Avatar of MechonRaptor
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 470 (0.15 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. MechonRaptor 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current It's... been so long. Life sure has a way of screwing with you and getting in the way. I'm so sorry everyone for my sudden disappearance! Hopefully I'll be back from now on if you'll have me!
7 yrs ago
There will always be a song out there that fits how one can feel, though unfortunately it seems life favors sad songs the most.
1 like
7 yrs ago
That boy is staring and I feel a chill...
8 yrs ago
Nothing like making a pointless status update after 4 months!
8 yrs ago
It's good to get back in the swing of things after a couple weeks away. And hopefully, this time, I plan to stay!


I'm just your average, everyday roleplayer who mainly resides in Terraria's community forums.

Lots of stuff has happened in my life the last few months that I needed to dedicate my time to until I could reach a stable, well, time again. I'm so sorry if I worried anyone here, I made a lot of friends that I feel I abandoned with no explanation as to why. But what matters is, I think I've reached enough stability to RP again!

Anyway, generally speaking, I try to be a good person. I do my best to improve, I try to listen to criticism with an open ear, and I don't like to argue. There's so much potential here... It's awesome really. I just hope I can contribute something worthwhile.

Most Recent Posts

Quinten Antrican

Quinten had insisted on taking one of the family's 3 cars so that they would not have to worry about picking him up when the summer ended, but reluctantly he sat in the passenger seat as the eldest, his sister Jennifer, drove him. It was a rather quiet drive, with neither deciding to try and have a conversation after Quinten's awkward departure. As he stared out the window, he vividly recalled his parents reactions... or rather, a lack thereof. "Alright, I'll see you guys at the end of summer." He told them, to which he was met with silence. Having rolled his eyes now at the situation, he supposed it would be best if he was away from home. At least the silence was something that was supposed to happen in the forest, seeing as he would practically be alone. When they finally arrived and Quinten opened the trunk to get his bag and backpack, his sister couldn't help but reassure him. "You know, they really do love us, even if they don't show it all the time." She said, though he could detect her lack of confidence in that. "I'm pretty sure they don't show it at all, but I'll take your word for it." He told her, to which she simply chuckled and scratched the top of his head playfully, proceeding to hug him before getting back into the car and driving away.

Turning to face the lodge, Quinten was wearing hiking boots, along with tan shorts and a simple green T-Shirt. Clutching his camo backpack in one hand, his other on his suitcase, he soon entered the Park Ranger’s Office. Though, he was slightly ashamed that he was not paying attention to what Oliver was saying, lost in his own thoughts and believing it would be rude to start paying attention in the middle of his explanations. So when he was asked if he got all of it, it snapped Quinten back into reality to where he gave a simple nod and hastily replied “Yeah, yeah I got it.”

The trail to his watchtower wasn’t that bad in his mind, somewhat glad that if he needed to hurry along it in a jog or run it would remind him of cross country back at school. While he never really liked long distance, he supposed he could be thankful now that his tower seemed pretty far. Though, he could do without crossing the creek every time, at least glad that they had a foot bridge so that he wouldn’t have to get wet. But when he noticed the stairs that lead up to the tower where he’d be staying, he couldn’t help but let out a disappointed sigh along with an “Awww…”. Sure, he wasn’t in bad shape by any means, but it still meant lugging his luggage up along with a backpack what would feel like uphill now.

It felt like forever until he reached the box, sweating and tired as he opened the door and quickly put down his stuff nearby. He listened intently this time as Oliver pointed out the various things he’d need to know were where. As it looked like Oliver was leaving, he gave Quinten some binoculars, telling him there were rule books under his cot if something may happen, along with how he shouldn’t be out at night and without his radio. It gave Quinten mild suspicion, but he assumed it must be the wildlife that may go active at night and be aggressive. Guess that meant no late night bathroom runs, but at least he was more of an early bird than a night owl and didn’t feel he’d need to worry.

Waiting until Oliver was out of sight, Quinten started to ponder what he should do next. He pulled out of his backpack his sketchbook, along with several pencils, each with varying degrees of eraser left, and started to picture all the possibilities of what he could do. It was certainly bigger than he expected, and it would probably be more comfortable than his own home too. No one to yell at him, just a beautiful scenery waiting to be put onto paper, and several rule books just dying to be read. He made sure to make a mental note to read them soon, just so that he’d be prepared if something did go wrong. Though, that thought shifted when he wondered if he could use the binoculars to maybe spot something to sketch instead.

