Name: Desmond
Age: 15
Gender: Male

Personality: Desmond is sociopath with no understanding of human emotion, and lacks any feeling of empathy. He would double cross and lie to anyone for his own selfish gain. Desmond feels superior to almost all around him, and those his considers a threat to him he harbors a vast hatred for.
He has very adept intelligence and is capable of outwitting almost every opponent he faces, hatching plans within plans to seal their fate with death's embrace. If he cared to do so he would make a brilliant strategist or general though he lacks leadership qualities.
History: Desmond was only a baby when his village was torn apart and burned to the ground by a large group of marauders, resulting in him being taken to refugee camp during infancy. From the time it took for a newborn child to mature into a four year old, the group of refugees had transformed their lowly camp into small collection of straw houses that could loosely be called a settlement. Around fifty people resided in the houses all together, and they were about as closely knit as you could get. Desmond was friends with few other small children in the settlement; but in particular a boy named Edward. Desmond and Edward had alot in common, they were both among the strongest and fastest out of the children, they both enjoyed the same games, they got along quite well; even if Desmond was a little rough sometimes.
Edward and Desmond developed into something you might call partners in crime as they got a little older, they'd always be the perpetrators of minor crime around the now small hamlet, The two ten year old boys became rather infamous around the village as troublemakers.
Things began to change though, the boys were always told never to leave farther than eye sight of the village by the Elders; who knew what was beyond the treeline of the village was nothing good. But Desmond didn't care much for the orders of some old man, and he snuck out of the village during the late hours of night to explore the small forest just beyond the village. The sights he saw were strange and exciting, and he lost track of time. He had to rush back inn order to climb into bed before first light.
He got better at doing these nighttime trips, which was basically a necessity for a habit he had developed; killing small animals. He didn't really know how to explain it, even to himself. But he had a need for control and power, and with no other way to feel that; this was his solution. It got to a point where he was daring the trips during the day, all the while lying about where he was going. Desmond had gotten very good at lying after a few tries at it, it just came very easily to him. He even managed to keep this a secret from Edward, managing very convincing lies to cover his tracks.
This continued on for a number of years, and Desmond began to notice that he was different than all the other people in his village. He would see them smile or laugh, and wonder how it might feel to experience that. Whenever he was put into a situation where he was supposed to be happy or sad, he would just fake the feeling for appearances. He concluded that something must be wrong with the villagers, because he was obviously superior to them. Desmond felt that he was smarter than anyone in the settlement, and that he was capable of far more. He began killing bigger animals in the forest, sometimes things as big as a deer. He had been given a small blade by an elder on his fourteenth birthday which was a tradition within the village walls, and that's what he used to satisfy his urge to feel control and superiority.
Edward began to feel suspicious of Desmond's behavior around the time they were fifteen, Desmond would often leave his responsibilities to take a trip outside the village. Few seemed to notice or care, but Edward decided to follow him on one of his departures.
Desmond walked through the forest, looking for something to kill. He stalked around for a few minutes, letting his keen senses search for something worthy of him. Finally he saw the fur of a doe through the foliage and set his sights on it, Edward watching from behind a nearby tree. Once Desmond caught the doe, he struggled to tie it down and keep it secure before pulling out his blade from inside his cloak. To Edwards horror, Desmond began torturing the animal. It didn't take long for Edward to reveal himself to stop the animals suffering.
Upon realizing that someone had been eavesdropping on his private ritual, Desmond felt exposed and infuriated; one of the only times he's really felt anything at all. Desmond slashed at his friend before Edward could even defend himself, and his guts spilled onto the forest floor. Desmond had never felt so alive in his life, the feeling of power that he experienced was thoroughly addictive. He simply left the body in the woods since everyone in the village was too scared to venture much farther than the walls.
Desmond knew it was only a matter of time before someone noticed Edwards disappearance and he was tired of the close minded, primitive attitude of the village elders. That night he gathered all he had and placed it into a rucksack, Donned his cloak, strapped his sword on, and heading back through the woods and past his former friend's corpse. But this time he didn't turn back.
Holdings: Desmond has a shortsword and a black travelers cloak, basic food and water, and a small ring taken from the body of Edward.
Journey: Having just recently left his restricting village, Desmond's current goal is to travel around the land and discover what the real world is really like. Although his first priority is finding somewhere to temporarily stay.
Ideals: Desmond embodies control and greed, he is a self motivating individual who doesn't rely on the values of comradeship or support; in fact he believes in nihilism. His view on life puts its value at almost worthless, it's only use being his plaything.