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I have been for the past few hours writing an app for Magneto. I think I have to rewrite it as its becoming a bit of a garbled mess of me trying to explain every little possible detail I can of why everything is the way it is, but I am loving the concept overall. However I have class coming up so it wont be until tonight

Basically the idea behind it is that a small change in Magneto's backstory caused Magneto's mutant nationalism to develop in a more radical leftist fashion, and thusly he becomes more of a Huey Newton-esque figure than a Malcom X. It also changes the lineup of the Brotherhood of Mutants almost entirely, as Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch simply never were even born and Magneto never meets the Toad. Instead, Colossus becomes Magneto's number two, along with some other suprises I don't want to spoil just yet.
And you scrapped that idea? What's wrong with you?

I mean, let's be fair. We're pretty much already a Street Fighter RP with the serial numbers filed off. Last thing we need is to draw more attention to that by using SF faceclaims. :P
I mean you can't be a stereotypical pro wrestler and not be an extremely patriotic American or evil Russian guy, so I only had two options.

Unless you're an Andre the Giant clone, of course ;D
@MegsychanI think people can play who they want to play. Why does it matter?

Firstly, It's just an observation, not a condemnation. But regardless, what Allen said, it's nice to have a bit of cast diversity.
The American bias in this game is real. So many people from the States vs everywhere else. D:
Chung Yeong-Suk: Thus far, she's my favorite character (I like her backstory, moves, and she just feels different). I really do want to see more of her.

You're making me blush so hard. Thanks a ton. :3

Inspired by this image, I wanted to make a similar map of all the Nomads and their country of origin. I colored every country with a nomad in green, and I added a flag for each individual nomad from that country. The location of the flags are completely arbitrary (I tried to put them near capitals/major population centers for the most part), and have no relation to where the characters are from (I figured, like Street Fighter II/III, everyone would have a stage from their home country, but it wouldn't necessarily be where they lived). A spoiled list I compiled is here:

Yeong-Suk didn't know how to react to her counterpart's.... eccentricies. Not only could she make make out Yeong-Suk's whisper through the roar of a crowd (Don't think out loud in this fight!), but she seems so casual about being in a combat situation, giggling and throwing peace signs. Was the robot mocking her? Did it have some trick up its sleeve? And what the hell was with the warning Pyongang gave her before the fight, about "the robot"? Was she the target that they wanted her to scrap? Or did she have a key to whatever she was ultimately hunting for?

Doesn't matter, the ravenette though to herself as she rushed ki to the soles of her shoes. Thinking too much on trivial things was a good way to get yourself killed; she had a target, and all she had to do was win. She could always scrap the robot later if it ends up that she needs to; given how bad it evidently was at hiding its true identity, it wouldn't be too hard to track down. As the robot continued to fire more and more plasma at Yeong-Suk, she responded by dashing side to side, with the speed of the mythical white deer. The blasts harmlessly flew by the Asian woman as she weaved through each shot, too quick to properly lead into.

"Oh?" Seven-Seven thought out loud as she saw the woman use the speed of a cheetah to dodge her blasts. Even though she lead them! Which meant that Seven-Seven would have to use something faster. The plasma cannon transformed back into a normal arm.

When an opportunity presented itself, Yeong-Suk dissipated her ki by stomping hard in the ground, creating a fissure in which jagged rocks erupted from in a straight line towards Seven-Seven. The rocks barreling towards Seven-Seven from Queen Baji's Fury not only served as an answer to the ranged attacks by the machine, but it also gave Yeong-Suk temporary cover from further blasts, exactly what the North Korean needed. If Seven-Seven has more weaponry like the which she was firing at her, Yeong-Suk needed some time to figure out how to close the distance without getting hit, as there was no way to tire out a robot from range. Even in her own confidence of her own ability, Yeong-Suk knew it was physically impossible to keep up with a robot forever.

