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<Snipped quote by Meta>

I hope his harassment hasn’t extended to them with any degree of intensity.

That's something I wish they'd be more open about. But trust takes a long time to build.
<Snipped quote by Meta>

Quite a while, yeah. You get that from context alone?

Context helps, but I get updates from family every now and then. Attaching names to faces takes time.
<Snipped quote by Meta>

He did things I’ve never seen him do before today, in just the little he actually did. I think there’s reason to reevaluate how I perceive him.

He's been a thorn in everyone's side for some time, right?
<Snipped quote by Meta>

We used to think he was small time. Just an obsessive freak from a Path world, or something of the like. It concerns me that anything he said might be true, and how much he might know and have experienced.

Do you think any of it was false?
<Snipped quote by Meta>

It used to hurt.
*Loosens my mask over my face*
It felt like we could change things for a moment, but he’d already been there and had everything he wanted to do and say prepared. It was never in reach.

I can respect a man who has his own ideals. Even deadly ones, sometimes. But not one so needlessly cruel.
<Snipped quote by Meta>

*Remains stoic through distant eyes*
It was tough to watch. But, the outcome is just that things are now the way I thought they were. And even that is better than they actually were.

*Watches with a glean of compassion on my face*
You're right, and that's the best way to look at it all. But... it's okay for it to hurt.
<Snipped quote by Meta>

*Nothing seems to impede us from leaving as I warp back the same way I took us all there*

Rythian. I'm sorry about your people.
<Snipped quote by Meta>

*Takes a deep breath as the only sign of ES left is the conflagration he left behind*
Let’s go.

*Waits for Prism to warp away first, and then gleams with a twinkling light that, when it fades, returns myself back to the remains of the snowy planet*
<Snipped quote by Meta>

I agree.
*Looks down at the shattered pebbles of a broken individual*
I don’t think there’s any other reason to stay here, now.

*Withdraws the black hole and looks for any remnants of ES*
Let's be off. They deserved rest, one way or another.
<Snipped quote by Meta>

His business is genocide… And it only stands to reason that this is the same ability Sven himself has. Which means our souls themselves are currently burning, in the most literal sense.

That... sounds like something to worry about?
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