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<Snipped quote by Melodious>

Omega is the official name for my sister who goes by Mira. She works as a right hand to my creator.

So you freely admit to having ties to the hive mind?
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

*thinks for a moment*
…like what?

Your can-do attitude towards life, I will so carefully put it so we can avoid another… misunderstanding. I have but one question for your sake: You are an android, clearly. What comes to mind when you here the name “Omega”?
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

*tilts my head when you mumbled then straightens when you speak normally*
I’m the one tagging along with her. I would have no idea how to get here without her.

Let me be clearer. I understand why she took a liking to you and partnered up. You share a couple… Key traits.
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

Oh, she doesn’t have one? And I have no idea what you mean by stalling, I was completely serious.

You were more concerned over a word you misunderstood than your own life?
*Shifts back to normal speech*
I may be starting to get a picture as to why Zoey tagged along with you after all…
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

Seriously! You are the one who called out her bathroom problems!
*points at you amidst the flames*
Before we talk about why I am here, we should talk about why you are talking about that!

*My face grows dark with absolute scorn*
No one has a “bathroom problem”. I recommend you abandon your stalling tactic, as I am the only one getting you out of this. And that is no guarantee.
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

Why would she be nonchalant about that problem? It seems pretty serious to me.
And embarrassing. That rude of you to just tell people other’s problems.

*The white room is suddenly filled with purple flames on all sides of you that blare to life, dividing us*
I don't know what kind of impression you are getting, but I recommend taking this a little more seriously from this point forward. What interest do you have in the Elements?
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

I didn’t need to know that.

*Tilts my head*
That means nonchalant.
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

Oh, I wasn’t thinking at all. More of in awe and observing.
*nods my head side to side*
And just following her lead.

No one ends up here by not thinking. One of you must have been. And I was giving young Zoey the benefit of the doubt, since she's known for being rather insouciant.
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

*freezes standing straight up immediately when I gather the surroundings in a quick moment then nods and shuffles to the spot*

I can’t help but feel like neither of you really thought about this. Really thought this through.
<Snipped quote by Heroic>

*with a shocked look, I follow in a hurry*

*You phase through as well, emerging without Zoey and instead coming face to face with me holding an ornate white sword toward you from afar*
*Gestures you to walk forward up to a specific point in the room before me*
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