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I'll try to post as soon as I can, but life's kind of busy right now. I might have it up tomorrow, really sorry!
@Melkor He's along the path that Nianxi's on, the one Mahtan, Seth, and Susanna were previously on, somewhere outside Rudin I believe it was.
Urisk looked around the house, deciding what he should take with him. His nose curled at the smell in the house as what was left of the imp began to rot right there by the doorway, the rotten egg smell of the sulphur still strong as well. A cabinet door creaked quietly as he opened it, looking inside at the collection of herbs contained in small fabric pouches. He took out the pouches containing Belladonna, Spanish Moss, Ember Moss, Glintweed, ground Water Artichoke, and ground Mandrake root, then placed them on the table in the corner of the room. Walking over to another area of his home, he picked up three effigy dolls he had made earlier that month, sticking the bone needles used to make them inside of them. He walked back and set them on the table as well, then walked over to another cabinet. Opening it, he retrieved two small taglock kits, a small needle paired with an enchanted bottle that kept fresh collected blood indefinitely. The bottles were thick glass, and no bigger than his thumb, so they fit easily into one of the pockets on the inside of his cloak. He found a thick string in a drawer of various miscellaneous items, tying it around the neck of each of the herb pouches. He tied it into a loop afterward, wearing it over one shoulder diagonally across his torso underneath his cloak. Finally he walked over to a case on a bookshelf, carefully taking it down from the top shelf and setting it on the table. Inside was an ornate silver knife with a jet black handle, a pentagram inlaid to the base of the blade in gold. It was a consecrated knife called an athame, used in rituals and for taking certain ingredients. Taking the sheath out of the case with it, he strapped it around his waist, the the hilt of the knife at his left hip.

Urisk walked back out to his garden, ready to depart to wherever fate may take him. Retrieving a piece of golden chalk and a purple Otherwhere chalk from another pocket in his cloak, he set to work. He drew a heart glyph the same as the one at the center of the imprisonment spell with the golden chalk, drawing the circle right on top of the altar. He began drawing the other glyphs carefully in the purple chalk, preparing a ritual to search for waystones for the next ritual. After finishing he began a quiet chant, speaking quickly but clearly with a deliberate tone of voice.

"Adiuvare quaerit quod quaerimus, quid opus est in hoc tempore, ad auxilium mii. Id unum quaerit ut subinde ut mergit. Propterea, scuta fac sedibus, et nunc ostendisti mihi quae quaeritur."

With a slight glow, several points of light began to glow within the circle, the locations of the waystones on an invisible map, one only seen in his head. Something else set off a slight glow close to the area of one of the waystones as well, giving off a small point of red light. He gave it an odd look, it wasn't something he had been dousing for, so what was it? Did it have some connection to the demons? He wanted to know, so he locked that location in his mind for the next ritual, focusing on that waystone.

Drawing another circle of glyphs with the purple chalk, he began chanting again. He finished writing the symbols and walked over to a belladonna plant, plucking a flower from it. He retrieved the athame from its sheath, placing it in the middle of the circle, right over the golden heart glyph. He placed the flower on the blade of the athame, putting his hand over that. He resumed chanting once again, focusing on the Rite of Transposition he was performing.

"O di, precor, et celeritate praesidium tibi iter, ad potestatem amet iunxit. Hoc flos natura tibi munera nostra. Sacro cultello incide per spatium tempusque. Hac oratione auxilium abs te. Ut sic esse volumus, quod patitur tuam."

