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<Snipped quote by GalaxyRaider>


*forms a small dot on amaranthine on my finger, compresisng it exponentially, and fires it like a dart into the side of the drill faster than the human eye can blink, using part of the compressed energy to ehnace the speed of the projectile. Upon impact with the side of the drill, it would expand like shrapnel within, bouncign around haphazardly in a violent manner*

But not interesting enough.

<Snipped quote by Source>

*It clinks against an unseen force keeping it a mere inch away from my back, the spot of contact glowing a soft purple*

You actually thought that'd work?

*turns toward you, extending my hand as a cube-like prison of amaranthien forms aorund you, and i close my hand into a fist, and it sowly begins to close*

Lets see how you handle a small dose of inevitablity.

<Snipped quote by Meta>

You're a bit long on the tooth for that one. You know, how about we play a little game? For every word you speak from this point on, I'll take an inch of skin from Dane. Maybe that'll teach you to shut your mouth.

<Snipped quote by GalaxyRaider>

This guy gets it.

*My shoulders drop and I stare forward, clearly indecisive*
*Looks with worry back at the city through the new hole through the hospital*
<Snipped quote by Meta>

If they're there to wipe out the world, there's nothing to be done about it with the little manpower there seems to be, other than lose more than we have to.

They’re here for an artifact Dane found. If we can get him off the world... there’s a chance we could save everyone!
<Snipped quote by Meta>

Good guess. I recommend getting out of there pronto.

But Dane’s still in there—and all these people!
<Snipped quote by Meta>

<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

*A cylindrical device a mere few feet long drills suddenly through the roof of the hospital and anchors itself into the floor between you, encased in a wavy purple aura*

<Snipped quote by Source>

*the people within the hospital burst into a frantic panic at your attack*

So much for trying to save innocent lives. This couldve been much, much easier. But you chose to complicate things. Any lives wasted here will be on your head, girl.

*flits past the knight at full speed to the Melody, attempting to stab my amaranthine covered hand into her chest with a ferocity*

*Stares wide-eyed*
I—I didn't—
<Snipped quote by Meta>

*catches the blade between my fingertip, yawns, and points my fingers on my free hand like a gun, firing several blasts of Amaranthine through the center of its chest*

*Data drifts from the newly-created hole like water at boil, and it swings a wide arc toward you*
<Snipped quote by Meta>

*immediately sends a ball of compressed energy carrening in your direction, exploding upon contact. While you deal with that, I dash to Dane's room*

*A knightlike creature sweeps a gargantuan sword across your form, springing up from seemingly nowhere*
<Snipped quote by Meta>

*rolls my eyes, and flick you in the forehead, sending several tons of compressed energy through my finger, sending you flying*

Annoying gnat.

*Craters into the wall, data drifting from my forehead like steam and wide-eyed*
<Snipped quote by Meta>

The identical dimension seems completely the same, but itll merely be a mirror of the current one. No innocent lives will be lost.

Dane didn't say anyone was looking for him...
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