Avatar of MechonRaptor
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 470 (0.15 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. MechonRaptor 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current It's... been so long. Life sure has a way of screwing with you and getting in the way. I'm so sorry everyone for my sudden disappearance! Hopefully I'll be back from now on if you'll have me!
7 yrs ago
There will always be a song out there that fits how one can feel, though unfortunately it seems life favors sad songs the most.
1 like
7 yrs ago
That boy is staring and I feel a chill...
8 yrs ago
Nothing like making a pointless status update after 4 months!
8 yrs ago
It's good to get back in the swing of things after a couple weeks away. And hopefully, this time, I plan to stay!


I'm just your average, everyday roleplayer who mainly resides in Terraria's community forums.

Lots of stuff has happened in my life the last few months that I needed to dedicate my time to until I could reach a stable, well, time again. I'm so sorry if I worried anyone here, I made a lot of friends that I feel I abandoned with no explanation as to why. But what matters is, I think I've reached enough stability to RP again!

Anyway, generally speaking, I try to be a good person. I do my best to improve, I try to listen to criticism with an open ear, and I don't like to argue. There's so much potential here... It's awesome really. I just hope I can contribute something worthwhile.

Most Recent Posts

Location: Carnival
Interacting with: Conan & Tadhg ó Faoláin (@TheIrishJJ)

Nathaniel wasn't sure where the brothers were taking him, lost in his music and thoughts as he trudged along behind them. Each occasional glance would show that they were conversing with each other. Though, during the transition of music, he noticed that they weren't exactly speaking English. In fact, at first he wasn't really sure what they were speaking until he paused his music and listened more carefully. While he didn't understand what language they were speaking, he made an assumption that it was Irish due to their accents. And seeing how they were paying him no mind, he simply shrugged and resumed listening to his music.

Though, his thoughts would be interrupted once more, snapping him back into reality when he noticed they were both staring at him. He had missed what what they initially said, but a hasty pause in music provided him with Tadhg saying "Are you all right, Nathan?"
to which Conan added "Yeah, you look a bit... sad."

It had caught Nathan off guard, his eyes slightly widening at them before he looked off to his left again, embarrassed to even look at them as he started to piece what he'd say together. His face had a slight hue of red, reflecting his embarrassment at their worrying.
"I'm fine, it's nothing. Just... thinking."

Location: Carnival
Interactions with: Poetry (@LovelyAnastasia), Maeve (@TheIrishJJ)

Blake attentively watched Poetry as they walked, nodding to signify he was listening as she gave an explanation of an elephant ear.
"A pasty the size of an elephant ear, covered in powdered sugar? Huh, sounds like it would taste amazing." He replied as he followed the free poet. He wished he could record the way Poetry spoke, feeling it would help him understand characters who were more free spirited. He watched her movement meticulously, she was like a butterfly dancing in the sunlight, with a hint of grace in each movement. She would probably make for a fun dance partner at the studio too. Though, he figured she wouldn't really follow a set way to dance, but he supposed that would be fine.

However, upon arrival to the ferris wheel, he made sure to pay for the trio, handing the one in charge of running the wheel payment, and in turn leading the group into the line. He couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed by Poetry and how she said he'd make a butterfly blush, along with Maeve's opinion on how he shouldn't have. But it just made him more happy to do so. When he himself took a seat, he made sure to say "Don't worry about it, it's just money."
I feel so bad for Clyde ;-;
Nathaniel Alderson

Location: Bleachers going to Carnival
Interacting with: Conan & Tadhg ó Faoláin (@TheIrishJJ)

"How about we go to the bumper cars?" Conan suggested, to which his brother asked if it was alright with Nathan. Personally, Nathaniel didn't care as he was more so worried about future interactions and simply wanted the conversation to stop, thus giving a small nod as he followed them both. His eyes were firmly planted to the ground, fixated downward with the only the thing leading him were the shoes that he had taken note of earlier.

He watched as his earbuds clattered against themselves as they hung from the neck opening for his hoodie, the very minuscule noise causing him to feel awkward and that he was intruding on the other's hearing until he simply reached and placed them both in his ears once more, no music playing. He wasn't sure why it had bothered him, but he gave a sigh of relief that it was finally gone. Maybe he felt it was rude, or he was simply overreacting... But regardless, it let him get lost in this thoughts once more.