While it was true that Seven-Seven's stamina was limitless, being a machine, she knew that her body wasn't all that durable. It couldn't take a solid blow without needing many repairs... so, she had to keep away from the woman at all costs. Because close range was not her specialty. Her lower body underwent a transformation. One that was quick. In one moment she had legs, and in another, her legs were jets. She quickly flew to the side, not going that far off the ground, before her lower body transformed back. However, she had to come up with a plan before it was too late.

What the hell, Yeong-Suk internally cursed as the robot effortlessly flew over her attack, that thing can fly?. Nothing in her training prepared her for this situation, and given that most of her ki manipulation relied on using the earth as a weapon, there was little she could do at range given this new infomation. She was just going to have to risk it and just rush in, while the robot was seemingly still recovering from transforming its body back. With all of her energy, the ravenette dashed towards her opponent, before leaping into the air with her feet in the motion of a jumping roundhouse kick. Even if she missed, that should hopefully clear most of the distance between the two.

Seven-Seven expected an all out attack like this - after all, she looked smart enough to piece two and two together and realize that ki blasts aren't going to work. However, Seven-Seven couldn't quickboost as often as she wanted to (she was still in that cooldown time). The only thing that came to mind was putting up both of her arms to block the roundhouse, the devastating kick impacted her forearms, and sent her back a little bit. She could feel the machinery in her arms shaking! This was not a pleasant feeling, she needed to get away! The first thing Seven-Seven did was transform her legs into jump-jets away, and immediately propel herself away from the woman.

Yeong-Suk was not going to let the robot get away from her that easily. She had to force Seven-Seven to stay as close if she had any chance to win this fight. Yeong-Suk did the first thing that came to her mind; she leaped again, this time with no leg extended. Instead, she tried to grab onto the robot's chest from the rear, and hold on to dear life. She was small enough that she could probably get away with it, and Yeong-Suk could just kick her from that position, as awkward as it would probably be. It would be fairly hard to kick Seven-Seven since quickboost came to an end, and then the two crashed to the ground - hard. Since Seven-Seven's trip was interrupted, she couldn't land with grace. Instead, she came rolling across the stage floor with her guest riding along with her.

"... I would appreciate it if you stopped grabbing me there." Seven-Seven groaned.

Yeong-Suk didn't respond. She just decided to throw a knife chop at Seven-Seven's face as she protested the prior grip she had on the robot. Anything was fair in combat; no one won a fight by being nice.

Well, at least Chung let go of one of them, but she could only take the full force chop to the face. Many of her systems flashed bright red, and Seven-Seven gasped in pain just as she was programmed to. She really needed to get out of this by any means necessary, as these kinds of encounters weren't her specialty. Fortunately, she had an idea. She bent her knee as far as it would go, pressing her foot against the ground. Only that leg transformed into a thruster as it left a large scorch mark against the ground that allowed Seven-Seven to reverse the grapple. She landed on top of the woman, and made sure to take advantage of her surprise to hop off her - while also deploying the machine gun in her shoulder.

Yeong-Suk's eyes widened as Seven-Seven turned the situation completely around on her. In one second, she was holding the woman and smashing her face with her hands, and on the next, she was on the ground, the robot aiming a machine gun right at her face! What kind of fucking tournament lets people bring in fucking guns, she furiously protested in her mind as she instictinvely reached for the inside of her jacket. She was hoping that it didn't have to resort to this, but nope, she wasn't going to mess around with martial arts when someone was pointing a gun at her face. She quickly pulled out her pistol, clicking the saftey off in one quick movement. She only brough one magazine-the one already in the gun-with her, so she was going to have to make every shot count. Pointing the gun at Seven-Seven's face, she pulled the trigger.

Seven-Seven did her best to stay out of the woman's line of fire, but wasn't fast enough to dodge the bullet. When it came flying through the air, it pierced through the side of Seven-Seven's face. Leaving machinery and electronics exposes as sparks flew. Seven-Seven cried, as she returned fire against the woman, letting out a volley of bullets.