So he was a bit startled when the radio suddenly began to work, hearing the voice of a girl who he assumed was of similar age broadcasting from it. She asked a simple question, if anyone was out here, and so he decided he would at least make first contact.

“Oh hey. My name’s Quinten, what about you?” He tried to start off on a good foot with this stranger, seeing as they, they being the other teenagers, would most likely be the only other people he’d be able to talk to this entire summer. So, he was hoping he’d make a good first impression on all of them, but deep down he felt like he would screw it up somehow. Maybe introducing himself right off the bat wasn’t the best idea, but it was too late now.


Awesome, thanks for responding so soon! I just wanted to clarify that so that I wouldn't mess it up in my post.
I have a question! Due to Watchtower Frog being in-between ( I believe if I read the map and your directions right) the branch in Cottonwood Creek, would I have to take a boat or something similar to cross to the tower's land from, what I consider, the "Mainland", or would there be a bridge of some sort that I could cross? Or is the creek not that large and I could simply walk through it?
Blake and Nathan are still in this and willing to continue.

Location: Homeroom
Interacting wth: Poetry @LovelyAnastasia, Lily @smarty0114, Nicoletta @Fabricant451, Ezera @King Tai

After discussing with Conan for a bit about plans on going to his house after school, Nathaniel reluctantly gave Conan his number so that Conan could text him the address. Right now, as Nathan glanced around the room, he noticed a majority of his team had begun to gather, causing him to wince slightly. They were already starting without him, and he was generally the one who had to make the group start. It was a twist he was not expecting, so much so that he turned to Conan with an apologetic look upon his face with a hint of worry.
“I, uh, I should go to my group.” He told Conan, immediately getting up and fast walking to the others. Luckily though, it did spare him from having to be in an awkward conversation, at least, that was how Nathaniel perceived it.

As he drew near his group, he could hear the start of the conversation, that which was coming from Poetry. "Group Five, get hip to this jive. On this project you'd think you flew. Keep up with me and maybe your grades will stay alive." There was a few moments pause, but she continued her speech. "Catch it, I already pulled books from the library on two of the most slammin' lava-shooters."
He even got a paper, a bit mesmerized that he was in a group that had people who willingly wanted to work. It was like a dream come true, but at the same time, it also made him feel more like an outcast than he already thought he was. To the others, he must of looked like a slacker, seeing as he didn’t seem prepared for so much effort the others have already put in. Once Poetry finished and as Nathan was reading the paper she had handed out, the other girl in the group decided to share what she would do.

"I'll help build the volcano! Make it look all pretty! We can totally use my place as a home base too," The others too spoke…
"Sounds like a plan to me. Since Poetry already has quite a bit of the research done already, I'll hop in on construction too, if that's cool? I researched how to build these things. I've actually got a lot of the materials at home. I could bring them to Jake and Caleb's house tonight so you could take it home with you, Lily, so you have it at your place, if you'd like?"
"Anything y'all need me to do. I'm down. Need commentary, project security, theme music and sound effects for the volcano, little lego people, snacks and shit, I got you..."

Something inside Nathan made an ever so slight smile grace itself across his face as he was happy, happy that they all were going to put in some sort of effort so far. It made the almost worried feeling he had earlier disperse into relief as this would be the first group project in forever that he wouldn't have to do all by himself. It filled him with enough confidence to speak momentarily to them.

"Whatever you guys need, I'll get it or do it. I want us to get a good grade on this, so whatever you require, don't hesitate to ask me." This almost took him by surprise that he had even spoke for that long, his confidence to succeed immediately falling back down as his eyes shifted to the ground from embarrassment. He hoped he didn't make himself look like a fool by talking so much.
@Baklava I think I fixed it now, I put it on imgur this time so hopefully it should be working for everyone.
I could probably write a post for Nathan either today or tomorrow so that he can respond on what he'd be willing to do on the project, seeing as I'm not sure when @TheIrishJJ will post with his interactions towards Nathan.


Ahhhh stop it, you're making me embarrassed ^_^ But thank you for the kind words! It's always a pleasure being in one of your RPs.
Shorty Squad is getting bigger!
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