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    1. Mikael Sisko 11 yrs ago


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Revan's Exile: don't bother. I read your behavior in another thread.
Ummm.. I'll see what I can do.
well good. I'm glad I could supply a little post dinner suprise in the form of a post.
Captain’s Log Stardate: 43849.5 said
The Enterprise is currently in orbit of Dorvan V, a planet near the Cardaissian/Federation border currently located in the demilitarize zone. Subspace reports indicate the presence of a highly infectious and deadly virus that has taken the colonist by surprise and hit them hard. Causalities are mounting and the Enterprise has been order to the Dorvan system in order to render medical attention. I have contacted the Cardassian Government with out intent to enter the DMZ, and they have agreed to allow us passage, under the condition that a Cardassian starship captained by Gul Marketh, accompany and escort the Enterprise. I have agreed to this stipulation in the name of diplomacy, but expect some raised tension with the Cardassian presence so far in the Federation sector of the DMZ.

Picard walked out onto his bridge, observing the usual exchange of officer places as he stepped onto the bridge. Riker rose up out of the command chair, making no ceremony of handing over control of the ship, which was fine by Picard. Their relationship is well established, and he didn’t feel the need for the formality any longer. Riker was like his right hand, a trusted and influential voice when it came to matters of the ship, with enough experience and raw talent to warrant a starship of his own. Picard leveled his eyes on his friend as he approached the bridge.

“Number one, report,”

Riker, having been fully briefed on the situation on the planet below, a blue orb that turned slowly at the moment on the enterprise’s forward view screen, Commander Riker immediately chimed in with his report. “Captain, we received word about ten minutes ago that the lab has been successfully cleansed, with quarantine fields established around the facility. Shield modulation has been send to O’Brien in transporter room two. Dr. Crusher is requesting that all members of the away team report to sick bay for a boost to their immune systems before heading down to the planet. All equipment is functional.” The report was a succinct as Riker could make it, professional. Always when on the bridge, addressing the captain.

“And with our Cardassian friends out there?” Picard quizzed, turning his attention to the shifting view screen, a pair of Cardassian Galor-class cruisers sat in formation off the Enterprise’s starboard bow. The Cardassians had been quiet to this point, having simply established flanking speed on the trip over, and sending not much comm traffic that he was aware of since they arrived at the planet nearly sixteen hours earlier. Picard never really thought much of them, but having two battleships sitting off his bow always left Picard on edge, even if they are inferior to the Enterprise. One could never account for the luck of an enemy, and Picard wasn’t exactly sure what stance the Cardassian’s were taking here: friend or foe.

“No change sir. They’re just sitting there,” Riker responded.

“Thank you commander. I’d like you and Mr. Worf to go ahead and report down to sick bay,” Picard said as he pulled at the bottom of his tunic, before settling himself down into his command chair, leaning himself back to make himself comfortable. The medical crisis was Dr. Crusher’s problem, one that he knew the good doctor was up to handling, the Cardassians in front of him, the question of their presence here, that was his puzzle to solve. And he had to solve it in a way that didn’t turn a humanitarian effort into an all out war with the Cardassian Union.

“Oh, and Number One,” Picard started, standing up and looking towards the turbolift, Riker stopping in his tracks at Picard’s voice. “Have Dr. Crusher report to the bridge when she’s finished with you two,” He spoke, acknowledging Riker’s “Aye sir,” with a crisp nod of his head, and his eyes trained on the Ensign who sat at the ship’s helm. The boy was young, a recent graduate from the academy, picked up at the last shore leave at Starbase 12. Picard hadn’t yet managed to even learn the young man’s name.


“Forester sir,” the young man spoke as he turned around in his chair, standing with his hands in one another, tucked behind him.

“Ensign Forester, thank you. Maintain orbit. I’ll be in my ready room if anything should change,” he spoke, and again stood up from his chair, taking one last look at the Cardassian starships in the forward viewer, then stepped back towards his ready room, to puzzle out the Cardassians, and this plague.
If you don't mind, i'd gladly start us off.
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