Avatar of MechonRaptor
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 470 (0.15 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. MechonRaptor 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current It's... been so long. Life sure has a way of screwing with you and getting in the way. I'm so sorry everyone for my sudden disappearance! Hopefully I'll be back from now on if you'll have me!
7 yrs ago
There will always be a song out there that fits how one can feel, though unfortunately it seems life favors sad songs the most.
1 like
7 yrs ago
That boy is staring and I feel a chill...
8 yrs ago
Nothing like making a pointless status update after 4 months!
8 yrs ago
It's good to get back in the swing of things after a couple weeks away. And hopefully, this time, I plan to stay!


I'm just your average, everyday roleplayer who mainly resides in Terraria's community forums.

Lots of stuff has happened in my life the last few months that I needed to dedicate my time to until I could reach a stable, well, time again. I'm so sorry if I worried anyone here, I made a lot of friends that I feel I abandoned with no explanation as to why. But what matters is, I think I've reached enough stability to RP again!

Anyway, generally speaking, I try to be a good person. I do my best to improve, I try to listen to criticism with an open ear, and I don't like to argue. There's so much potential here... It's awesome really. I just hope I can contribute something worthwhile.

Most Recent Posts


I believe we're back in homeroom after around a week of school due to a timeskip, and since we recently got put into groups for a project, it's actually a good time to post.
I'm so sorry I haven't been as active as I said I would. School caught up to me and pushed my plans aside >_> Luckily, the weekend is soon, so I know I'll be able to have time to make a post then.
Alina Erebos

Alina decided that she would sit far from the annoyance that the undead were proving to be, ignoring the monk's actions and words and instead focusing on the platters of food that waited before her and pondering the previous event that led to her current position...

The first thing that she recalled was the blood elf hiding behind her when the monk arrived. She remembered learning of how the scourge plowed through their territory, destroying the Sunwell that Sin'Dorei depended on. It made sense to her that he would feel unease around the remnants of the scourge because of that, even if they were both from the Horde. Then again, if her history was right, the blood elves were hesitant to join the Horde in the first place. Regardless, she felt some sympathy for him, nodding at him after he whispered his reasoning, and yet chuckling under her breath at him.

She had to admit, it was pretty funny. The elf didn't dignify the forsaken enough to call her undead, simply referring as it as a thing. She preferred to call them abominations, and firmly believed they should return to the grave they were risen from.

Back to reality, the elf whom once seeked shelter to her now stating he didn't trust anyone here as Alina requested tea. She would have been insulted had it not been for the fact that she herself didn't trust anyone else as well, however their reasons were scarcely similar. While they both didn't trust anyone here, Alina solely trusted the wardens and the paladin, all due to prejudices and biases she had already established. She knew not all paladins were righteous, but she herself wasn't righteous despite being a Priest. Seeing that he was a Draenei, it comforted her as most Draenei were.

She was glad that her tea was just right to drink as Thalion did his toast, raising her own cup and taking a drink to it. He went on to demand why we were here, or rather, where we would be going.

"I, too, am intrigued about where our next destination is. With each passing moment, our enemies roam and plot as we do. I don't find it wise to waste your time on the puny thoughts of an undead individual."
Sorry if it's taking me awhile to compose a post for this RP, I'm currently doing so for 3 RPs here on Roleplayerguild, so I hope I'll have it done sometime this week. Just thought I'd mention I'm here in case anyone was wondering ^_^
Alina Erebos

Alina gave the wardens her full attention while there was only 3 apparent guests, to which she was one of them. Solares and Nesalina... whom serve someone named Maiev. What did they mean by serve? Where they simply servants, or was this Shadowsong some sort of deity to them? She cast the latter out of her head, silently chuckling to herself at the thought. They were definitely just soldiers or the like, following the orders of this Maiev Shadowsong. Though, under the veil of darkness that her hood provided, her face was expressing how she wasn't too keen on getting to know everyone here. Or more specifically... Everyone that was showing up, excluding the one that appeared to be a Paladin.

The first was the elf she had witnessed when she first arrived in the courtyard, whom was currently showcasing his polite behavior to the abomination. And, while she condoned his mannerisms, she was struggling to accept his lineage after their factions had been at war. She knew that not all of them weren't evil or necessarily bad, but it was hard to overcome the prejudices that were established, especially when she had seen the consequences of war.

Though, if she believed him to be in the wrong, than he paled in comparison to the death knight. She remembered vividly the icey sting of death that these harbingers of the scourge once had upon the lands, the damage that they caused under Arthas' control... It was a mess to attempt some of the damage that they could create on the body... Such horror. She saw them as one of the antithesis of the light, another enemy that she struggled to comprehend, let alone accept. She couldn't even look in her direction, even if she didn't appear to be as cold as her presence may have seen.

And yet another came that managed to escape Arthas' grasp, a forsaken drunkard. She wasn't even sure how that could work, but here it was. Then again, all she knew about them was how the light was the best method in slaying them. She had done it on several occasions, smiting them down for the sake of cleansing the land. And her personality... Where were the warden's getting their warriors that they resorted to a drunken corpse? Then again, she questioned what that said about her... Regardless, all she did was make a lightly audible
"Tsk..." as she looked in the direction of Rina and Melody. She was glad she didn't have to act so composed thanks to her hood, lest she'd be forced to smile in their presence. Instead she stared at them with disapproval.

I got the idea from some art of a faunus character, and I really want to bring that art to life if that makes sense. I just need to think of a semblance now... I've considered a short blink semblance, but I feel that is essentially overpowered to have the power to dodge anything by teleporting out of the way.
I'm thinking of making like a mobile tankish character, one who has a massive shield as their melee weapon, and she plants it in the ground so that it turns into a stationary turret/machine gun. I want it so like, she blocks attacks for others, but then is forced to stay still if she has to have any kind of ranged attack.
I'll see if I can get a post up for Wednesday or so... Maybe later with how things are looking ;-; Sorry!
I'm interested as well!
I like how out of all the characters so far, I think the one whose going to be the most snarky and hold the most predgidouses against members of the group will be Alina.
Along with this, I think it's important to note that for foresaken or death knights, healing you isn't going to be that pleasant, at least if it's coming from Alina. From what I researched on the light, both can be healed by it, but it'll feel like the wound is being cauterized, meaning it's gonna burn. So if/when the time comes, I think she'll have fun with it.

I'll try to get a post up in the afternoon for Alina, though it may take a little longer than expected.
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