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<Snipped quote by Crew>

Sounds dangerous!

<Snipped quote by Melodious>

*A flat, rectangular shield materializes on my arm, which chomps down on your leg on contact*

*Grins, flying off taking you with me as a result of this and dragging you across the ground through the street*
<Snipped quote by Server>

*Follows, and speaks in a rushed tone*
I think splitting up now is a good call.

<Snipped quote by Crew>

*Jumps through under the obscured cover*

*Emerges from above on you, kicking each of you with a split kick*
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

*Immediately follows up with a horizontal sword slash of brilliant golden light, which slices cleanly through the air and into your torso*

*For a brief instant, a sword flashes in my hand for a parry, and disappears just as quickly as it appeared. I dash to within less than a foot of where you stand and start attacking with a series of very precise blows reinforced by plasma on my fists, in a trained CQC stance, without affording you space to use your weapon*
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

*All of the gray squares are sucked into a sphere that builds itself in the palm of my hand and buzzes with purple electricity*
*Launches the attack, which curls the surface of the ground around it on either side, leaving a trench in its wake*

*The attack hits with a bang, then starts spinning rapidly, warps, and shrinks, in that order, before disappearing into my palm, which is emanating its own tiny black sphere that spins with a light blue radiance*
That feel good?
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

*The gray pieces travel along the strings and duplicate themselves*

*A few nighttime dwellers in passing stop at the scene, looking in at the courtyard from beyond the metallic fencing in awe, and start muttering among themselves as the strings dissipate*
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

*Angles myself toward the ground and flies down after the two of you*

*Turns toward you in your motion, hand outstretched, ensnaring you in an array of more energy strings, then slams you into the dirt*
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

*Shoves my blade into the glass as I skid across its surface, leaving a squirming gray trail without shattering it*

*Gravity suddenly shifts back to normal, and I launch myself toward you, holding out my fist and unleashing a huge kinetic pulse from it that sends a doubled boom rippling through the sky and hurls you to the ground*
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

*A seemingly blunt sword overtakes my other hand, built from the collection of malformed, shifting, and angular gray blobs, which I swing into your abdomen, leaving traces of the gray objects along its trail and on anything it touches*

*Leaps up over the blade gracefully, spinning so that you are to my side as I kick you squarely in the face, which is a powerful blow in its own right, but moments after the impact, a boom sounds a stronger, delayed impact lands and sends you skidding across the "ground"*
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

*Summersaults over the whips toward you, converting the gun into a single weapon's barrel the size of my body, connected at my shoulder and aimed point blank at your face*
*An explosion rings out from the barrel that shatters the glass behind you and rumbles the windows several floors up and down*

*Rushes headlong into the explosion, thrusting my hands through the flames and clapping down with two hands on either end of the barrel of the weapon, shattering it to bits before the blast even clears*
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

*A cannon materializes on top of my hand, and I blast the glass you're standing on and book it down the building*

*Leaps over it, grinning and sliding across the glass, then comes to my feet with the momentum in a dash after you and Zyland. I rear my arm back, forming a mass of thin, blue strings of energy that burn with a white hot aura, and I whip them toward you, snaring you by the ankle with them*
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