Avatar of Metadude
  • Last Seen: 4 mos ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 489 (0.18 / day)
  • VMs: 13
  • Username history
    1. Metadude 8 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
I'd like to roll to seduce that T-Rex
6 yrs ago
Evil Dead taught me not to trust tree's
1 like
6 yrs ago
It doesn't have Lizardmen making out with Human women, 0/10
1 like
7 yrs ago
Da-na na, na, na. Another one in the trash. Another one goes and another one dies, another one in the trash.
7 yrs ago
"I can smell you."-Morgan Freeman, hunting his Prey


27yrs old, Male.

Content level
I don't do Human x Human because I roleplay to get AWAY from normalcy, not recreate it.

Have you ever
Ever felt like this?
How strange things happen
Are you going round the twist?

Most Recent Posts

I bumped so you're forced to see this thread in the list
A bump just cuz'
A little bump to scare the people who reloaded the 1x1 section
A bump because why not
I'll be roleplaying on a tablet, so replies will be a touch slow. Will be on PC when possible.

PS - My knowledge on WoW isn't absolute. I know the basics, and general world.

Female players + characters preferred, but Male players with Female characters is alright too

Adding to avoid confusion: True casual. Less than two paragraphs, sometimes a one liner

Warning: No fade to black. Includes NSFW between characters, potentially torture of all kinds depending on rp.
PS - I can do pure naughty bits if a story doesn't interest you. Pure NB is a short rp, I am not roleplaying 5hrs of NSFW each day lol.

Second warning, i'm into things no sane Human has the chance to comprehend in this lifetime, so be prepared : ) *whispers* advanced mlg hyper extreme hand holding... *coughs* and reasons God no longer speaks to Humanity

I do NOT play Human characters. Nor do I play Human like such as; Elves, Orcs, Dwarves, etc.

Places I can rp: PM's here, Discord

Plots depend on the characters. I can do crossovers with other series too.

RP Stuff

- I plan to either play a Tauren, or a Worgen
- You are welcome to play as any race you choose (including things like Forsaken if you like)
- Cross faction stuff is very okay with me, and can be interesting. Can be small scale, or large scale - both work.
When the world needed him most, they vanished.

What if I told you what
A bump since someone didn't get back to me
*Gangsters Paradise AAAAHH meme*
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