A P P E A R A N C E The appearance of a plague doctor always brings a sense of bad omens. The recognizable silhouette itself is usually enough to drive fear into others, but it's the details that stick with those who see such figures. The multitudes of pockets, pouches, and sashes for miscellaneous medicinal and chemical equipment decorate the body. The outfit is made of both cloth and machine, which doesn't make the wearer too sturdy but allows for freedom of movement and offers protection from diseases and pathogens. The iconic mask is made entirely of metal, and allows the wearer to breathe even within areas with harsh airs and environments. The eyes give off a constant glow, and the light almost always stays on unless stealth is absolutely required.
So, it may be surprising for others to hear such a cheery voice emanate from within the mask whenever Gallus speaks. Underneath the outfit lies an innocent-looking young man, with wide green eyes and tousled medium-length brown hair. He stands at around six feet tall, but without the outfit his height doesn't seem intimidating at all. He's incredibly thin and lean, to the point that he's borderline gangly-looking, but his perfect posture helps to offset that. His light skin tone suggests that his skin rarely ever felt the rays of the sun in his past life, likely meaning he wore his outfit quite often, perhaps even unhealthily so.
B I O G R A P H Y Gallus Sintain, it's a name he almost wishes he didn't remember. At the very least, he believes it's his name, as the words Property of G. Sintain lay etched on the inside of his mask. While it's entirely possible that he stole it, the few fragments of his memories that he still retains would suggest otherwise. He was a scholar, perhaps one that was interested in magic considering his knack with Datacores. He doesn't remember much of what he learned and studied during his career, but what he does remember absolutely chills him. He remember corpses, surgery, and experimentation of a sorts. He remembers the feeling of absolute dread, but it felt more like it was in the air and not coming from him per se. The minor clues from his memories and the attire he wears makes him believe that he did unspeakable things to the bodies of the dead. It is all something he'd like to permanently forget, and he is thankful that the process of becoming one of the Fatefallen has hastened the progress in that regard. And yet...he can't seem to bring himself to discard his outfit. For him, there is a certain sickly comfortableness in wearing it.
P E R S O N A L I T Y Outwardly cheerful and eager, Gallus is always ready to be the first to put one foot in front of the other. He is almost gleefully friendly towards others, and has a propensity to laugh even when the situation doesn't call for it. He has an insatiable curiosity and thirst for knowledge, and this new world that he finds himself in is practically ripe for exploring and studying. His amicable disposition doesn't make him a pushover however, and he will firmly stand his ground in both social and physical conflicts. He isn't a front line fighter by any means, but he will use all abilities at his disposal to overcome his foes, causing want destruction with Datacores when openings are revealed and supporting allies when necessary. When pushed into a corner, a surprisingly bloodthirsty and violent side comes out of him, or perhaps, it was always there, biding its time and waiting to emerge. Though he will revert back to "normal" once the situation's been sorted out and he's given room to breathe once again. As for what he thinks of his new duty, he's glad to take it on and face off against the Abyssal Void. After all, he's been stuck in one place for ages, so why wouldn't he want to embrace this journey? Moving forward is much more desirable than being forced to stay in place and dwell on situations, both the current and past.
E Q U I P M E N T ⟡ <Scalpel><A lethally sharp blade that's usually only used in surgical operations, making it more efficient in slashing attacks rather than for stabbing. Gallus doesn't like to use it, but when in his hand, it just feels right.>
⟡ <Plague Doctor Attire><The strange and terrifying outfit Gallus woke up in. It's seen its fair share of use, but it's still a viable, if somewhat flimsy armor set. It offers protection against diseases, pathogens, and harmful air.>
M I S C ⟡ <Partial Music Sheet><A ripped sheet of music Gallus found in his pocket that only has a few notes for an unfinished song. He hums the minor verse on occasion, and sometimes feels like he can continue it, but something always seems to block off the last few notes from playing out in his mind.>