Picking up the sacred knife, he traced a line in the air above the altar, from as high up as he could reach down to the surface of the stone structure. Closing his eyes, there was a bright glow of purple light as he was transported through space to the waystone. The sudden change of ground and position threw him off balance, causing him to stumble as his feet touched the ground, nearly falling down. For a moment, he was incredibly dizzy, but once he had regained his balance, he sheathed the knife and looked around. The waystone he had been transported to was buried halfway in the ground, looking simply like a large boulder, however he knew that the symbols marking it were just hidden under the earth. He saw a road, and walking towards it, looked up at the sun's position for a moment, making sure he was going the correct direction. He was walking straight toward where the red light he had doused out. Finding it would hopefully satiate his curiosity, although he wasn't entirely sure he wanted to know. He certainly didn't have the element of stealth or surprise if it had been a demon, as that display of witchcraft would have certainly attracted its attention. His mere presence to a demon would just scream that he was a witch after performing a rite like that.
If you wouldn't mind me bringing in Urisk to interact with Mahtan, Seth, and Susanna, I could bring him to around the camp where they were near in my next post.
I'll probably have Urisk meet up with your characters in my next post
I doubt the GMs would turn away somebody who was interested.
XD yeah, it is the exorcism from supernatural, I found it the easiest to use without translating a bunch of stuff into latin.

Prince, I was kind of just going with the whole demon aunt thing and sort of winging it, but that idea sounds great. I think it would make a great plot point!
He turned around, his eyes widening as he saw what was there. A black-skinned imp stood there, standing no more than four feet tall as it glared up at him, a grim smile on its face. His breath caught in his throat at seeing the creature. Even if it was only an imp, it was still dangerous. Whirling around, Urisk ran inside his house, slamming the door shut behind him in a panic. He looked quickly around for anything that might help him fend off the attacking creature. He didn't have long, the imp was already attacking the door, and it wouldn't hold up very long. He drew out a piece of pure white chalk that seemed to almost glow, taking out a glimmering golden piece after that.

Quickly scrawling on the ground with the golden chalk, he drew out a crescent shaped rune with a smaller symbol inside of it, similar to the greek letter Phi. Tossing the golden chalk onto a table from where he was, he started scrawling more runes with the white chalk as fast as he could. The imp continued to smash at the door, banging at it with its fists and clawing at the wood. The runes each had a meaning, one shaped like a double sided scythe with a slash through it meaning deflection. Another's shape was comparable to an upside down lowercase 'f' in calligraphy, meaning strength. Yet another's was a circle, three lines dividing it into sixths, another circled connecting the lines before they reached the center of the circle, meaning protection.

He jumped up from the crouching position he'd been in, going over to a shelf that housed jars full of herbs for spells. Grabbing a belladonna flower as well as a crushed foxglove blossom, he ran back towards the circle, the door swinging open forcefully, the imp having finally broken its way into the house. It entered the circle of runes just as Urisk threw the reagents into the area. The second they touched down in the circle, he yelled out a single word, activating the spell.
A white light flared out from the circle, the runes glowing brightly as power was drained from the altar in the garden to fuel the spell. The imp charged forward at Urisk, being forcefully stopped short as it reached the edge of the circle. It smashed into the spell's wall, a white color flaring up where the imp had made contact with the invisible wall. It cried out in pain as the magic backlashed at it, causing it a good deal of pain. Sighing in relief that he'd been able to finish the spell in time.

Making his way over to a bookshelf that resided in the room, he began searching for a certain tome. He ran his finger across the spines of the books contained there, reading the titles as he went. Finding the book he was looking for, he pulled it from the shelf, opening it up to the index. Finding the page he needed, he flipped to it. He walked over to the imp's prison, glaring at the little monster before he began reciting the exorcism from the book.

"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica

Ergo, draco maledicte et omnis legio diabolica, adjuramus te,
cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque æternæ perditionìs venenum propinare
Vade, satana, inventor et magister omnis fallaciæ, hostis humanæ salutis,
Humiliare sub potenti manu Dei, contremisce et effuge, invocato a nobis sancto et terribili Nomini
quem inferi tremunt
Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, Domine.

Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica

Ergo, draco maledicte et omnis legio diabolica, adjuramus te ... cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque æternæ perditionìs venenum propinare

Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos!"

