Im also not really sure what to do about the Rokthan since Mango left me in charge of them. I'm not sure how to manage both of the nations, and I feel like uniting them is both unrealistic and a massive power boost that would be unfair to everyone else
I would just suggest making up some story where they retire from view. If you're still in conversation with them, finish it up and then depart and just kind of don't interact with them for a while. We'll just pretend they're keeping to themselves for a while so when Mango comes back he can just invent some story to cover that time period.
@Elitestpotato, I'm waiting on you, if you're not going to post I'd appreciate if you would tell me so. I've been meaning to post more often, perhaps once every two days, but this is hampering me and undoubtedly the rest of the RP.
"They did what?" asked the Tsar Vyacheslav Putin to the messenger who came to the door. "Now we have two entirely unrelated countries invading Iran and tearing across the country to fight the Caliphate? Sometimes I truly don't comprehend Muslims, even though we have tens of millions of them. Or Catholics, for that matter."
Anya, his wife, from a nearby recliner reading the newspaper, glanced up. "I know what you mean. But this is not the time to become frustrated. We must take the opportunity to claim the moral high ground, and exploit this division between our two enemies."
"And this message from the Ethiopians, as pretentious as they are to invoke Orthodox kinship with us?"
Putting aside her newspaper, she rose and placed her hands upon her husband's. "I know this must be ideologically frustrating for you, but I for one believe it is a good idea. There are no more socialist countries in the world, let alone socialist countries like us. We need external allies if we are to survive against our greatest enemies.
Tsar Putin mused to himself for a moment, and then said, "Yes, I think I know what to write now."
To the Nations of the World
Surely, the Soviet Empire more than any other nation recognizes the danger which extreme religion can pose to nations and societies. However, the rogue empires of Mexico and South Asia have determined that the best way to eliminate that danger is to arbitrarily invade a neighboring state in the process of attacking the Caliphate of Istanbul. While we might applaud their initiative in other circumstances, Greater Russia finds the need to categorically condemn the actions of South Asia as a blatant power and land-grab designed to add numerous additional lands to their empire. This action is a flagrant violation of the sovereignty of Iran and of the sanctity of whatever international law remains. As such, the Soviet Empire of Greater Russia stands in solidarity with the Greater European Confederation in imposing a strict embargo on the United South Asian Empire, as approved by the Duma of this constitutional monarchy this morning, but not, however, on Mexico, believing their intentions to be purer of heart.
-Tsar of Greater Russia, Vyacheslav Putin
Hail, Zakariah Abraham Zaile, Emperor of Ethiopia.
I and all of Greater Russia would be honored to join such a pact, thinking it in the best interest of all of our peoples against the tide of Islam. I would, however, suggest a simpler name, perhaps the Orthaxis Defensive Pact, or ODP, to represent our global position of more or less a straight axis of mostly Orthodox countries holding the line against all of our enemies.
However, I believe that in regards to the so-called "holy war" perpetrated on the Caliphate by South Asia and Mexico, we should certainly not join their war. However, I believe that our own war, under our own leadership and separate from theirs, is an option that the people of Greater Russia will accept, and one which can recover many of the ancestral lands of our peoples.
Sincerely, Vyacheslav Putin, Tsar of All the Russias
Ah, well that makes more sense. I actually don't like TV much, but it's something to leave on in the background while I do other things. But I've never been the sort of person who can watch tv and not do something else at the same time- doesn't that seem super boring?
Still, you are vile and disgusting for waking up so early.
I don't even watch TV. Video games and Netflix for me, thanks.
Also, I get up at 10 or 11. Occasionally 12. The glories of summer vacation.
I'm pretty sure South Asia can't just say they're already taking Iranian cities without giving the Caliphate a chance to respond. Unless I'm missing something.
It doesn't really seem like it makes much sense to call it 'Soviet', then? I mean, soviets exist, sure, but if they're on the same level as cooperatives or labour unions in the West, it's sort of disingenuous to identify with Lenin's state.
It's virtually identical to Lenin's NEP, which he implemented over the last few years of his life to try to alleviate stagnation and famine, but then was immediately reversed by Stalin when he came to power, causing all the terrible things we associate with the Soviet Union today. So it's perhaps a return to the original spirit.
I think Canada and Alaska are unclaimed. That being said, there's not much more room for people to have, so I don't know how we're supposed to have more people. People should minimize their claims if other people want part of it.