Avatar of MechonRaptor
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 470 (0.15 / day)
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    1. MechonRaptor 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current It's... been so long. Life sure has a way of screwing with you and getting in the way. I'm so sorry everyone for my sudden disappearance! Hopefully I'll be back from now on if you'll have me!
7 yrs ago
There will always be a song out there that fits how one can feel, though unfortunately it seems life favors sad songs the most.
1 like
7 yrs ago
That boy is staring and I feel a chill...
8 yrs ago
Nothing like making a pointless status update after 4 months!
8 yrs ago
It's good to get back in the swing of things after a couple weeks away. And hopefully, this time, I plan to stay!


I'm just your average, everyday roleplayer who mainly resides in Terraria's community forums.

Lots of stuff has happened in my life the last few months that I needed to dedicate my time to until I could reach a stable, well, time again. I'm so sorry if I worried anyone here, I made a lot of friends that I feel I abandoned with no explanation as to why. But what matters is, I think I've reached enough stability to RP again!

Anyway, generally speaking, I try to be a good person. I do my best to improve, I try to listen to criticism with an open ear, and I don't like to argue. There's so much potential here... It's awesome really. I just hope I can contribute something worthwhile.

Most Recent Posts

Amethyst had been looking forward to the livestream event, all of her friends gathered together for who knows how long to play various genre's of games. It was like a dream come true. She had went to the store to buy various brands of soda, realizing that not everyone was of the legal age to drink. She herself wasn't a very big fan of drinking, but she felt there had to be some sort of alternative at the party. After all, it wouldn't be that much fun if they couldn't even remember it in the morning. She could remember arriving a tad earlier than everyone in an attempt to get the best seating and to help set up as well. To her, she wanted this to be perfect, and for 4 hours or so when everyone arrived, it was.

So then... as she looked around, she questioned why she couldn't really remember much after that. There was a void in her memory, almost like how there was a void like area around her as well. Darkness, the only light emitting from the ground was a neon grid below... She could make out the figures of her friends... And yet she sat there, attempting to think about how on Earth they managed to find themselves in this situation, unable to recall what exactly happened until finally, someone spoke up. They asked if everyone was alright, and soon after another voice responded with how it looked like they were in an arcade game. Though, she thought, how could they find themselves in such a place?

"None of you spiked the food, right? This isn't some hallucination we're sharing?" She asked in her best attempt to stay calm and think rationally about the situation. "It's the only explanation I can think of..."
My excuse for their birthdays is that it's similar to mine, as my birthday occurs just after my school year ends. It was either me being the youngest in the class and just turning 5 when starting school, or me just turning 6 and starting school. So in a way I started school a year later.

Long story short they didn't get held back.
I can already see him hating Blake or having a general disliking towards him.
Nathaniel Alderson

Location: Bleachers
Interacting with: Conan & Tadhg ó Faoláin (@TheIrishJJ)

"Which part of the carnival shall we go to first?"

Nathaniel was once more at a loss of words, his mind stumbling to think of something to say as he his body stay still. He didn't think this far ahead, instead he had hoped they would choose the direction and he would simply follow wordlessly. He never liked being the one to make decisions, and so now that he felt it was thrust upon him, his thoughts went from what they looked like to what they would like to do. He personally didn't care for the carnival nor what it had to offer, but he knew that Tadhg must since he seemed enthusiastic about going to it. He was also caught off guard that Conan too was somewhat excited for the event, or at the very least that was how he interpreted his enthusiastic great.
Nevertheless, several more seconds of silence ensued until finally Nathan believed he had a proper answer. If he could word that answer without filler words... that was a different story.

"I, uh... I don't care. I'll, uh, just follow you guys." He said to the best of his ability, slightly embarrassed he was having such a hard time speaking to them. It wasn't the fact that they were Irish or that he was having a hard time processing what they said. In fact, he rather liked their accents, which he found odd that he took note of such a thing. Regardless, it was more so the combination that they were somewhat unfamiliar people to him, along with how they were men. When it came to talking to Selene at the pool, he never really stumbled his words, being able to give clear answers in an instant. So... it made him question why it was so different when it came to other guys... Questions for later, he supposed.

Location: Carnival
Interactions with: Poetry (@LovelyAnastasia) , Maeve (@TheIrishJJ)
Mentioned: Ebony

Blake watched as Poetry, Ebony, and Maeve got acquainted with each other, standing off on the sidelines and letting each other introduce themselves. He was glad that Maeve didn't seem to be bothered by Poetry's way of speaking, and that Ebony too seemed happy to meet someone else. Though, he couldn't help but give a friendly, silent laugh to himself when Ebony's stomach growled just after welcoming Maeve. But, it also made him feel a tinge of sorrow for the girl that she had come on an empty stomach, let alone skipping breakfast. He thought, perhaps, that she had simply been running late, which would have explained why he had saw her standing in front of the bleachers and not actually sitting down with the rest of the freshmen.

And as she stated she would get some food and catch us later, he simply nodded with a reassuring smile. As much as he liked her company, he didn't want her to be starving herself just to stay with everyone. And speaking of everyone, he turned to Maeve and Poetry, crossing his arms with a slight smirk on his face.

