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<Snipped quote by Melodious>

First time I’ve heard that one! But I’ll take it!

One person is the entire difference between brooding and socializing. I think some wise person said that ages ago or something.
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

Nope! Just don’t want to get in your way.

I was already just lounging around. If anything you being here is already more productive.
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

But I’m distracting you from your clockwork?

Only if you’ve not been enjoying the past thirty minutes or so.
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

Er, sorry, didn't mean to interfere with your timekeeping business.

Business implies money. I’m broke, compadre.
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

I'm not distracting you from anything important, right?

Like clockwork.
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

At least it's something you're good at!

I tend to have fun with things because I'm good at them because I have fun with them.
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

What do you do for fun?

*Picks up the guitar and gestures it forward before slinging it over my shoulder on a strap*
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

I'm not distracting you from anything important, right?

You kidding me? I'm less busy than ever. Bored out of my mind half the time.
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

Then you've got my full support! I'll be sure to go to your next... concert? Show? Performance?

Who knows?… But thanks.
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

Only if it’s worth it in the end, I would say.

It if you tip those scales enough.
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