Avatar of MechonRaptor
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 470 (0.15 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. MechonRaptor 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current It's... been so long. Life sure has a way of screwing with you and getting in the way. I'm so sorry everyone for my sudden disappearance! Hopefully I'll be back from now on if you'll have me!
7 yrs ago
There will always be a song out there that fits how one can feel, though unfortunately it seems life favors sad songs the most.
1 like
7 yrs ago
That boy is staring and I feel a chill...
8 yrs ago
Nothing like making a pointless status update after 4 months!
8 yrs ago
It's good to get back in the swing of things after a couple weeks away. And hopefully, this time, I plan to stay!


I'm just your average, everyday roleplayer who mainly resides in Terraria's community forums.

Lots of stuff has happened in my life the last few months that I needed to dedicate my time to until I could reach a stable, well, time again. I'm so sorry if I worried anyone here, I made a lot of friends that I feel I abandoned with no explanation as to why. But what matters is, I think I've reached enough stability to RP again!

Anyway, generally speaking, I try to be a good person. I do my best to improve, I try to listen to criticism with an open ear, and I don't like to argue. There's so much potential here... It's awesome really. I just hope I can contribute something worthwhile.

Most Recent Posts

I'm considering making a trainer whose going to go for the pokemon league and do contests in their free time.
That sounds good, and don't sweat it Captain. All you had to say was you were sick and I'm sure everyone here would understand why it is taking a little bit for an IC to be posted.

Kestin Zane Alderson, He prefers to go by his middle name Zane

June 9



Bisexual, but won’t admit it

Relationship Status

Scars, Tattoos, Piercings

Likes & Dislikes
• Summer Weather
• Video Games
• Iced Coffee
• Various Productions
• Food
• Dramas (They bore him)
• Shakespeare’s Tragedies
• Cowards
• Pity
• A lack of motivation

• Singing
• Acting
• Playing Video Games
• Sketching
• Cooking

• He often gives a thumbs up instead of saying good job, or does so in a sarcastic manner.
• Finger guns to get out of awkward situations.
• Stopping himself from swearing, often with a rather unfitting word or words that sounds similar or starts with the first letter of what he would say.
• Will sometimes make bad puns or jokes when the situation clearly doesn’t need it.

• Heights
• Snakes
• Centipedes
• High Speeds
• Airplanes

• Innovative • Tactless• Tenacious • Secretive

Short little explanation of him: You can expect him to not give a clear answer most of the time, ranging from rather simple questions to much more personal and serious ones. Along with this, he often lacks confidence in what he does or who he is, often downplaying his actions and always assuming he’s messed up in one form or another. But, in the presence of others, he feels he has to be confident, often with the result of displaying confidence even if he himself does not truly feel it. Even so, it is said his best trait is to keep moving forward and press on, having dedication to continue even if the situation seems bleak.

Kestin doesn’t really know about his real parents. He’s only heard rumors and stories that his new family has told him about, but they never would give the full story. All he knows is, it’s better this way to be away from them.
In his eyes, his journey into life began when he was adopted by Richard and Carolyn Alderson, who, due to recent events, decided to foster little Kestin due to his previous parents rather dangerous and disturbing behavior. It didn’t take long for them to get attached, and when his real parents were thrown in jail and deemed unfit to raise a child, the Aldersons eagerly jumped at the chance to provide young Kestin with a decent life. They treated him like he was their own child, and Kestin would have never guessed that he was adopted. His siblings were still young when he joined the family, not fully aware of what was going on but accepting of it nonetheless. After all, they just assumed another stork had visited and delivered a young baby brother.

Growing up, he's always done his best to do what was right in their eyes because of it, even if it meant not always doing what he wanted. He didn't want to seem like a disappointment or a mistake for helping him, and so he always pushed himself to the limit in order to prove he was grateful for their actions. He may not know who his biological parents are, but he doesn't care for them anyway. He often shudders to imagine what his life would be if circumstances had played out differently. And while living in a small town for a majority of his life hasn't been the most amazing experience, he does his best to make the most of it. With his siblings in college and him practically being alone a majority of the time at the house due to his parents both working now, he's starting to find a lot more free time on his hands...

Family Members
Adoptive Father: Richard Alderson: 42, Works as a Doctor.
Adoptive Mother: Carolyn Alderson: 43, Works at a local cafe.
Adoptive Brother: Skyler Alderson: 21, at college.
Adoptive Sister: Jennifer Alderson: 23, at college.
Biological Parents: Unknown

Your Mahlimae

Relationships Between Friends

Lauryn Noelle Greene:
"She's an amazing artist, in both music and in design... I'm just glad she helps me from time to time."
• Lauryn and Kestin met during the Freshman year school musical, and have been friends ever since. He accepts her brutally honest critique with an open mind, and does his best to support her. They often sketch something for each other or give each other feedback, though he normally feels her work is better than his.

Georgina Anne Berglund:
"She really likes to pester me from time to time, but in a good way."
• Gina and Zane's older siblings started dating in middle school, ultimately leading the two families to be connected because of it. While they both get along, Zane's taken notice that she likes to try and pry into his private life, but he does his best to treat her well and knows they both have each other's backs when it comes down to it. And to him, that is all that matters.

Titus Omar Calloway:
"He's kinda cool to hang out with."
• The two met through their mutual friend Gina. A friend's friend, if you will. Zane doesn't mind him, and does enjoy his company whenever they play video games, but that only happens when the rest of the group is there as well, so they don't really hang out without the others with them. When they are together, they get along just fine.

