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<Snipped quote by Meta>

Hurting him isn’t on my agenda.

<Snipped quote by Server>

Now we’re on the same page.

We’re not going to. He’s not even around for us to hurt.
<Snipped quote by Server>

Because for the first time, a path to fixing everything is somewhat clear. And the cost is genuinely negligible to the gain.

<Snipped quote by Meta>

I imagine the sooner things happen, the better in your case.

Well that, but also that Data’s at his most vulnerable.
<Snipped quote by Meta>

… If he loses some data on one project out of the millions of them he has, I think he’ll live.

Great. The timing really could not be better.
<Snipped quote by Meta>

*Narrows my eyes at you, really inspecting your body language while deep in thought*

*Holds out my hands to either side*
Neither answer helps me more than the other. Might as well tell you the truth.
<Snipped quote by Meta>

One more question. And don’t lie to me. Is there anyone else with access to this backdoor?

It’s just me.
<Snipped quote by Meta>

We don’t need to argue over it. I just need you to know what I think.

So you’ll help me?
<Snipped quote by Meta>

No matter what, you’re wrong about that. I know why you feel anger toward them, but what happened to you, doesn’t invalidate them.

Melody is a straightjacket program, not an individual. It does not deserve my soul.
<Snipped quote by Server>

It doesn’t. Regardless of how she sees Melody, or what she thinks of you, Data still did experiment with souls, we know that. And Melody told us why she was having an identity crisis, and it matches up like a jigsaw puzzle with what she’s saying happened to her. You think that’s coincidence? This sucks. This all really, really sucks, and I don’t want it to be true as much as you do. But we’re never going to fix anything if we turn a blind eye to the things that hurt.

<Snipped quote by Meta>

*Looks down*

I’m done being a test subject. I’m not giving my soul up for an unfeeling piece of software.

<Snipped quote by Meta>

I don’t think I can aid in this conversation.

You don’t have to. Are you going to help me?
<Snipped quote by Meta>

… We can figure something out. My- my Dad has an ability involving souls…

*For the first time, stares at you for several moments, thinking it through before finally speaking*
Don't let him touch mine.
<Snipped quote by Meta>

“For a while”?

*The armor falls away*
I don't intend to be her prisoner forever.
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