Avatar of MechonRaptor
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 470 (0.15 / day)
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    1. MechonRaptor 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current It's... been so long. Life sure has a way of screwing with you and getting in the way. I'm so sorry everyone for my sudden disappearance! Hopefully I'll be back from now on if you'll have me!
7 yrs ago
There will always be a song out there that fits how one can feel, though unfortunately it seems life favors sad songs the most.
1 like
7 yrs ago
That boy is staring and I feel a chill...
8 yrs ago
Nothing like making a pointless status update after 4 months!
8 yrs ago
It's good to get back in the swing of things after a couple weeks away. And hopefully, this time, I plan to stay!


I'm just your average, everyday roleplayer who mainly resides in Terraria's community forums.

Lots of stuff has happened in my life the last few months that I needed to dedicate my time to until I could reach a stable, well, time again. I'm so sorry if I worried anyone here, I made a lot of friends that I feel I abandoned with no explanation as to why. But what matters is, I think I've reached enough stability to RP again!

Anyway, generally speaking, I try to be a good person. I do my best to improve, I try to listen to criticism with an open ear, and I don't like to argue. There's so much potential here... It's awesome really. I just hope I can contribute something worthwhile.

Most Recent Posts

I believe it was more of a gutsy move than anything.
Amethyst - On the Streets of Home

"Oh, you mean one of those invitations? I have like... 3 of them or so, but this new one has macaroni art. Though, I don't know where he got the macaroni from." She replied, shrugging at the first question as she answered it. The one thing that wasn't in her hair was talking to Jinx now, but Amethyst wasn't really sure how she understood it. Maybe they were like, connected somehow, like how Steven's Lion was kinda connected to him. Yeah, that made sense to her.

But she couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of Pridedoof struggling as his armor would be stuck together, imagining how funny that would be. She did agree it would probably make him more annoying though, feeling that he'd start to come to everyone to figure out who did it. She'd probably just give him an I don't know answer like she usually did to him, potentially shapeshifted as a cat just for the heck of it. And then, she remembered Jinx getting timeout by Sans.

Speaking of Sans, it was odd that he hadn't said hi to everybody, but Amethyst simply shrugged that off, by now Jinx had asked her another question, and she simply laughed lightly once more at it.
"Because I'm pretty sure he'd be more annoying if he wasn't in charge than if he was. I mean, the guy is kinda a mess, and if he wasn't 'ruling' *Insert finger quotations here* he'd probably just sit there and whine... or something. I mean everyone knows he really isn't in charge, right? That weird guy in the forest is more in charge than Pridedoof is... But maybe that's just because he's poofed me several times when I wandered in there."
Have you seen some of the stuff Amethyst has ate :3 Seeing as she technically doesn't need to in the first place, she'll eat anything without hesitation as she does so for fun.
For instance, she's eaten the burrito thing, a very disturbing "cake" that smelled awful, a teabag, an energy drink including the very can it was in, etc.
The list goes on.
Amethyst - Lounging About

Surprisingly to Amethyst, it was a relatively peaceful start after Pridemoor's rounds, and she could appreciate that to an extent. Sure, a part of her said it was boring, but another also said it meant she could continue to lay lazily on her roof some more. Or at least, that was what she was hoping for, but she knew it was too good to be true. After all, in mere moments her ears were assaulted with a loud "HEY AMETHYST, RISE AND SHINE." Though, knowing who it was, she couldn't help but just lay there some more as if she didn't hear. It was definitely Jinx, someone that she had helped out from time to time in defending the town, and so she knew that she would probably check up on her.

Her intuition was correct, as the things... the name of them sounds familiar to her... But she couldn't really think of it at the moment, paying much more attention to where she felt them, or lack thereof. She could hear some sort of noise right above her, to where she opened one eye and promptly winked at the familiar before closing it again. The other, however, she wasn't really sure where it was until she heard Jinx talk about not touching the shiny, making Amethyst immediately get up. The one by her gem started to go back, while the other promptly got into her hair. She didn't mind that, simply shrugging that off and instead focusing on Jinx.

