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    1. Meleck 5 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current I read the status bar to laugh and feel old!
1 like
4 yrs ago
Saw the Space Opera advert and started singing, "and these dreams, they all seem empty, like my concious seem to be. I've spent hours, Only lonely..."
4 yrs ago
People confess to me all the time. I’m a faith leader. There is very little the surprises me any more.
4 yrs ago
Was just called a Boomer. Just remember I will retire before you and my music did not have Beber in it.
4 yrs ago
Was just called a Boomer. Just remember I will retire before you and my music did not have Beyer in it!


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Fu Ming

Age: 20
Origin: Lymms

Level 1
Occupation: Comnan/stage magician/gadgeteer
Demeanor: Very out going, charming, showman
Disposition: happy go lucky, ordered
Motivation: legacy

Armor: Robes

Vitality: 10

Something like Dresden files
Prayers for you and yours.

Andrew Blare

After some serious consideration, he did what any slob living in the slums would do. He headed for the “Grand Bazar.” It was a place you could get just about anything you wanted if you were willing to pay. Somethings took time to get. It was where the criminal underworld met and corps dumped tech and equipment that was broken. Andrew loved the place because if you were a bit creative, you could make things that were useful and fix things that were longer working.

Andrew walked the cramped walkways and alleyways between stalls. Many of the more “reputable” merchants Andrew knew by name. Some of the less reputable he knew as well, but he tried not to deal with people that wouldn’t pay.

He was after a metal lathe, a milling machine, and electronic repair tools. Andrew did not want to spend the rest of his life cleaning sewers and fixing electrical wire. He had dreams of making it out of the slums, or at least to a better part of it.

These things were fairly easy to find, since he could take them in not completely working order. He also bought drones for parts.

It left him enough to buy some real food and not the lab grown synthetic stuff.
No, we can build her better!! Lol but, he might have connections is what I was thinking.
or maybe a techie?
I will read up on the cyberpunk gaming system. Old Shadowrunner, here.
So what is the monetary system? Yen, Cred sticks?
Amen, it has been crazy
Andrew Blare

Bloody Hell,” Andrew swore as his data pad chirped out a new work order for him. He knew what it would be before looking at the pad. It was Mrs. Tsao Ming, she probably poured grease down the kitchen drain again plugging the sewer of the entire apartment building. Worse, she probably did it intentionally as she had a thing for Andrew. Sure enough the work order was Ming complaining about the sewers.

He leaned over the card table that functioned as his desk, work shop, and lunch room.
Fifteen minutes and I would be off, now I get to spend an hour cleaning out curry coated grease,” He said to Tommy his partner who was heading to a new job working for some corp.
Tommy laughed at him and said, “I leave this entire kingdom to you!”
Andrew had been slowly making the garage into a real workshop. He had been building and rebuilding equipment and making parts to fix things.

As Andrew got into the utility truck, turned the key, and then beat on the steering wheel.
I’m to smart for this.,” he yelled.
The truck started.

Andrew was one of the neighborhood good guy’s. If something broke Andrew would probably help you out.

The sewer project was as bad as he expected. Rotting white chunks of grease filled the line as he cleaned the lines, then he hit something. It had snagged on the line and he was able to pull it back. In the slums people flushed all sorts of things. Drugs, guns, bodies just to name few.
Finding a bag with cash, a vibroblade, and data chips was a surprise. He wrapped the items in plastic and carried it and his gear back out to the truck.

If Mrs. Ming found out what he found the entire building would know. He wanted to keep it quiet.

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