As Yeong-Suk hadn't moved since being thrown on the ground, hitting her with the machine gun's blast wasn't all that difficult. Although Chung's natural ki level helped her resist what would have been a lethal volley to a regular indiviual, it was clear that the Asian woman was not taking the blast all that well. She groaned, almost even screamed, as her body was pelted with lead. It was impossible to hold the gun steady or even get up as she was being bombarded; the pain itself made her waver too much, let alone the actual hailstorm of bullets. Instead, Yeong-Suk threw the gun itself at Seven-Seven, hopefully distracting the robot enough to let a ki enfused foot crash into the ground: attempting yet another Queen Baji's Fury.


The words flashed before Seven-Seven's eyes, and she knew that it would be useless in the present fight. She didn't have access to a fancy regeneration like some Nomads, but this would help in the long run. It would be helpful if she didn't get hit again. The machinegun retreated back into her shoulder. She kept her eyes on the woman as she quick-boosted backwards to build distance with the woman, her right arm turning into a rocket launcher as she entered her comfort zone. Firing a rocket at the wave of stone that blasted it apart, Seven-Seven sighed in relief as she realized she had the advantage again.

The stones gave Yeong-Suk the moment she needed to get back on her feet. She quickly returned back to her fighting stance, more sloppy in stature compared to the beginning of the fight. Being attacked at point blank took a toll on her frail body; another solid hit like that.... no, Chung wasn't going to let herself even consider losing in the preliminaries. She had no more gun, which she would have really liked right now to just shoot the damn android and end the fight already. The small woman sighed as she reactived her Baegsases-ui Bal. She once again sprinted right towards Seven-Seven, using her speed to hopefully close the distance before the robot could respond. Yeong-Suk lunged at Seven-Seven, hoping to just tackle the robot to the ground yet again, where she could just wail on the aritifcal woman once more.

This was too easy for the robotgirl. All Chung did was play into her hands... and the same trick never works twice. Seven-Seven aimed a rocket at the ground in front of Chung, and fired it. Creating an explosion right in her face that would hopefully launch her in the air.

A missile flew towards Yeong-Suk, fired from almost close blank range. At the speed she was going, there really wasn't much reaction time for the Asian woman to react to. Using the momentum from her superhuman running, she jumped as far as she could. She landed on the missile for a split second, boosting another jump off of the missile. It crashed behind her, detonating into a brilliant explosion. Yeong-Suk kept her eyes on Seven-Seven, deciding to turn her boosted jump into a flying axe kick aimed directly at the android's skull. One of the pair was going to go down in the next few seconds; mind as well make sure it was her.

In one last desperate attempt to save herself, Seven-Seven could only put her arm up to guard her face from the axe kick. However, she was using the missile launcher arm, and it got damaged from the impact. Her HUD went bright red once again as a warning from all the damage she received. She hissed in (fake) pain as she took a few steps back... while firing the missile right at Chung.

Yeong-Suk had enough of this fight. With the missile approaching her, she just stared it down and kicked it away, causing it to spiral away. It flew into one of the walls of the stage, detonating safely away from both combatants. The small woman approached the android, her mechanical ki-sensing eye briefly visible to Seven-Seven in its glowing rage. Yeong-Suk took a deep breath, and exhaled while peforming one last roundhouse kick straight at the robot's face.

There wasn't much more for Seven-Seven to do at this point... her body had already taken enough from the fight. Even though it had advance weapons systems, it just wasn't made to withstand this much damage. She took the kick square in the face, and fell sideways.


The words flashed before her eyes, before her eyes went "dead." Essentially falling unconscious.

Yeong-Suk gave a quick sigh in relief as the robot woman shut down. It took her almost everything she had.... but she won.

"AND THAT IS A KO," Andre's voice beamed through the stadium, to the applause of the people watching, "THE LATE, TINY PIPSQUEAK OVERCAME THE WOMAN WHO JUST SO HAPPENED TO BE A MACHINE! CHUNG YEONG-SUK IS MOVING ON!"

Chung walked over to collect her pistol, staring at her defeated opponnent. She clicked the saftey back on, before sliding it back into her jacket. If this was what it was like to fight people of her caliber.... she would take them on. And win.