Sebastian Christopher Monroe:
"He's a cool guy, don't know him much though. Heh, that's what people say about me."
•With Zane deflecting questions that Sebastian throws and some humor here and there, Zane considers their relationship at the surface level of things. Zane doesn't really talk about his own life or ambitions, and Sebastian hasn't given much information for Zane to work with. Even though they can hang out together have some fun, it sorta stops there. Though, Zane does feel Sebastian is simply messing with him sometimes when it comes to his flirting.

I'm not sure, really. Do we want serious side-effects or silly ones? I guess it would dictate the tone of the RP, wouldn't it? At least somewhat.
This sounds really thought out and interesting, and I'm getting pumping just reading it. I hope it does go into the RP stage.

Kestin Zane Alderson, He prefers to go by his middle name Zane

June 9



Bisexual, but won’t admit it

Relationship Status

Scars, Tattoos, Piercings

Likes & Dislikes
• Summer Weather
• Video Games
• Iced Coffee
• Various Productions
• Food
• Dramas (They bore him)
• Shakespeare’s Tragedies
• Cowards
• Pity
• A lack of motivation

• Singing
• Acting
• Playing Video Games
• Sketching
• Cooking

• He often gives a thumbs up instead of saying good job, or does so in a sarcastic manner.
• Finger guns to get out of awkward situations.
• Stopping himself from swearing, often with a rather unfitting word or words that sounds similar or starts with the first letter of what he would say.
• Will sometimes make bad puns or jokes when the situation clearly doesn’t need it.

• Heights
• Snakes
• Centipedes
• High Speeds
• Airplanes

• Innovative • Tactless• Tenacious • Secretive

Short little explanation of him: You can expect him to not give a clear answer most of the time, ranging from rather simple questions to much more personal and serious ones. Along with this, he often lacks confidence in what he does or who he is, often downplaying his actions and always assuming he’s messed up in one form or another. But, in the presence of others, he feels he has to be confident, often with the result of displaying confidence even if he himself does not truly feel it. Even so, it is said his best trait is to keep moving forward and press on, having dedication to continue even if the situation seems bleak.

Kestin doesn’t really know about his real parents. He’s only heard rumors and stories that his new family has told him about, but they never would give the full story. All he knows is, it’s better this way to be away from them.
In his eyes, his journey into life began when he was adopted by Richard and Carolyn Alderson, who, due to recent events, decided to foster little Kestin due to his previous parents rather dangerous and disturbing behavior. It didn’t take long for them to get attached, and when his real parents were thrown in jail and deemed unfit to raise a child, the Aldersons eagerly jumped at the chance to provide young Kestin with a decent life. They treated him like he was their own child, and Kestin would have never guessed that he was adopted. His siblings were still young when he joined the family, not fully aware of what was going on but accepting of it nonetheless. After all, they just assumed another stork had visited and delivered a young baby brother.

Growing up, he's always done his best to do what was right in their eyes because of it, even if it meant not always doing what he wanted. He didn't want to seem like a disappointment or a mistake for helping him, and so he always pushed himself to the limit in order to prove he was grateful for their actions. He may not know who his biological parents are, but he doesn't care for them anyway. He often shudders to imagine what his life would be if circumstances had played out differently. And while living in a small town for a majority of his life hasn't been the most amazing experience, he does his best to make the most of it. With his siblings in college and him practically being alone a majority of the time at the house due to his parents both working now, he's starting to find a lot more free time on his hands...

Family Members
Adoptive Father: Richard Alderson: 42, Works as a Doctor.
Adoptive Mother: Carolyn Alderson: 43, Works at a local cafe.
Adoptive Brother: Skyler Alderson: 21, at college.
Adoptive Sister: Jennifer Alderson: 23, at college.
Biological Parents: Unknown

Your Mahlimae

Relationships Between Friends

Lauryn Noelle Greene:
"Small thought about friend"
• A little more in depth relationship. This will change as the roleplay goes on. People can become closer, farther apart. Even romance can blossom. It's all up to you.

Georgina Anne Berglund:
"She really likes to pester me from time to time, but in a good way."
• Gina and Zane's older siblings started dating in middle school, ultimately leading the two families to be connected because of it. While they both get along, Zane's taken notice that she likes to try and pry into his private life, but he does his best to treat her well and knows they both have each other's backs when it comes down to it.

Titus Omar Calloway:
"He's kinda cool to hang out with."
• The two met through their mutual friend Gina. A friend's friend, if you will. Zane doesn't mind him, and does enjoy his company whenever they play video games, but that only happens when the rest of the group is there as well, so they don't really hang out without the others with them. When they are together, they get along just fine.

Sebastian Christopher Monroe:
"He's a cool guy, don't know him much though. Heh, that's what people say about me."
•With Zane deflecting questions that Sebastian throws and some humor here and there, Zane considers their relationship at the surface level of things. Zane doesn't really talk about his own life or ambitions, and Sebastian hasn't given much information for Zane to work with. Even though they can hang out together have some fun, it sorta stops there. Though, Zane does feel Sebastian is simply messing with him sometimes when it comes to his flirting.


Awesome, I'm already working on a CS, so hopefully I'll have it done before the starting post ^_^ Just don't wait for me, I wouldn't want to hold this up due to late interest.
Well, seeing as I have time to rejoin RPs here, and this does seem interesting, is it alright if I start making an app Captain?

Whatever you feel is best.
I'm sorry, personal things have happened and taken up my time.
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