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<Snipped quote by Melodious>

Good on her, I guess. I'm kinda surprised.

This the first time she’s shown signs of anything superhuman? If so then I’m not surprised. People in your family have gotta have something cool kick in eventually.
<Snipped quote by Melodious>


Kinesis. You used your mind to move things, somehow.
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

Huh? This is news to me.

She sent me flying. And that’s how she took the remote thingy.
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

Before I lose it and burn something, why were you three here to begin with? Prism I get since he has the copy thing going on.

Machina took off through a portal she made with his remote thing and we chased after her to keep her from getting hurt. Did you know she’s got, like, pretty capable telekinesis or something similar?
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

Avis? She around here somewhere?

Not here, I’m pretty sure.
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

Ha ha very funny.
*pokes your forehead*
Have ya met my daughter?

*Rubs my forehead*
Avis? Yeah. She was helping the big guy over there with the fighting before The Legend.
*Motions to Roland*

<Snipped quote by Melodious>

Hug? Maybe a handshake, but I’m not into other peoples’ sweat.

That’s good enough.
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

*sighs and turns away*

<Snipped quote by Melodious>

Oi, whatever yer doin. It’s stupid and you should know. Don’t think you morph your brain to be bigger cause it’ll just be empty space.

I wouldn't morph my brain to be bigger anyway. I'd need to shrink it to perfect being a copy of you.
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

Don’t ya listen to Demi-gorganite over there. I’m not some dumb lug-nut.

Maybe not. Just dumber than me, and that's what counts.
*Smiles mischievously*
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

Sure, sure. You can look as cool as me, but you won’t be as strong as me.

I can be you but bigger and smarter. And that's two wins of three for me.
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

You should get that checked out then, cause you got a case of the smalls.

Just you wait. If I master this shapeshifting thing, I can be you but bigger. Then we'll see who's laughing.
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