I... I'm so confused... Why are they taking any interest? Why has anyone I've met here taken interest in me... It just doesn't feel natural. I could never talk about sports with the other guys at school, yet the community center was where I met Conan, Tadhg, and even Selene... Though, she's honestly much easier to talk to. I'm not really sure why either, but she just seems approachable, which is somewhat funny as I don't exactly look like a freshman. Sure, I'm not the tallest guy... these guys are even taller than me... and Conan's more muscular... But, I mean, I think I look more like a sophomore. Though, I guess compared to a lot of freshman, I must have been hit with the short end of the stick... Maybe I'll just go swimming after this carnival, it'll help me get my mind off of things.

To the others, he probably just seemed like he was zoned out, and to a further extent he wasn't really paying attention except for where Conan and Tadhg were. Even then, his conversation in his head distracted him on the off chance that they would speak.

Location: Carnival
Interactions with: Poetry (@LovelyAnastasia), Maeve (@TheIrishJJ)

Blake couldn't help but feel happy when in the presence of Poetry. While she did her thing, Blake watched with his general toned down grin, rather fond of Poetry's choice of lingo. It was so... so full of life. That was the wording he was looking for. It was as carefree as she seemed, and it reflected her personality as well. He'd known Poetry for awhile now, and yet hearing her speak was almost like a different kind of sensation to the ear. It was like she had written a heartfelt poem and simply spoke in it, leaving the rest of the world to either struggle to understand or accept that it was a part of her.

Though, his interested in the conversation peaked when Poetry began suggesting that they go off and eat something. Or... to put it in her words, go off and find some munching, something like an elephant ear... was it a real elephant ear? He'd never heard of such a treat, and he simply kept a smile to hide his confusion at wanting to eat elephant meat. Though, it made him doubt the fact that it was a real elephant, but he couldn't really think of what it could be. It actually made him feel silly just trying to contemplate what an elephant ear was other than it was some sort of carnival food.

Which is why he felt lucky that she pushed that thought away, asking if they wanted to go on the ferris wheel first. He turned to Maeve, waiting for her opinion, which wasn't that long of a wait. She said how that was fine, but she added how he didn't have to pay for her. He gave a lighthearted laugh, looking at her with a warm smile.

"I insist. When it comes to friends, money is no object to me. So if there's something you want, I'll be happy to oblige in buying it," He paused, this time turning towards the ferris wheel and pointing with his left hand at it,"Anyway, now that that's settled, come on you two. We have a wheel to ride. Maybe we can eat afterward, my treat."
It's alright, it makes sense that you'd put hetero as they're attempting to find out more about themselves. And in all honesty, Nathan is my first homosexual character, and Blake is my first Bisexual as I'd thought I'd change up how I roleplayed, seeing as I usually roleplay as girls.

It's also the main reason that I made Nathaniel closeted as he himself doesn't really want to accept the fact that he is, while Blake, being the more outgoing and confident one, doesn't care what other people think and would easily announce he is. To me, it's just another way to see a different viewpoint and make for a more interesting RP.

I will say that you shouldn't force yourself to RP as something if you don't feel comfortable with it. Just do what you want to, and have fun with it ^_^
I'll post some ships, or some that I can see.
Blake x Sadie
Blake x Lilac
Blake x Poetry
Blake x Ebony
Blake x Selene
Blake x Maeve
Blake x Conan

Nathaniel x Conan
Nathaniel x Blake
Nathaniel x Caleb
Nathaniel x Thomas, more so a crush, but Nathan can believe :3
To me, it really just boils down to what you find interesting.
For instance, Nathaniel and Conan is a very obvious ship due to how Conan already has a crush of sorts on Nathan. Their conflicting personality also really compliments the ship, as Nathan is the more shy one and Conan is the more upfront one. Maybe it would help Conan tone down his bullying nature, or make Nathan speak up more?
So essentially you have a lot of ships?
Don't worry, I'm terrible at realizing relationships in real life to the point where my friends had to point out that several people were flirting with me and I was none the wiser. I kinda friendzoned them though.
But when it comes to RPs and shows, I can kinda see some ships.
Oooo are we playing the shipping game now with our characters? Because if we are, I have a few in mind...
I think it's more so the fact that interactions take a little bit of time, especially if some groups are collaborating posts, as then they'd all have to be active or around until the post is finished.
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