The imp choked on its own breath as he began the chant, then soon collapsed. It cried out in pain, writhing on the ground. Urisk continued, feeling nothing for the suffering of the creature, who's kind had caused so much suffering to humans. To him it was just punishment, which caused him only to continue the ritual with greater conviction. As he neared the end of the exorcism chant, the imp's skin began smoldering as it was forced back to hell, the demon combusting completely as it suddenly vanished, gone from this world forever. The strength of that particular exorcism meant that thing wouldn't be getting back onto earth any time within the next thousand years at minimum.

Left tired by the entire ordeal, he went back out into the garden, not bothering to clean up the smoldering ash on the ground that reeked of sulphur. He walked to his altar, sitting down on it and looking up into the branches of the willows, wondering why the imp had come after him. The answer was obvious he knew. He was marked, he would never live a normal life, he couldn't escape his past. He'd managed to avoid it until now, but the imp showing up said to him that it was coming back after him now. Now seemed to be the time, as he had heard about the demons being particularly active in their slaughter lately. He walked back inside the house to get prepared to leave. He didn't know where he was going, but he knew what he had to do. He was going to bring to fruition his plan to kill the demon that had murdered his aunt.
Drip... Drip... Drip...
Beads of rain raced each other down the angled tiles of the stone cottage's roof, falling to splatter against the waiting ground below. A door opened with a quiet creek, a man walking out of the house. He took a step out, inhaling then letting out a light sigh, taking in the smell of the fresh rain that had only ended minutes ago. He looked out over the garden that lay before him, mossy paving stones making his path through the lush plants that seemed to grow in any place not already taken up. His eyes wandered over the plants, resting on the pond in the short-walled yard. He walked over to it, crouching down to run a finger along the petal of a water lily floating on the surface of the pond. A butterfly flitted by, stopping to rest on a flower for only a moment before taking flight again. Bees buzzed as they flew around, collecting their precious nectar from the flowers of the plants.

'So much for the evil, dark, satanic lair of a witch,' Urisk thought, turning around and going to close the door to his cottage behind him, locking it with the key he kept in the hidden pocket inside his sleeve. He turned again, then walked along the stones until he reached a stone structure in the center of the garden, hidden by overhead willow trees, their long fronds trailing down to the ground. It was a stone table, about four feet long and two feet wide. It had strange runes and glyphs etched into the sides in a language of which most speakers had ceased to exist. It was adorned with a red cloth, draped over the top of it, a candelabra on top of that, complete with five black candles. A silver chalice sat on the altar as well, off to the side and filled with pure spring water. A pentacle had been embroidered into the cloth on the altar, marking it as a focal point for the magic performed there. The altar stored the magical energy created by the garden, nature's essence fueling the spells he performed.

The inhabitation was an overall peaceful and beautiful place, very tranquil. He sat down on the altar, closing his eyes. He thought about what he was doing here, questioning why he had even chose to try to restart his life. He'd been having more doubts about things recently, like if he could ever live a normal life again, not that it was incredibly normal in the first place. He'd been trying for over a month now to even identify the demon that had killed his aunt, but he'd had no luck. Maybe he should just give up on everything involving that. His tongue ran along his pointed teeth. No, that wasn't an option. Not with this permanent reminder of what had happened. If he gave up then it would become a permanent reminder of his failure too.

A sudden shuffling of leaves snapped him out of his thoughts. He stood up, taking the chalice and candelabra off of the altar and swiftly covering up the pentacle-adorned cloth with a larger white cloth that lay beside the structure. The sound was more than likely just an animal, but he wanted to take no chances of anybody discovering what he was. He walked out from the willows, going to get his watering can. He picked it up just as he saw a figure out of the corner of his eye. He quickly turned to look, but it vanished in an instant. He was worried now that somebody, or something, was watching him. He dropped the can and walked swiftly toward his door, the key sliding from his sleeve into his hand. As he fumbled in his nervousness to unlock the door, he heard a thud behind him, like the sound of something landing on the ground. He turned around, afraid of what he might see. He knew that if they were so inclined to stay out of his sight until now, it wasn't somebody he was acquainted with.
The weapons look awesome, you did a great job on them! It'll be cool to see who ends up with one. I'm looking forward to the character interactions. They should be pretty interesting at some points.
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