationalists (sometimes just called "Japan"): The other major power within the Republic, consisting of men and women of Japanese descent who wanted to return to their roots as a country. It's branch of the military is trained in the bushido code, and generally follows a government similar to that of Pre-World War II Japan, though with notably less of a conquest bent. In theory.
- Chinese Nationalists (China):
- Egyptian Nationalists (Egypt): Local Capital called Nile
- South African Nationalists (South Africa):
- Tribes of the Savannah (Savannah):
- Gaia: A group who's tenents have changed over time. Originally, they were people who wanted to get back to Earth and away from the Sleeper Regime. However, when contact was reestablished with the main Sol system, these people started realizing that Earth was a terrible place to live. Now, they attempt to create an idealized version of Earth. Some of the more radical even suggest taking over Earth and setting things right again.
- Mercantile Union (Union): The economic powerhouse of Yumogesi, these are businessmen mostly focused on trade with Venus and other systems. Initially, they were simply capitalists who wanted their own say in the economic sphere outside of the sleeper regime. Their society can generally be summed up as More money/fame=More status.
- Naturalists
- Terraformers
- Agriculture
- Nautilus: Island Cities, where Shikigami is located. Melting pot of the civilization
- Philippine Nationalists (Tempest)
- Auros: With a measly two cities, one would think it odd that it holds some of the biggest landmass. However, that's because this colony is a nomadic tribe, dedicated to finding water and minerals within the region's many cryovolcanoes. The cities are mostly just there to hold those who cannot or will not work, and to give them representation within the government.
- Zahim: Started from one family, grew into a rather large subset of people with rather...unusual tastes
- Skylar: People of the Sky
- Vault: Smallest Colony. Unusual in that the entire colony is underground, thanks to a series of tunnels. Essentially, one giant Vault.

Light Assault (Pictured are also drones, used to scout an area before the infantry move in)

Heavy Assault (Assault Cannons, some would say effective against everything, though it's mostly for tanks and heavily armored infantry)

Fast Assault Tank ("Phaser")

Vulture Light Gunship

Crawler Mobile Artillery

Judgement Artillery (For those locations you just can't get into any other way.)

Light Assault (Mobile Anti Infantry)

Heavy Assault (Tanky Anti Infantry, Anti Vehicle)

Pounder Tank

Midnight Gunship

Defender Missile System (Version Shown is an Invasion model, Larger Models are used to protect Yumogesi. Some models can also fire at fleets, but are generally used in tandem with ion cannons).

Ion Cannon (Planetary Model shown, Invasion model is only a little smaller)

Special Ops Unit


Small Escorts

Medium Escorts

Battle Cruiser (Very few made, and only used against enemies with particularly large fleets)
/Technology: WIP

Inside a domed City

Outskirts of a domed City, as viewed from outside.

Shikigami (What's shown here is a scale model, the actual city is far bigger, and since initial construction, both parts have been connected by a bridge.

Typical Domed City
Other: WIP