Avatar of MichiCommander


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current Oh lord, I just realized I'm about to turn 33 next month. Still feels like I should be 29. Soon I'll be getting a senior discount.
1 like
3 yrs ago
Don't mind me, just jamming to some Persona music.
5 yrs ago
Nice to have my writing motivation back between being swamped at work and things happening in my personal life. Wrapping up Persona 5 Royal has also caused me to be a LOT less distracted as well. lol
5 yrs ago
Note to self: Don't work in a financial industry (student loans) in the middle of a pandemic. Things get crazier than you would expect.
5 yrs ago
Animal Crossing and listening to the soundtrack to Heathers the musical. Hell of a juxtaposition if you ask me. XD


Hey hey!

Names Michi. I'm an early 30 something in the states; I'm an otaku and a huge nerd with a snarky disposition. Sometimes I enjoy Magic the Gathering.

I've been RPing off and on since 2008, so for a good 14 years, and when I wasn't RPing, I was still writing stories. I started out as a 1X1 RPer and I love to RP in a canon universe more so than an original idea. However, I'm not opposed to an original idea RP if I enjoy the idea. Some of my favorite canon universes are Persona, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, My Hero Academia, One Piece, and Fullmetal Alchemist.

Feel free to reach out if you want to RP! I'm not always able to post once a day as I would like, I do get distracted and sometimes fall into a funk, but I think we all can relate to that at times.

If you're looking for a writing sample, check out this RP.

Most Recent Posts

I'm interested in the original idea for Curse of the Goddess if that's still available. Oh and purple!
I would be interested in something for One Piece or MHA. Feel free to reach out via PMs so we can work on the details.


Most of my persona stuff is closed for now, but there are still other ideas. Of course, feel free to reach out with questions as well.

Oh and bump

And we're back in business folks.

After the ruckus in the kitchen had died down, Fary trailed behind the group on route 2, Emily on her shoulders. She was still feeling down from her call with Grimsley, but Lizbeth did help her feel a lot better. Why did he want to bother her after all this time and what the hell did he want? Emily sensed her trainer's dismay and whined slightly. "Zorua, aa ruua?" Hey, don't feel down. She licked her cheek, but Fary seemed.. unmoved by the gesture. She was still struggling to connect with Emily, but the affection did help her feel a bit better.

Fary realized she got behind the rest of the group but was ok with that fact, she just wanted her own space for right now. "I guess we're a bit behind the group. Here, let's take a chance and give you something to eat. Fary stopped at a stump and dug out someone her handmade Pokemon food. It was high-grade food that would give any Pokemon the needed nutrients they needed. She was about to give Emily some when a wild Mankey swooping in to steal the food and jumped on a nearby tree branch to chow down. After a bite, the Mankey's ear perked up and he shuffled back over to Fary after scarfing down the stolen treat.

Fary laughed softly, "Seems like you liked my cooking. You know, you can have more IF you come on my journey with me. I'll be more than happy to give you more if you get into this Pokeball." Fary pulled out some of her Pokemon treats and a Pokeball. The mankey shifted over to her and sniffed the treat than the ball, clearly thinking and understanding what was going on. "Mankey? Manmanmankey!" Food? Smells like GOOD food! Fary giggled and offered the Mankey a treat, watching him scarf it down quickly then looked at her for more. "If you want more, you'll need to agree to join me. I'll take good care of you, I promise." She offered the mankey the Pokeball and pulled out her Pokedex, scanning him.

The Mankey sniffed the ball again the pressed the button with his nose, letting the light pull him into the ball without a fight, the light instantly clicking off when he was inside. "We have another member of our team." Emily was hiding from the mankey until it was inside of the bull, but as soon as Fary let him out again, she hid. "Zorua, ruruzorua zorua!" Hey, that thing looks scary. The mankey cuddled up to Fary, begging for another treat until Fary give one to him. "Mankey, KEYKEYKEY." You're nice and have tasty food!

Fary thought for a moment on the mankey's name. "Hmmm I think I'll call you Mongo. How does that sound? Mongo didn't seem to care and only munched away at the treat she gave him, Emily eating her own lunch while eyeing the mankey. After a few minutes of snacking, Fary started to walk back to the group again, managing to be only a few feet away after 10 minutes of fast walking, Mongo right behind her, looking around and staying close to Fary as they went.
@KimchiFeel free to shoot me a DM in what you're interested in and we can go from there.

Welcome to my RP corner dear readers.

I'm your host Michi, an appreciator of RPs big and small. If you're here it surely must mean you're looking for an RP partner. Well, in that case, a proper introduction is in order. Feel free to read on at your leisure and if you have any questions, please, don't hesitate to ask. You are my guest after all.

About Me

I'm a 30 something-year-old who has been RPing off and on for 15 years. Between that time I have also been writing and crafting my own stories. I'm on the west coast, so I'm still up when the east coast is asleep. I also work a full 40-hour job Mon-Fri, the normal 9-5 hours if you will. I do at least try to post once a week, if not every day depending. There are days when I'm mentally wiped from work or I get distracted with something.

My expectations for grammar and length aren't too stringent. I understand the mistakes will happen, but I do ask that I can still understand what you're trying to say. I'm on the casual/advanced side, so I normally post about 3-5 paragraph length posts depending on the situation. Of course, there are times when longer or shorter posts happen, so it's not a rule that's set in stone. I do ask that posts be made in the third person. I also won't hassle you for a post, I might check in with you, but I won't ask you to post. As for the story, I ask that my partner helps me build the story and in some cases the world, and please no overpowered characters unless the story calls for it.

I'm not the kind of RPer that will shy away from gory, explicit, or harsher themes and moments in RP; I do understand that not everyone is looking for that kind of story crafting. For the reasons listed previously, I'm looking for 18+ partners only, in fact, I would prefer 21+ as I like to go REALLY dark with my stories sometimes. Also, I do enjoy talking to my RP partner in OOC to either get to know them or just to talk about RP things. As for the smut vs story ratio, I'm fine with pure smut or story with smut, I just can't write dominate, and would ask all characters to be 18+. I love OCs with fandom RPs, it's what a prefer in fact but original ideas are super ok as well, so don't be afraid to ask.

When it comes to doubling up, I'm more than ok with it. I want my partner to be able to play out whatever story they want as well, so multiple OCs are fine by me! I prefer MxF relationships where I fill the role of the female, but that doesn't mean I'm not willing to RP something else or playing doubles so we can both get what we want, so feel free to ask! I don't mind playing male or female roles, I just draw the line RPing with futa so please don't ask.

If there's something you really don't want to do or you don't like something in the RP, please let me know, I'm would rather know and make adjustments than have my partner be uncomfortable or unhappy. The same rule applies if you're just not into the RP anymore. Please let me know, I'd be more disappointed if someone just ghosts me because they weren't into the RP anymore. Make sure when you PM me, you include the word stroopwafel. If I don't see that in the PM, I'm going to assume you didn't read everything, and I'll ignore the PM. Sorry to be strict but I've been ghosted way too much, and have had people ask for things I stated I wasn't into in my interest check.

If something's come up and you don't feel like RPing or life got in the way but you want to keep RPing, just let me know. I'm super understanding when it comes to that. If I hear nothing for like 2+ weeks, I'm gonna assume I've been ghosted and archive the RP.

With all of that out of the way, feel free to drop me a PM if you're interested in any story ideas. See ya out there RP friends.

Non-Fandom Ideas
If you have any ideas that fall under this category, feel free to run them past me! I'm always open to them!

Please make sure to read my about me section before you reach out to make sure I'm the kind of partner you're looking for.

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