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4:15 in the morning? Dang. Its barely 8:30PM here. O_O
Agreed, Bells, agreed. x.x
Hide was quiet while Rose spoke, he was a bit tired now that Kiara had done her magic, but the exhaustion was nothing in comparison to the hunger that was brewing in his stomach.But he really couldn't bring himself to ask for food, at least not yet.Slowly he turned his head to face Rose, a familiar, calm smile upon his features. Even with the bruising and bandages, he seemed pretty happy. His tone was still a bit rough, but it held no traces of anger or anything of the alike. If anything, it sounded apologetic.

"You didn't do anything wrong. Neither did Adrian. I... hurt, scared, worried. Focused on the distress of the stray. You know I don't deal well when someone is defenseless and is being backed into a corner, especially when they don't have anyone else on their side. Just didn't want anyone else to get hurt this morning, especially someone who didn't do anything."

Hide slowly starts to wiggle a bit on the table until he was closer to the chair that Rose was in. He was still smiling towards her. But now he did not seem as apologetic, was that a hint of mischievousness from the good side of his face? It was hard to tell with the bandages and the bruising, but for the most part, was harmless.

"That impulsiveness is a good thing. No one knew and she seemed like a good suspect, you did a good job." Hide was silent a few moments before he sighs. "I need to apologize to Adrian, though. You'd think he would remember not to take me too seriously when I bark, especially when wounded like this."

Hide became silent once again as he closes his eyes, shaking his head lightly. He felt a bit guilty for having done that, but he was glad that they finally stopped being so mean towards the stray. It put him at ease , especially when he knew Kiara was in there with her. He slowly opens his eyes once again, glancing towards the pack of cigarettes before looking back towards Rose with a bit of a grumble.

"If I were to ask you to help me outside to smoke... would you say yes? Or would you pat my head some more? I'd ask for my blanket, but that is gone now. Actually, if you can just sit in here with me for a bit would work too... Just a bit afraid to be alone at the moment."Hide asked simply with the same joking tone that he always did, the tone that made it hard to tell if he was serious or not.
I'll get my post in sometime after yours,Symph.
Good morning. =P

@Roman; Nailed it. (We really gotta' watch out for those invisible ninja buses of death, too. If feels a bit weird having to RP Hide being angry.)
Well, I am for whatever you think should be done. Though I do think a switch in the alphas is going to be interesting, especially between Roman and Adrian.
I'll try to get a post up sometime later today. I just got home so I am pretty tired, so It might end up being tomorrow though.
I ended up typing that on my phone, because I wont be home for a few more hours yet. >.> I apologize for any spelling errors and whatnot.
For the most part, Hide was quiet and compliant, even as he was bandaged up. He tried his best to only focus on what Kiara had been saying. She had apologized and he was a bit confused as to why, but he merely went along with it and nodded his head lightly. But he was having a terrible time ignoring what was going on in the other room.

In his minds eye, he could easily envision his most favorite place in the world. Though Kiara had said something about running, he couldn't quite bring himself to think of that as a happy place unless others were there with him. The forest felt lonely without anyone else, he didn't like it. But quickly, his mind began to wander towards something else that he found most peaceful. Home. Not the apartment home, no, the house they had lived in previously. He could clearly remember his bed, his books, his pillow, and most of all is favorite blanket that one of the other members had knitted for him when he was still small. That blanket had brought him so much comfort when he was little and even more when he was older, too. He had practically brought it everywhere with him for such a long time, it was a raggedy old thing by the time it was turned to ashes in the fire.

He pushed his thoughts away from the fire though and focused on the blanket. Or well, he tried too. But then Adrian appeared in the room and got just a bit too close for Hide's personal taste in his wounded state. His attempts to ignore what was going on in the other room failed and any peaceful thoughts he had slipped right out the window as the image of his blanket became dotted in red. Such violent words against someone who had not even done anything more than check on him, he wanted to snarl and growl. And though he knew they were just worried and looking out for him, it felt like it was just a bit too much, especially for that poor girl. Anger did not often find itself in Hide, but when it did, it tended to be rather nasty.

Suddenly Hide's eyes open wide as a low snarl escapes his throat, he attempts to jerk his head away from Kiara's hand, trying to sit upright much despite his broken ribs. Blood quickly started to roll past his lips as he did so, but he was far too busy baring his fangs at Adrian to care, it seemed. His voice was hoarse and laced with pain, fresh tears even stung at his eyes.

"I do not care about 'vengeance' right now. I care more about innocent blood being spilled, I care more for how badly that girl is being treated when she did nothing wrong. She did not attack me, she did nothing more than check on me. I felt her worry, her panic. She is innocent in my attack! Did no one think to ask me who or what attacked?! Apologize." He stared intently at Adrian, who was now currently the focus of his anger. Hide never appeared as much of a fighter, merely because he was just did not care enough to fight for a position. He could have easily been beta, or even a protector if he wanted. But he didn't want rank, he did not want the responsibility that they entailed. But when he was angry, things like rank and position did not matter any longer, everyone turned into just another wolf among the group until he calmed down and returned to his senses.

"Apologize. To her." He rumbles out again, in a low, warning tone. While it was more of an order, it was hard to tell if he would leap and attack or not. BUT, it did not matter. Within a few seconds of his words, his eyes close and he topples right back down onto the table with a thud. He was panting rather roughly, but it was clear he was done arguing.
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