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<Snipped quote by Melodious>

Did you discover anything very useful?

I’d say so. Helps me watch my back while I sleep.
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

I can’t speak for anyone other than myself.

Hm. It’s worth some time.
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

I doubt very much. This is more of a common touchstone than it is a primary residence for most.

And never even once did anyone even explore it out of curiosity, if nothing else?
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

I see. Someday I’ll need to investigate the history of this place.

I don't see people use more than a handful of rooms. How much do any of you guys really know?
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

Are those sensors enabled now?

What I could manage is up and running. I know a bit but I’m not a tech prodigy.
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

But never brought online in the first place?

At least this iteration.
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

So the sensors are disabled for no reason. Great.

Could also have been the result of one of the many attacks you guys have had. Something gets damaged or destroyed, replaced, then someone forgets to press just one button and the whole thing is just never brought online.
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

Do they function correctly?

Pretty much. There not much unique about them, mostly basic stuff. Not aggressive security either, more informational.
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

Why were they deactivated in the first place?

Probably never turned on. There were a couple of things that had first time startup options come up. Seriously, I don’t think any of you all ever actually looked at it. Even the owners.
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

Are they currently active?

What I could manage to get into is. Not everything.
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