"So, now that you met Poetry, Maeve, and Maeve, Poetry, what do you guys wanna do? I'll let you decide, and if it costs money, I can pay for it easy." He told them in a rather confident and content tone. He didn't mind that some of the things at this carnival costed money, as he surely couldn't go through it all in one week in this small town. Not to mention he had more saved in his account. So when it came to money, it was no object.
Don't sweat it. I'm in school right now, so take all the time you need.
I think I'm going to wait until @TheIrishJJ posts, that way I don't post immediately after I just posted, along with how I could kill two birds with one stone with both Nathan and Blake ^_^
Nathaniel Alderson

Location: Bleachers
Interacting with: Conan & Tadhg ó Faoláin (@TheIrishJJ)

"I was just wondering if you wanted to go around the carnival with us. We don't really know anyone here, and now our sister's gone off with someone that she knows," Tadhg told him."Yeah," Conan added, "And we all go to the gym at the community centre, so we've got that in common.""It'll be grand!" Tadhg exclaimed, his Irish accent becoming even stronger than it already is, "Come on now, you have to!"

Nathan wasn't sure how to react, blinking several times as he was essentially staring at them in awe at the fact that these two Irishmen wanted to hang out with him, Tadhg's accent really coming out in his attempt to get Nathaniel to hang out. Realizing he was indeed staring at them, he looked left and downward in an attempt to hide what had just happened. Sure, he'd interacted with them at the gym area in the center, but he never expected that today they'd want to hang out with him. It made him question what was so special about himself, or if this was simply how guys generally acted. Sure, he'd talked to other guys before, but that was generally because he had to, and so these conversations were rather new to him. Most of his friends were girls in his other schools, and when it came to the swim team in his old town, he generally just stayed silent as the others hung out.

It took him a small pause to recognize that they were expecting a response still, forcing him to snap out of his thoughts and think of some sort of solution. He wasn't afraid to hang out... That wasn't the issue. Did he find them intimidating? No... He knew that wasn't it either. He reasoned that they must have gone through puberty faster than him, or that maybe they just grew up faster in Ireland, which is why he felt they towered over him.

In fact, he couldn't really identify the problem that was keeping him from responding except that he was overthinking it, and so he took a deep breath as he prepared to answer, nodding slowly and saying "I, uh, sure, I guess. I wasn't expecting to hang out with anyone, but, uh, it couldn't hurt." He tried his best to act casual, placing both hands in his pockets and waiting for a reply. He felt he made the situation awkward, which didn't help his confidence.

Though, it gave him the chance to more discreetly check them both out. He didn't mean to, it was almost just a reaction when it came to people. The first thing he noticed was that Conan was taller than his brother Tadhg, and more built too. But, Tadhg seemed to be the more sociable one out of the duo, as he was basically leading this conversation and was the one who wanted Nathaniel to hang out with them. He also noticed Tadhg wore more casual clothes than Conan... His final analysis of the two? He thought they both looked pretty good.
I'm wondering if I should just post as Nathan to allow Ebony and Poetry to respond, or just simply post as both...
Nathaniel's would be June 9th, and Blake's would be may 20th.

Location: Carnival
Interactions with: Poetry (@LovelyAnastasia), Ebony (@mskennedy615), and Maeve (@TheIrishJJ)

"Blakey-Boy," Poetry practically sang, "It's downright groovy to see you!"
Blake laughed to himself for a short bit, happiness rising and swelling inside him as he stared down at her. As much as he wanted to hug her, he wasn't sure how she'd react and instead patted her on the back to signify he was happy to see her too. To think, two people he liked to hang out with were right here, and the day was only starting! Not to mention they were people who shared his attitude of not paying mind to what others think.

He glanced over at Ebony, noticing her putting away her camera after he heard what sounded like it being used. He grinned at the fact that he was most likely the subject of her art, along with Poetry too, or that she was taking photos of the carnival. For a small town, he had to admit that it was pretty great. "It's good to see you both." Ebony told them, to which Blake nodded in agreement. He wanted to say: of course, it's always a pleasure to see my friends.

However, another familiar voice rang out from behind him, shouting "Hey! Blake! It's me, Maeve!". He turned to face where the voice was coming from, recognizing the girl as one of the triplets he had shown around town. But regardless of that, it made him even more delighted to see another face who was eager to see him, and he walked over to her, giving her a small hug and saying
"Hey Maeve! It's great you're here! Are you used to the town yet?"

Nathaniel Alderson

Location: Bleachers
Interacting with: Conan & Tadhg ó Faoláin (@TheIrishJJ)

Nathan was rocking back and forth in his seat ever so slightly to the music coming through his headphones, biding his time and waiting for the rest of the freshmen to leave before he too would go and check out the carnival. Though, as the crowd began to shift, he noticed several figures coming in his direction, slightly tensing up under his hood when he realized whom it was. He remembered the guy from the community center, and even though he wasn't super muscular, Nathan had taken notice of the fact he had abs. It was an odd sensation that Nathaniel felt just considering it, and so he simply shrugged it off upon their arrival, turning to face them as Tadhg began to speak.

"Hi, Nathan, right? We've met you already, I'm Tadhg, and this is Conan, my brother." He said, to which Nathan stood up to meet the duo, seeing as they took the time to approach him. It also made him realize how he felt like a dwarf in comparison to them both, making him look up with a face that was attempting to hide his embarrassment and overall feeling of awkwardness, instead giving his general resting calm face. With one hand scratching the back of he neck, and the other in a pocket, he nodded at Tadhg.

"Uh, y-yeah, I'm Nathan... Hey to you both again..." He paused for a bit, not sure what to say to them both. From what he remembered, they were both pretty good looking dudes, which made him wonder why they were taking the time to talk to someone like him who considered himself a nobody.
"Um... Was there something on your mind?" He said almost nonchalantly, masking his curiosity of them both while also getting straight to the point of why they were talking. If he had to compare brothers, he always considered Conan to look better than his brother, even if his brother seemed to be the one more curious about Nathan. Regardless, he knew he couldn't reveal that to these two, seeing as he really only knew them in a gym environment.

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