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<Snipped quote by Meta>

I don’t think he knew… I definitely didn’t. It would have changed so much…

The important part. Can you bring them back?
<Snipped quote by Meta>

I appreciate your astuteness greatly. The predicament makes the solution very simple though.

*Turns to Rythian, first with my eyes, then with my head*
Do you have a way to restore their bodies? If your brother is a reality bender, why didn't he?
<Snipped quote by Meta>

In a manner of speaking. I never quite new he did this, since I destroy this planet when those two inevitably return, but Maelstrom kills their bodies by turning them to stone, yet leaves their minds endlessly fueled, and their souls trapped right inside those rocky tombs. He is sadistic.

That's disgusting. Senseless and cruel.
<Snipped quote by Meta>

*Nods again in the same manner*

*Inspects one of them more closely and responds with a new seriousness in my tone*
Are they conscious?
<Snipped quote by Meta>

*Gives you a single nod, by nudging my head downwards to you, holding it for a moment, then raising it back up*

Are they, er...
*Motions a thumb toward one of the statues*
<Snipped quote by Meta>

<Snipped quote by Valiance>

Take all the time you need. You deserve the satisfaction of figuring it out like I did.

Are you saying that people are alive here?
<Snipped quote by Meta>

Don’t worry about that, we’re not actually going anywhere. I said you’re already here, and I meant it. I’ll even let you lot go ahead and try to find them.

*Side-eyes Rythian*
Okay, let's see it.
<Snipped quote by Meta>

I have plans in motion for one of them. The other is quite simple. Would you like to see it, since you’re already here?

Ahhhh sure. But I've always held to the philosophy that telling someone this kind of thing is a bad omen for the one hearing it.
<Snipped quote by Meta>

Yes, I’m glad you bring that back up. I spent all this time trying to hunt down those who remained while keeping everything under wraps. I’ve long since thrown secrecy to the wind, of course, but imagine my dismay when I learned that there were not one, but two whole worlds that exist now where Tzarian people still live en masse.

*Lifts my hand with my thumb pressed against the middle phalanx of my index finger, and then drops it when I start speaking*
This... sure just got a whole lot more complicated.
<Snipped quote by Meta>

Reaching the point where diplomacy works would be a great breakthrough. A bit late for that, though. The rest of the universe wound up a lot like this… Only several years later.

It's worth a try, especially since—
*Motions to our surroundings, much like you did*
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