Avatar of Melodious


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<Snipped quote by Inimical>

*Looks up and shouts*
Hey, you on the speaker! What do you have to say about all of this?

<Snipped quote by Zeal>

What's the difference?

*The intercom systems are completely offline now*
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

*Looks up, listening for anything identifiable*
That’s usually how it goes for us. What did we just walk into?

*You hear the low rumblings of music and the ecstatic cheers of a crowd*
Long story. Some people were expecting me to show up to a huge show. I didn’t, even though I was tempted, but it turned out to be bait and they’re after me. So, now the encore is coming to me. Now us.
<Snipped quote by Session>


*Outside the entrance to the building, a low rumbling can be both felt and heard, as something massive suddenly warps to the planet*
Me. Your timing is either terrible or horrendous. And if you’re here as my enemy, it’s both.
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

*Closes one eye, staring at the wall*
Lilyful Duo, at your service!

<Snipped quote by Melodious>

Ooh, fancy. I think this probably counts as a dungeon.
*Zooms my vision into a small segment of the wall to try to enumerate the nature of the interference*

*Technology embedded in the infrastructure is clearly responsible, and I speak to you suddenly, my voice resonating from a couple nearby intercoms simultaneously*
Who are you?
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

<Snipped quote by Nimda>

*Sweeps my gaze across the area, sensing for any signs of life*

*Nothing stands out distinctly, though there is obviously direct interference to superhuman sensory abilities from the walls and floors preventing intimate knowledge from being discernible*
<Snipped quote by Zeal>

Let's see what this job is all about.

<Snipped quote by Melodious>

*Unlocks the exit with the key and steps through into the base*
I think... we've been here before.

*No one is in the immediate area, returning your observation with silence*
<Snipped quote by Zeal>

<Snipped quote by Techspert>

One problem down. Now to—
*My hand hovers over the remnants of the wound that snakes through my chest, back, and waist, before drifting toward the fresh cascade of sand, only to swiftly recoil as if scorched by an open flame*
Even you... how many more will they claim before this ends?
*Brushes away the now-damp sand from my shirt and retreats into the vast expanse of the desert*

*Opens the door after a bit, looking around and listening*
… Hm.
*Leaves it open but walks back to into the base, stopping to stare at the TV in deep though for a while before walking down the hall*
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

*Slides down against the inside of the door, holding it shut with the weight of my body*
Last thing today... Just one more...
*Opens a line to SideSlash*

*Stands up and drops the remote I've been holding onto the couch*
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

*Absorbs the words amidst a somber stare toward the ground*
If we're being honest, I'll probably have earned it.
*Steps down the hall into a tucked-away room*

So not healthy…
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