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<Snipped quote by Meta>


You're an incredible person, you know that?.... my safety is in your hanxds....Ill rest. The doctor mentioned I may be here for a few days... but I have a friend who's on the way that can help. I just need you to stay until they arrive.

You just rest. I'll stay as long as I need to.
<Snipped quote by Meta>


You're going well out of your way for me... what if I have nothing to offer in return?

I didn't ask for anything. Just heal up for me and we'll say we're even.
<Snipped quote by Meta>

Dane:... to be honest, a little help watching my back while I heal would give me peace of mind.

I will. Just rest easy.
<Snipped quote by Meta>
Without protection? I highly doubt that. These aren't some random villains... these monsters are well beyond that.

I'm not alone. Really. I'm more worried about you.
<Snipped quote by Meta>

I....im sorry, but you helping me may have directly involved you. Is there anyone you can call that can protect you for a duration of time? Now that you've seen me, they'll be able to find you, and through you find me. And they won't be pleasant about it.

You shouldn't worry about me. I'll be okay.
<Snipped quote by Meta>

... its not safe here. Saying any more can endanger the people here. We need a more secure location to speak of that.... not to mention, who are you?

Just a concerned passerby. You need to get some rest and heal up first.
<Snipped quote by Meta>

I was hiding something from them... something that could tip the tide entirely in their favor. But I had to find it myself, first. I...they followed me. Somehow, without me knowing. I can alter time and space, yet they found a way to get around that.... King, their leader, showed his face. I had no choice but to hold him off while I sent the item in question through time to where it would take him and I both eons to find... but I think I may have failed, due to trying to also create an escape route myself.

What item are you talking about?
<Snipped quote by Meta>

...the damned Amaranthine is what happened. Some outsiders to existence that tout around a false-god ideology, forcing their beliefs upon the weaker lifeforms... they're beyond pests. Fumbling around with an energy source that they know so little about... its infuriating.

Why’d they do this to you..?
<Snipped quote by Meta>

I'm.... alright. Aeron did a number on me. Doc was suprised at how well I held up despite my wounds.

What happened?
<Snipped quote by Meta>

*walking in, you see dane covered head to toe in bandages, leaving only his face visible, though his complexion does look to have improved*

- .... Melody.

Hi... how are you holding up?
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