"Oh hey Jinx! She asked, jumping down from the roof and having a near perfect landing, the left side of her face being covered as her hair flowed back down into it's natural position. She had a smile across her face, looking rather content."You know me, just enjoying the day. So what are you up to?"
Alina wasn't entirely sure what the rogue's response pertained to, simply rolling her eyes and shrugging as she turned her attention to the wounded. Alchemy was not her forte, she much preferred to work with various cloths to create bags or clothing. She could not think of drinking some sort of concoction to heal you, believing it was a duty of the light or nature, not creations of Azeroth's inhabitants. And while she didn't particularly understand how they could brew something that started the healing process, it was far inferior to that of the light, or even something like a druid's power, or a shamans. Even a monk could channel their chi into soothing mists that healed those who were exposed to it, and it was far faster than that potion seemed to be.

Alchemy aside, Alina spotted an injured Night Elf guard, laying in pain with claw marks and wounds from what Alina assumed were the Legion's weapons. She would not be longer in this realm if help did not come, and so the Priestess slowly walked over to the dying Elf, placing her cowl back on as she got closer. Death was nothing new to her, but perhaps she try to stop it here, as she knew one of her jobs was to do so. As she knelt down to inspect the wounds, the Elf attempted to move to see the Priestess, but Alina simply shook her head no.
"Shhh... Be still. You fought valiantly, but your wounds are severe. I will do everything in my power to heal you, and so may Elune grant me the strength I need to do so." She watched as the Night Elf smiled, a glimmer of hope across her face with tears of gentle joy coming.
"T..Thank.. You..."

In truth, Alina knew her strength would not come from Elune, but from the Light she believed in. But she had studied the Moon Goddess, knowing fully well that the Kaldorei believed in her, so much so that it was hard to argue over how they had control over powers very similar to that of Alina herself. Perhaps the Light and Elune were not so different, but for now, those thoughts were shoved aside. Standing up, Alina began to feel the radiance of the Light surge within her, allowing herself to be the light that this elf believed in. Upon this elf she spoke a Power Word of Radiance, the light immediately transferring into the Elf. Alina did not hesitate next, this time sending holy light directly into the Elf.

It was a miracle to Alina that her spells actually began to work, watching as the light began to heal in a rapid manner the wounds that once plagued the dying Night Elf. Under her hood, Alina smiled, glad that another would start the slow process of recovery. The Night Elf's wounds were too severe to fully heal her, but it was enough to ensure she would not die. She would leave the rest of the healing up to another as she turned her attention to the group she had come here with.

She had no objections to heading towards their next destination, however a day of walking was less than ideal for her. But, she knew better than to question the wardens, even if she wanted to. Taking a deep breath, she nodded at them, slightly distancing herself from the others and waiting until they would finally depart.
I find it sorta funny that Thalion took what Alina said harshly, when she meant it as a compliment xD

I have to say though, I really like what you did with your character's voice lines and how the link is in the quotation marks. That way our text is colored to our character, along with the voice still being there.
Aww, thanks!
Amethyst - Atop Her Small House

Amethyst had been 'resting' on top of her house, eyes closed and with a smile on her face. She was content at the moment, even if some may find it unusual to be technically lounging atop their house. But to her, any place was a place to rest! Not like anyone could really stop her, even if it meant she would probably get scolded by Sans whenever he made his rounds. However, her rest was soon disturbed when she heard someone making a ruckus with wood and pounding. She chuckled to herself until she realized it was their supposed ruler, making her laugh even louder than before. She didn't really believe him to be any sort of ruler, especially when he seemed like more of a defective person than her, but she honestly didn't really care to do anything about it. Not like she would make a better ruler, but she definitely had him beat at being lazy.

Speaking of that, she still needed to make up her mind on if she would attend his birthday. She wasn't sure why humans even considered doing such a thing, it seemed sorta pointless with how little they lived. Then again, when compared to how long a gem can last... She wasn't so sure. Shrugging the thought off, she decided she would ultimately attend. Free food sounded nice, even if she didn't need it. It made her laugh again when she remembered how she had once made a burrito, poured chips on top of it and then rolling that up with a pizza to make a very large burrito. Man, she really wished they would make one of those again, though she doubted the place could afford it.

And so ultimately, she continued to simply lounge around on her roof some more, continuing to feign sleep and relaxing to the sound of an enthusiastic king's movement.

I think I need to clean my mind with tons of soap. I read something the wrong way already and it was just in the first post >_>
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