If a machine of war couldn't stop her.... who could?

@Mr Allen J

Gloves, Yeong-Suk mentally noted to herself as she put on her sleek, black gloves. It was finally time to prove to her handlers that she was ready, ready to fight for the glory of Juche and the Supreme Leader.

Hat, she continued, donning the signature KPA cap. She pulled on her tie one last time, to make it as straight as it possibly could be. As she brushed her skirt, there was only one last item to check off for.

She grabbed the pistol off of the table, slammed the magazine into the gun, and cocked the barrel before putting the saftey on.

Baek Du San, she finished. Sliding the pistol into her inner jacket pocket, she hoped to the Eternal President that she didn't have to use the gun at any point in Brazil. Things would have to go really wrong before she would have to shoot at someone, especially at the tournament itself. After the incident in Malaysia, the last thing the North Korean government wanted is to explain another extrajudicial murder on foreign soil. That being said, the slang term for an agent without a gun is "dead", and Yeong-Suk would much rather be alive than dead.

The North Korean gracefully but briskly strolled out of the hotel room that she was staying at. Unfortunately, a call back to Pyongyang severely delayed her morning plans, and she was running a bit late to the start of the tournament. All to tell her essentially that the only thing they had for her in regards for a target was a moniker: "O Robô"-- The robot. Either intelligence is acting very incompetently, or central is intentionally holding information as some sort of weird test. At this point, she wasn't really too worried at this point. There was plenty of time to sort out this mess later, all she needed to focus on is winning this tournament. And she needed to get there as quick as possible, too!

Yeong-Suk could call for a cab, but she knew that wouldn't be a good idea. The ravenette was hastily taught basic Portuguese phrases right before depature; she wasn't trusting any cabbie to not rip off this tiny Asian foreigner in weird clothes. Or even worse, bring her to some completely random place on the other side of town because she slurred the wrong word. No, it was better off to go by foot, and she needed to get to the arena yesterday.

What seemed like an eternity of hurried walking and dodging cars later, Yeong-Suk finally reached the grey stone stadium. The samba dancers have since cleared; likely they were about to watch the fights themselves, or at least entertain the people inside the stadium. The North Korean took a few seconds to readjust her uniform (her handlers demanded she looked immaculate for the cameras; likely they were going to make propaganda back home starring her), before walking in.

Yeong-Suk walked up to a bored looking receptionist, clearly not happy with her job.

"O que você quer?" she said in a monotone drag.

"I'm Chung Yeong-Suk," the ravenette said, in a heavily Korean-accented Portuguese. "I'm here for my fight."

"Oh," the receptionist said in the same monotone, before her eyes widened at a sudden realization. She hurridely dialed a number on a cell phone and talked in an excited Portuguese so fast that Yeong-Suk had no hope of following. A few seconds later, the receptionist said, in English to the ravenette's relief

"Just on time. Arena 7. Get there now."

Yeong-Suk didn't need to be told twice. By the time she was able to take her place, the announcer was already introducing the fight from a central location. Did anyone even notice that she wasn't there? Doesn't matter; she had a job to do, and that job was defeating whatever foe was in her way. Anything else was completely frivolous.

The actual stage was completely barren. Nothing but dirt separated Yeong-Suk and her opponent. She stared at the woman in front of her, who was clearly not dressed to fight in any capacity. She let her Cheongug-ui Nun get to work, trying to view how powerful the person in front of her was. However, to Yeong-Suk's shock, she wasn't detecting any ki from the woman in front of her, not even the trace amount that most people radiate. Either this individual found a way to suppress their ki, or else she's-

"A robot..." Yeong-Suk quietly muttered.

Immediately after this accusation, a powerful GO punctuated the crowd. Not wishing to waste any time, the Korean woman quickly did a roundhouse kick in place, using her ki to fire off a sickle-shaped blast towards the oppossing woman. For now, the plan was the same as it was in training: use ki in place of her height. An individual who is displaying no ki is obviously not normal. She wasn't going to approach this thing until she knew exactly its capabilities were.
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